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Nord-du-Québec (admeenistrative region)
Nord-du-Québec (admeenistrative region)
Coordinates: 56°10′N 74°25′W / 56.167°N 74.417°W / 56.167; -74.417[1][2]
Kintra Canada
Province Quebec
 • Laund747161.22 km2 (288,480.56 sq mi)
 • Total42,579
 • Density0.1/km2 (0.3/sq mi)
 • Chynge (2006–11)
 • Dwellins

Nord-du-Québec (French pronunciation: ​[nɔʁ dy kebɛk]; Inglis: Northern Quebec, Scots: Northren Quebec) is the lairgest o the seiventeen admeenistrative regions o Quebec, Canadae. Wi nearly 750,000 square kilometre (290,000 sq mi) o land aurie, an vera extensive lakes an rivers, it covers hintle o the Labrador Peninsulae an aboot 55% o the tot land surface aurie o Quebec an is lairger than the U.S. state o Texas.

Afore 1912, the northmoaist pairt o this region wis kent as the Ungava Destrict o the Northwast Territories, an till 1987 it wis referred tae as Nouveau-Québec, or New Quebec. It is bordered bi Hudson Bay an James Bay in the wast, Hudson Strait an Ungava Bay in the north, Labrador in the northeast, an the admeenistrative regions o Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Mauricie, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, an Côte-Nord in the sooth an sootheast.

The Nord-du-Québec region is pairt o the territory covered bi the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement o 1975; ither regions covered (in pairt) bi this greement include Côte-Nord, Mauricie an Abitibi-Témiscamingue admeenistrative regions.


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Nord-du-Québec region is dividit for statistical an ither purposes intae three territories equivalent tae a regional coonty municipality:

  • Jamésie sooth o the 55t parallel
  • Kativik north o the 55t parallel, predominantly Inuit
  • Eeyou Istchee (scattered enclaves athin the abuin twa), Cree

The territory north o the 55t parallel is referred tae as Nunavik an aw.

Frae the Canadae 2011 Census, Eeyou Istchee haes a land aurie o 5,586.25 km2 an a population o 16,350; Jamésie haes a land aurie o 298,202.78 km2 an a population o 14,139; Kativik haes a land aurie o 443372.20 km2 an a population o 12,090. Housomeivver, when the Grand Cooncil o the Crees speaks o "Eeyou Istchee", thay refer tae a hintle lairger an contiguous traditional territory an hameland that covers hintle o Jamésie.

The maist populous commonty oweraw is the ceety o Chibougamau, which is in Jamésie; the maist populous commonty in Eeyou Istchee is Chisasibi; the maist populous commonty in Kativik is Kuujjuaq.

Jamésie, which extends frae the eastren shore o James Bay tae the Otish Mountains o the Laurentian Plateau, is mainly boreal forest. Nearly aw o the Eeyou Istchee territory is enclavit athin Jamésie an therefore seemilar, awtho ane commonty is slichtly tae the north o the 55t parallel. Kativik haes some boreal forest in its soothren portion but is mainly tundra which covers the entire Ungava Peninsulae.

Population an local govrenment

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The 42,579 indwallers o Nord-du-Québec as o the 2011 census include aboot 16,000 Cree an aboot 12,000 Inuit. The remainin population, concentratit in the sooth, are mainly o European strynd.

The admeenistrative structur o Nord-du-Québec is dividit atween 2 native semi-autonomous govrenments an 5 municipalities. The Cree Regional Authority, which in practice haes been incorporatit intae the Grand Cooncil o the Crees, represents aw 9 Cree veelages o northren Quebec in a territory offeecially kent syne 2007 as Eeyou Istchee ("The Fowk Land"). The Kativik Regional Govrenment affers local services tae aw residents o the 14 veelages o the Nunavik region, baith Inuit an nan-Inuit, wi the exception o the Cree veelage o Whapmagoostui whose residents pairticipate in the Cree Regional Authority. The lairgest o the 5 municipalities is Baie-James, amaist entirely coverin the Jamésie Territory.

The principal touns an veelages o Nord-du-Québec are Chibougamau (lairgest toun in this region), Chisasibi, Mistissini an Kuujjuaq. Awtho less populous, Nemaska is significant as the admeenistrative centre o Eeyou Istchee.

Transportation an access

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Thare is a limitit netwirk o roads in the Jamésie region which reaches maist o the few, sma commonties. Maist wur constructit as pairt o the James Bay Project. The "main road" o the region is the 620 kilometre (390 mi) lang James Bay Road, a pavit (albeit remote) extension o Route 109 frae Matagami tae Radisson. The 407 kilometre (253 mi) lang gravel Route du Nord connects the James Bay Road tae Route 167 near Chibougamau. The 666 kilometre (414 mi) gravel Trans-Taiga Road branches aff the James Bay Road tae Caniapiscau, the northmoaist connectin road in eastren North Americae.

The few provincial routes are concentratit in the far sooth o the region, includin Route 109 tae Matagami, Route 113, which ends near Chibougamau, an Route 167 tae Mistissini.

