Hudson Bay

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Hudson Bay
Hudson Bay, Canadae
LocationNorth Americae
Coordinates60°N 085°W / 60°N 85°W / 60; -85 (Hudson Bay)Coordinates: 60°N 085°W / 60°N 85°W / 60; -85 (Hudson Bay)
Ocean/sea sourcesNorth Atlantic Ocean
Basin kintrasCanada, Unitit States
Max. lenth1,370 km (851.28 mi)
Max. weenth1,050 km (652.44 mi)
1,230,000 km2 (470,000 sq mi)
Average deepth100 metre (330 ft)
Frozenmid-December tae mid-Juin
IslandsBelcher Islands,
Ottawa Islands

Hudson Bay (Inuktitut: Kangiqsualuk ilua,[1] French: baie d'Hudson), whiles (uisually heestorically) cried Hudson's Bay, is a muckle body o sautwatter in northeastren Canadae, wi a surface aurie o 1,230,000 square kilometre (470,000 sq mi).


[eedit | eedit soorce]
  1. "". Archived frae the original on 20 Januar 2012. Retrieved 7 Mairch 2016.