User:Alandmanson/Glossary of chalcidoid external morphology

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Chalcidoid wasps are both taxonomically and morphologically diverse insects and consequently their study requires a specialized terminology. This glossary is a list of terms used to describe the external morphology of this hymenopteran superfamily.


The annellus is part of the flagellum, located between the pedicel and the first flagellomere; it is ring-like, being much shorter than the first flagellomere.[1][2]
antennal formula
A sequence of five numbers indicating the number of segments in each of the components of the antenna (scape, pedicel, anelli, funicle, and clava). An antennal formula of 11243 indicates an antenna with a scape, a pedicel, 2 anelli, 4 funicular segments, and 3 segments in the clava.[2]
Situated on the side closest to the head (if on the head, the side furthest from the abdomen).
A sclerite anterodorsal (in front and above) of the base of the wing. Part of the mesosoma.[2]


The tarsomere that is the proximal most annulus of the tarsus, connected proximally with the tibia and distally with the second tarsomere.[1]


The protibial spur that is used to clean the antennae[1]
cercal bristle
A long seta (hair) that is located on the cercus.[1]
cercal plate
The cercal plate is a small sclerite located on the the eighth metasomal tergum.[2]
One of a pair of sensory structures, usually on the eighth metasomal tergite; cerci are sometimes setose, finger-like projections that articulate with the tergum, but in most chalcidoids, they appear plate-like, each bearing several long setae.[2]
(also known as a club) a cluster of antennal segments composed of apical flagellomeres in female chalcidoid wasps; the segments are usually larger than those of the funicle.[1][2]

Terms: annellus antennal formula anterior axilla basitarsus calcar cercal bristle cercal plate cercus clava club clypeus coxa face femur flagellomeres flagellum frons frontovertex funicle funicular segments gaster gastral tergite gena genal carina genal sulcus hypopygium interantennal area interantennal prominence intersegmental membrane lateral lateral lobes of the mesoscutum malar sulcus marginal vein median mesocoxa mesopleuron mesoscutum mesoscutum mesosoma mesosoma mesothoracic spiracle mesothoracic spiracle mesotibia metacoxa metanotum metanotum metapleuron metasoma metasomal spiracle metasomal tergite metatibia midlobe of the mesoscutum mucro notaulus occipital carina ocellus ovipositor ovipositor sheath parascrobal area pedicel petiole postmarginal vein preorbital carina prepectus pretarsus pronotum pronotum propleuron propodeal spiracle propodeum propodeum prothoracic spiracle Prothorax protibia radicle radius ramose scape sclerite scrobal depression scrobe scutellum scutoscutellar sutures setose sternum stigma stigmal vein stylet submarginal vein supraclypeal area sutures tarsal claws tarsal segments tarsus tegula temple tentorial pit tergum thorax tibia tibial spur torulus transscutal articulation trochanter uncus ventral vertex wing process of metapleuron


  1. ^ a b c d e f Hymenoptera Anatomy Consortium. Accessed on Aug 30, 2024.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Gibson, G.A.P. (1997) Annotated Keys to the Genera of Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) Chapter 2. Morphology and Terminology. In: Gibson GAP, Huber JT, Woolley JB (Eds) National Research Council of Canada, NRC Research Press, Ottawa Canada, 16–44.Google Books