George Lucas

Njuškii navigistmân Njuškii ucâmân
George Lucas
Šoddâm vyesimáánu 14. peeivi 1944 (ahe 80)
Modesto, Kalifornia, Ovtâstum staatah
Aalmugjeessânvuotâ Ovtâstumstaatâlâš
Aktiivlâžžân 1965–
Merhâšittee tyejeh Star Wars (1977)
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Pyeremuu stivrim Oscar-palhâšume

Pyeremuu stivrim Golden Globe -palhâšume

Pelikyeimi Marcia Griffin (vihkâm 1969, näimi-iäránem 1983)
Mellody Hobson (vihkâm 2013)
Párnááh 4
IMDb-sijđo IMDb

George Walton Lucas Jr. (š. vyesimáánu 14. peeivi 1944, Modesto, Kalifornia, Ovtâstum staatah) lii ovtâstumstaatâlâš stivrejeijee, pyevtitteijee já kietâčällee. Sun lii tobdos Star Wars -elleekuuvijn já Indiana Jones -elleekuuvij pyevtitteijen. Sun lii Lucasfilm-pyevtittâsfinnoduv vuáđudeijee.


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George Walton Lucas Jr. šoodâi vyesimáánu 14. peeivi 1944 Modestost Kaliforniast George já Dorothy Lucas perrui. Nuorrân Lucas rähistij autoid já halijdij šoddâđ kištovyeijen. Sun uásálistij jođálmittemkištoid. Lucas juuđij Downey High School, kost suu árvusäänih iä lamaš uáli pyereh. Kesimáánust 1962 Lucas lâi autopäärtist já kaartâi luoppâđ kištovyeijee karrieerist.


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Lucas juuđij Modesto Junior College, kost sun kiäsuttui elleekuuvijn. Sun joođhij uápuid Kalifornia ollâopâttuv elleekoveškoovlâst já ááigui elleekovesuárgán. Uápui ääigi Lucas raahtij uánihisfiilmâid. Sun finnij Warner Brothers -stipend já uápásmij stivrejeijee Francis Ford Coppolan. Lucas já Coppola vuáđudáin San Franciscost ohtâsii pyevtittâsfinnoduv American Zoetrope. Suoi halijdáin rähtiđ elleekuuvijd Hollywood studiovuáháduv ulguubeln, mon áánsust sunnust ličij stuárráb kreatiivlâš rijjâvuotâ. Finnoduv vuossâmuš elleekove lâi THX 1138 (1969). Ive 1970 Lucas kuvvij uási Rolling Stones -dokumentist Gimme Shelter. Coppola já Lucas ovtâspargo nuuvâi ive 1971, ko Coppola rähtiškuođij The Godfather já Lucas vuáđudij Lucasfilm.

Lucas nubbe elleekove lâi American Graffiti (1973), mii kuvvij koidâ nuorâid ive 1962 Ovtâstum staatâin. Elleekove budjet lâi tuše 780 000 dollarid, mut tot puovtâdij Ovtâstum staatâin paijeel 100 miljovn dollarid. Tot finnij Golden Globe -palhâšume já vittâ Oscar-iävtukkâsvuođâ. American Graffiti miänástus áánsust Lucas puovtij ruttâdiđ Star Wars. Sun vuáđudij ive 1975 Industrial Light & Magic -finnoduv. Star Wars lâi Lucas čäällim já stivrim maainâs galaksij koskâsijn tuáruin. Elleekove lâi stuorrâ miänástus já tot vuoitij čiččâm Oscar-palhâšummeed. Lucas čaalij elleekován kyehti jotkâuási, The Empire Strikes Back (1980) já Return of the Jedi (1983). Star Wars -elleekoverááiđu maŋa Lucas vuájudâđâi pyevtitmân. Sun pyevtittij ovdâmerkkân Steven Spielberg Indiana Jones -rááiđu.

Ive 1994 rääjist Lucas kietâčaalij kulmâ uđđâ Star Wars -elleekove. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace almostui ive 1999 já lâi Lucas vuossâmuš stivrim ive 1977 maŋa. Lucas stivrij meid jotkâoosijd Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) já Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005). Puoh elleekoveh lijjii miänástusah vyebdim tááhust. Lucas pyevtittij niäljád Indiana Jones -elleekove Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) sehe elleekove Red Tails (2012). Sun lâi meid fáárust rähtimin kyehti animaatiorááiđu Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003–2005) já Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008–2013).

Walt Disney Company oostij Lucas vuáđudem Lucasfilm ive 2012 já lii tast maŋa pyevtittâm ovdâmerkkân čiččâd, káávcád já oovcád Star Wars -elleekove.

Lucas finnij Ovtâstum staatâi elleekoveinstituut eellimpargopalhâšume ive 2005.


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Ihe Nommâ
1971 THX 1138
1973 American Graffiti
1977 Star Wars
1999 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
2002 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
2005 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


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Ihe Nommâ
1977 Star Wars
1979 More American Graffiti
1989 Kagemusha
1980 The Empire Strikes Back
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark
1983 Return of the Jedi
1983 Twice Upon a Time
1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
1985 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
1986 Howard the Duck
1988 Willow
1988 Tucker: The Man and His Dream
1988 The Land Before Time
1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1994 Radioland Murders
1999 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
2002 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
2005 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
2008 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars
2012 Red Tails
2015 Strange Magic


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Ihe Nommâ
1971 THX 1138
1973 American Graffiti
1977 Star Wars
1983 Return of the Jedi
1999 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
2002 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
2005 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


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