Yun Seon-do

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Yun Seon-do (Korean: 윤선도; June 22, 1587 – June 11, 1671) was a Korean politician, philosopher, and poet during the Joseon Dynasty. He was also called Gosan (고산, 孤山), Haeong (해옹, 海翁), or Yaki (약이, 約而).

  • Gosanseonsaengyugo (고산선생유고, 孤山先生遺稿)
  • Byeoljip (별집, 別集)
  • Yakhwaje (약화제, 藥和劑)
  • Seonchangyak (선창약, 癬瘡藥)
  • Hwaechungyak (회충약, 蛔蟲藥)
  • Haesuyak (해수약, 咳嗽藥)
  • Bokhaksinbang (복학신방, 腹학神方)
  • Uyeoksinbang (우역신방, 牛疫神方)
  • Oseonjubang (오선주방, 五仙酒方)
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