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Hi! My name is Amra and I am a student at Rice University. I am on the pre-law track, majoring in Political Science, working toward my Bachelor of Arts degree. I am interested in topics of justice/fairness.

I am excited to join the plethora of Wikimedia editors and writers to share information from the various resources I am privileged to have. I hope to contribute to Wikipedia in ways that make it a more reputable ecosystem for the people that rely on it for everyday information.

Proposed Topics


I intend to work on the article, Women in Mali. Here is a link to my sandbox User:Amraamir9/sandbox.

Women in Mali


I am interested in revising the article, Women in Mali because it involves bringing light to the lives of underrepresented women in Islamic-majority communities. I believe it is vital to convey information regarding such populations in spaces like Wikipedia when so many people rely on it for their everyday information. This article is my preferred choice.



Bleck, Jaimie. Education and Empowered Citizenship in Mali / Jaimie Bleck. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015.

 Oumar Ba Konaré, Dougoukolo Alpha. National Narratives of Mali : Fula Communities in Times of Crisis / Dougoukolo Alpha Oumar Ba Konaré. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2021.

 Johnson, Cathryn Evangeline. “What Women Want: Livelihood Pursuits and the Prioritization of Health in Rural Mali and Burkina Faso.” Politics, groups & identities ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print (2022): 1–18.

 Gosselin, Claudia. “Feminism, Anthropology and the Politics of Excision in Mali: Global and Local Debates in Postcolonial World.” Anthropologica (Ottawa) 42, no. 1 (2000): 43–.

 Zobel, Clemens. “Clients or Critics? Politics, Griots, and Gender in Post-Colonial Mali.” Mande studies 4, no. 4 (2002): 45–64.

 Bleck, Jaimie, and Kristin Michelitch. “Is Women’s Empowerment Associated with Political Knowledge and Opinions? Evidence from Rural Mali.” World development 106 (2018): 299–323.

 Johnson, Cathryn Evangeline. “Connecting Malian and Burkinabe Women’s Local Experiences of Livelihood Security to How They Participate in Politics.” World development 137 (2021): 105157–.

 MIRIAM TICKTIN. “In the Name of Violence Against Women.” In Casualties of Care, 128–. 1st ed. University of California Press, 2011.

 Solati, Fariba. “Measuring Patriarchy: The Determinants of Patriarchy in the Middle East and North Africa.” In Women, Work, and Patriarchy in the Middle East and North Africa, 65–102. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2017.

 “Women Activists in Mali.” In Women’s Activism and Globalization, 176–190. Routledge, 2002.

Importance Ranking Modified


I modified the WikiProject Feminism importance ranking from mid-importance to high-importance in the article, Human trafficking in popular culture, as women and girls make up a large proportion of people who get trafficked.

This user is a participant in
WikiProject Women's History.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Africa.