User talk:Wakka

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it was an accident!

ok... care to explain how pages were accidentally completely wiped and accidentally replaced with things like "biology is a girly subject"? Not that I don't believe you, I'm just curious. -- Tarquin 19:35, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

I didnt think it would actually replace the section i figured that there would be security in place...i wrote the text on pupose but didnt actually think it would overwrite the sections

Well it does. AND YOU@VE JSUT DONE IT AGAIN! Astronomy and astrophysics. Please stop it. -- Tarquin 19:39, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

that wasn't me!...I SWEAR!

click the link called "Recent changes". That is how I can see it *was* you. -- Tarquin 19:43, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

thats the other wakka...not me...noob

Oh, yes, sure. In any case - you're welcome on Wikipedia if you want to help out and add to, expand and correct the articles we have, but if all you want to do is vandalizing things, *please*, go away. -- Schnee 19:46, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

there *is* only one user named "wakka". And what Schnee says. -- Tarquin 19:47, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

k ill stop....sorry guys....but how do u keep this from happening all the time?

This site attracts mainly people who want to be helpful. Jfeckstein 19:52, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

right but you've never had anyone do this before? This is the first day in my lifetime that i've know wiki existed...and i found out quickly how easy it is to mess with.

Being easy to mess with (in a good way) is the point of Wikipedia. I hope you've also found out how pointless it is to try to vandalize, though. -- Schnee 19:57, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

hardly pointless...i just had like 20 mins worth of fun and laughs....and you have to keep on top of this. Imagine if i had registerd with a different name, and just made some simple changes...not drastic ones such as deleting a whole section....imgain if this were a high traffic site and there were thousands of people making changes every would you keep that under couldnt...this only works in small communities....expand it any further and you'll just have chaos. This will go no where. And who would trust an encyclopedia that can be edited by ANYONE? Last time I checked I dont have a degree in any kind of medical feild, but if i seem to have some legitimate input, then i can add it freely. Despite the fact that I could be COMPLETELY wrong. And i know you can take it off if its wrong but what about in the mean time when poor joe schmoe is doing a paper and looks up some disease and it says something completely wrong? This is such a waste of your time!

Hardly. If there are thousands of people editing there are thousands of people checking edits. When we started we had maybe a few dozen edits a day. Now we have multiple edits every minute. Vandalism as a percent of total edits has, in fact, gone down, not up in that time. We have many features such as "Watch this page" and "Related changes" to sort recent edits. It works very well. --mav you have to have a mod for every person making changes?....a cop for every citizen?...nice i like that!

We don't need a cop for every citizen, since people who want to go wiki "joyriding" like yourself tend to get bored pretty quickly. Joyriders are vastly outnumbered by true wikipedian's acting in good faith. You, my friend, are the one wasting your time, not us. What makes you have such faith that other encyclopedias don't have the same problem of "COMPLETELY wrong" material in them at this very minute? Wikipedia's no different from them in principle, and in fact it is more likely that errors will be found sooner than in a traditional encyclopedia, because we have a massively parallel "peer-review" system that puts a traditional encyclopedia to shame. -- Lexor 23:12, 13 Aug 2003 (UTC)

You don't need a cop for every citizen if the majority of citizens can act as cops if need be. and if you got 20 minutes of fun out of doing this, then you're lucky to be so easily amused in life -- Tarquin 09:10, 14 Aug 2003 (UTC)

[What makes you have such faith that other encyclopedias don't have the same problem of "COMPLETELY wrong" material in them at this very minute?]

well my friend those encyclopedias....CAN' edited by ANYONE. They have standards where as you wikipedians(rofl) do not. Those sites are paid for, and have reputable names...unlike wikipedia

[and if you got 20 minutes of fun out of doing this, then you're lucky to be so easily amused in life]

someone needs to take the stick outa their ass? it's ok if you're upset...i'd understand...but you told me for every person making changes you HAVE to have a person or 2 watching those changes to make sure they are legit. So you DO have to have a cop for every citizen...they're always there with their radar guns checking every1's speed....just to make sure. So don't try to tell me this all works on the honor system...because it DOESN'T.

Well, I'm afraid that it does work, and if you actually attempted to participate you might see that. If you want to actually contribute constructively please go ahead. If you want to engage in flame wars, check out Usenet instead, it's good for that kind of thing, I'm sure you'd have great fun there. -- Lexor 14:32, 15 Aug 2003 (UTC)


could you please stop damaging pages? You completely replaced the content of Astronomy and astrophysics with something else today at 15:50. You know how this place works now; it's up to you to behave responsibly. If you want to help us work on Wikipedia, you're welcome but please don't damage pages.

history of the Astronomy and astrophysics page -- Tarquin 17:52, 15 Aug 2003 (UTC)

Cop for every citizen? Think about the whole metaphor for a moment. Where you're going wrong is thinking that citizen is synonymous with vandal. In the wikipedia town, population 19,350, there are 108 cops and a few vandals who come and go. A vandal rides into town, smashes a window or two, knocks some things over, sprays some graffiti somewhere. You don't need the cops to replace the window, pick things up and repaint a wall. The other citizens do that, and call the police who remove the vandal, the police don't have to do anything about the broken window, one of the other citizens has already sweped up and put and new one in. --Steinsky 18:24, 15 Aug 2003 (UTC)

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