User:Alandmanson/Calcifuge list with quotes

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Weeds as Soil Indicators

Calcioles and calcifuges


It has been known for some time that some plants grow well on high-pH, calcareous soils, whereas others are adapted to acid soils, and are unable to grow on calcareous soils. The reasons for this are, however, less clear. This quote from Encyclopædia Britannica (1911) outlines the problem:[1][2]

"Calcicole and Calcifuge Species.—Plants which invariably inhabit calcareous soils are sometimes termed calcicoles; calcifuge species are those which are found rarely or never on such soils. The effect of lime on plants is less understood even than the effect of common salt. Doubtless, the excess of any soluble mineral salt or salts interferes with the osmotic absorption of the roots; and although calcium carbonate is insoluble in pure water, it is slightly soluble in water containing carbon dioxide. ... It is sometimes said that lime acts as a poison on some plants and not on others, and sometimes that it is the physiological dryness of calcareous soils that is the important factor. In relation to the latter theory, it is pointed out that some markedly calcicole species occur on sand dunes; but this may be due to the lime which is frequently present in dune sand as well as to the physical dryness of the soil. Further, no theory of calciolous and calcifugous plants can be regarded as satisfactory which fails to account for the fact that both kinds of plants occur among aquatic as well as among terrestrial plants."

— Charles Edward Moss

Part of the reason for the difficulty concerning the explanation of the calcicole or calcifuge response to soil pH, is the multiple soil factors that can change as pH changes; aluminium toxicity, manganese toxicity, and molybdenum deficiency are all possible in acid soils, and iron deficiency, manganese deficiency, and zinc deficiency are increasingly likely at higher pH. Some calcifuges appear more susceptable to phosphorus deficiency at high pH, and others grow poorly at high phosphate or bicarbonate concentrations. Soil sodicity, poor soil structure, and waterlogging are more likely at high soil pH - this can compromise the ability of roots to take up phosphorus and potassium. Drought also exacerbates pH-related problems like manganese toxicity and aluminium toxicity.

Ellenberg's indicator values of 1 to 3 for soil pH indicate calcifuges.[3][4]

Examples of calcifuges


Order Ericales

  • Andromeda polifolia (bog-rosemary) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 1[3][4] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires a well-drained, moisture-retentive, lime-free, humus- rich soil and a shady position[133, 182, 200].[6]
  • Arctostaphylos alpinus (alpine bearberry) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[4]
  • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (kinnikinnick) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[4]
  • Calluna vulgaris (common heather) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 1[3] or 2.[4] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Only succeeds if the pH is below 6.5[186].[6] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1] In a trial, this species "grew well on the acid soils but showed poor growth on a calcareous soil."[7]
  • Erica (but not E. carnea or E. erigena)[5]
    • Erica cerinthoides (Fire Heath) - Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires a light lime-free loam[1]. A calcifuge plant, requiring a pH below 6[186].[6]
    • Erica ciliaris (Dorset heath) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 1.[4] In a trial, this species "grew well on the acid soils but showed poor growth on a calcareous soil."[7]
    • Erica cinerea (bell heather) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[3][4] In a trial, this species "grew well on the acid soils but showed poor growth on a calcareous soil."[7]
    • Erica erigena ?? - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[4] but this is not a true calcifuge as it grows well on both calcareous and acid soils.[7]
    • Erica mackaiana (Mackay's heath) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[4] In a trial, this species "grew well on the acid soils but showed poor growth on a calcareous soil."[7]
    • Erica tetralix (Bog Heather, Crossleaf heath) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 1[3] or 2.[4] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires a light lime-free loam[1]. A calcifuge plant, requiring a pH below 6[186].[6] In a trial, this species "grew well on the acid soils but showed poor growth on a calcareous soil."[7]
  • Gaultheria mucronata - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires a light well-drained lime-free soil[11].[6]
  • Gaylussacia frondosa (dangleberry) - Suitable pH range is 3.8 to 5.5.[8]
  • Kalmia latifolia (calico bush) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires an acid humus-rich soil, succeeding in part shade[182] or in full sun in cooler areas.[6]
  • Kalmia procumbens (= Loiseleuria procumbens; alpine azalea) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 2.[4]
  • Lyonia lucida (fetterbush lyonia) - Suitable pH range is 3.5 to 6.0.[8]
  • Pieris japonica (lily of the valley bush) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6]Easily grown in a moist acid peaty soil but it requires a sheltered position because the young growth is easily damaged by frost[11, 182, 184, 200].[6] Suitable pH range is 4.2 to 5.5.[8]
  • Phyllodoce caerulea (blue heath) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[4]
  • Rhododendron (many species of rhododendron and azalea)[5]
  • Vaccinium corymbosum (northern highbush blueberry) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires a moist but freely-draining lime free soil, preferring one that is rich in peat or a light loamy soil with added leaf-mould[11, 200]. Prefers a very acid soil with a pH in the range of 4.5 to 6, plants soon become chlorotic when lime is present. Succeeds in full sun or light shade though it fruits better in a sunny position[200].[6]
  • Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[3][4] Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils.[6] Requires a moist but freely-draining lime free soil, preferring one that is rich in peat or a light loamy soil with added leaf-mould[11, 200]. Prefers a very acid soil with a pH in the range of 4.5 to 6, plants soon become chlorotic when lime is present. Succeeds in full sun or light shade though it fruits better in a sunny position[17, 200].[6] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1]
  • Pitcher plants of the genera Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, and Heliamphora[5]
    • Sarracenia purpurea (purple pitcherplant) Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid soils. Plants require continuously moist conditions in a loose compost of sphagnum peat, live sphagnum and coarse acid sand[260].[6]
    • Sarracenia flava (yellow trumpet) Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid soils. Plants require continuously moist conditions in a loose compost of sphagnum peat, live sphagnum and coarse acid sand[260].[6]
  • Camellia sinensis (Tea plant) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils and can grow in very acid soils. A calcifuge plant, preferring a pH between 5 and 7[11, 200]. Tea is reported to tolerate ... a pH in the range of 4.5 to 7.3[269].[6]
  • Camellia japonica (Camellia) - Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils and can grow in very acid soils. A calcifuge plant, preferring a pH around 5[11, 200].[6]

