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Ƿascisce hleaperas

Ƿascas (Ƿascisce: euskaldunak) sind mægð sēo onƿuniend norðern Spēonland and sūþƿestern Francland, on Pireni beorgum and þǣm sǣrīme, sƿylc landscipe is Ƿascenaland. Þis land is on Spēnum in hiera underrīcum Nafarre and Ƿascisc Land.

Ƿascisc sprǣc is ealfela eald gereord and næfþ sibb on eallum Europan agensprǣcum forþǣm þe heo ƿæs on manna tungum ær cƿom hider eall Indo-Europisca gereordas.