Thare are nae roads tae Nunavik frae the sooth. Thare are isolatit roads in an aroond veelages, as well as an isolatit road runnin frae the Raglan Mines taeDeception Bay, connectin tae Salluit. Access is limitit tae air traivel, sea traivel tae coastal auries, or hikin great distances. Aw veelages hae thair awn airport, wi the Kuujjuaq Airport functionin as a regional hub.

Geografic hierarchy o census diveesion

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E/J/K? Name Type Population
uisual res.
2499883 K Akulivik TI 0 0 0 0 445.73
2499125 K Akulivik VN 615 507 148 137 76.87
2499891 K Aupaluk TI 0 0 0 0 544.03
2499105 K Aupaluk VN 195 174 59 56 30.12
2499060 J Baie-James 1303 1394 701 591 297332.84
2499904 K Baie-d'Hudson NO 0 16 0 0 129712.09
2499020 J Chapais V 1610 1630 728 674 63.64
2499025 J Chibougamau V 7541 7563 3474 3222 699.31
2499055 E Chisasibi VC 0 0 0 0 491.63
2499814 E Chisasibi TC 4484 3972 1050 923 828.18
2499045 E Eastmain VC 0 0 0 0 316.91
2499810 E Eastmain TC 767 650 226 188 147.47
2499879 K Inukjuak TI 0 0 0 0 428.39
2499085 K Inukjuak VN 1597 1597 444 413 55.63
2499140 K Ivujivik VN 370 349 91 86 35.21
2499894 K Kangiqsualujjuaq TI 0 0 0 0 538.42
2499090 K Kangiqsualujjuaq VN 874 735 191 185 35.05
2499888 K Kangiqsujuaq TI 0 0 0 0 572.62
2499130 K Kangiqsujuaq VN 696 605 174 170 12.56
2499890 K Kangirsuk TI 0 0 0 0 529.40
2499110 K Kangirsuk VN 549 466 163 160 57.26
2499065 K Kawawachikamach VK 0 0 0 0 242.09
2499893 K Kuujjuaq TI 0 0 0 0 320.80
2499095 K Kuujjuaq VN 2375 2132 925 799 292.72
2499877 K Kuujjuarapik TI 0 0 0 0 293.66
2499075 K Kuujjuarapik VN 657 568 204 189 8.16
2499005 J Lebel-sur-Quévillon V 2159 2729 1111 917 40.14
2499015 J Matagami V 1526 1555 719 625 66.85
2499030 E Mistissini VC 0 0 0 0 514.30
2499804 E Mistissini TC 3427 2897 952 845 865.76
2499040 E Nemaska VC 0 0 0 0 51.18
2499808 E Nemaska TC 712 642 226 200 96.57
2499818 E Oujé-Bougoumou S-É 725 606 251 183 2.54
2499120 K Puvirnituq VN 1692 1457 489 389 85.74
2499889 K Quaqtaq TI 0 0 0 0 523.83
2499115 K Quaqtaq VN 376 315 91 89 26.54
2499902 K Rivière-Koksoak NO 0 15 0 0 307039.90
2499887 K Salluit TI 0 0 0 0 596.84
2499135 K Salluit VN 1347 1241 315 299 14.39
2499892 K Tasiujaq TI 0 0 0 0 502.11
2499100 K Tasiujaq VN 303 248 72 72 66.54
2499878 K Umiujaq TI 0 0 0 0 257.78
2499080 K Umiujaq VN 444 390 104 94 27.72
2499035 E Waskaganish VC 0 0 0 0 277.76
2499806 E Waskaganish TC 2206 1864 496 467 505.37
2499010 E Waswanipi VC 0 0 0 0 211.52
2499802 E Waswanipi TC 1777 1473 513 413 415.64
2499050 E Wemindji VC 0 0 0 0 171.06
2499812 E Wemindji TC 1378 1215 377 333 377.95
2499070 E Whapmagoostui VC 0 0 0 0 122.53
2499816 E Whapmagoostui TC 874 812 221 206 189.88
Nord-du-Québec CD 42579 39817 14515 12925 747161.22
E Eeyou Istchee TE 16350 14131 4312 3758 5586.25
J Jamésie TE 14139 14871 6733 6029 298202.78
K Kativik TE 12090 10815 3470 3138 443372.20

In the richtmaist column, summed up aurie adds up tae 747161.23 rather than the correct 747161.22 due tae roondin error.


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Regional Govrenment

Independent Ceeties

Native Reserve

Cree Veelages

Major commonties

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See an aw

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  1. Reference number 227457 of the Commission de toponymie du Québec (in French)
  2. Reference number 291342 of the Commission de toponymie du Québec (in French)
  3. a b "(Code 2499) Census Profile". 2011 census. Statistics Canada. 2012.
  4. Nord-du-Québec (Census division)

Freemit airtins

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Template:Admeenistrative diveesions o Quebec region Template:Subdiveesions of Quebec