Order Caryophyllales

  • Spergula arvensis (corn spurry) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 5.[4] "The species is native and a locally abundant calcifuge weed of arable land, particularly on light sandy soils." "S. arvensis is most commonly found in soil with a pH of 4 6-5 0."[9]
  • Drosera (sundew species)[5]
    • Drosera intermedia (oblong-leaved sundew) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[3][4]
    • Drosera peltata (sundew) - Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid soils.Prefers a sandy peaty soil, succeeding in poor soils and in bogs[200].[6]
    • Drosera rotundifolia (roundleaf sundew) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 1[3] or 2.[4] Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid soils. Prefers a sandy peaty soil, succeeding in poor soils and bogs[1, 200].[6]
  • Dionaea muscipula (Venus flytrap) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5]
  • Nepenthes (pitcher plants) - Listed as calcifuges in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5]

Order Lamiales

  • Pinguicula (some butterworts)[5]
    • Pinguicula vulgaris (common butterwort) - Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. Requires a boggy soil[1].[6]
    • Pinguicula hirtiflora var. hirtiflora - diploid (2n = 16), leaves up to 50 mm long, flower size 20–22 mm; peat bog plant, calcifuge. Other varieties of the same species are not calcifuges[10]
  • Utricularia (bladderworts)[5]
    • Utricularia vulgaris (bladderwort) - Suitable pH: acid soils and can grow in very acid soils. A free-floating water plant[188], it requires acid conditions[200] and is most commonly found in deep water[17].[6]

Families and species in other orders

  • Antennaria dioica (mountain everlasting) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3]or 4.[4]
  • Arnica montana (mountain arnica) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid soils. Prefers a moist, well-drained humus rich soil, preferably lime-free[200]. One report says that it is often found in calcareous soils in the wild[7]. Tolerates a pH in the range 5.8 to 7.6. Prefers a mixture of sand, loam and peat[1].[6]
  • Centaurea nigra (lesser knapweed) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3]or 6.[4] A widespread weed.
  • Gnaphalium sylvaticum (heath cudweed) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 4.[3][4] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1] A weedy perennial.
  • Gnaphalium supinum (dwarf cudweed) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 4.[3][4]
  • Hypochaeris glabra (smooth cat's ear) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3]or 4.[4] A widespread weed.
  • Petasites frigidus var. sagittatus (arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot) - Suitable pH range is 4.0 to 5.9.[8]
  • Blechnum spicant (hard-fern) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3]or 3.[4] Cited under its synonym, Blechnum boreale, as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1]
  • Desfontainia spinosa (taique) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils and can grow in very acid soils. Requires a humus-rich moisture-retentive acid soil in a sheltered position in partial shade[200]. Grows well in sandy soils as long as there is plenty of humus present[245]. Intolerant of alkaline soils and of water-logging[202].[6]
  • Cornus florida (dogwood) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils. An easily grown plant, it succeeds in any soil of good or moderate fertility[1], ranging from acid to shallow chalk[200]. Dislikes shallow clay soils and chalky soils[98, 182]. Requires a neutral to acid soil according to another report[202].[6]
  • Cornus suecica (dwarf cornel) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 1.[4]
  • Pteridium aquilinum (bracken) - "Pteridium can grow over a wide pH range. In the field Pteridium is found on soils with a pH ranging from 2.8 to 8.6 (Willis et al. 1959a,b; Rackham 1980; Koedam et al. 1992), although most bracken is found in moderately acidic soils."[12] Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[3][4]
  • Quercus (Some species of oak[5] - most species tolerate acid, neutral and alkaline soils).[6]
  • Cicendia filiformis (the slender cicendia) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction = 3.[3][4]
  • Exaculum pusillum (Guernsey centaury) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction = 3.[4]
  • Gentiana acaulis (gentian) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils. This is an easily grown species, succeeding in most good garden soils, though it prefers a light loamy soil and lime-free conditions[187, 200, 239].[6]
  • Gentiana sino-ornata () - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] "As for lime haters, some, like Gentiana sino-ornata, are absolute calcifuge; others, like Rhododendron impeditum, do not seem to object to lime as such, provided there is enough leafmould or other good food round their roots."[13]Kaisheva 2008 The effect of metals and soil pH on the growth of Rhododendron and other alpine plants in limestone soil[14]
  • Corylopsis pauciflora - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5]
  • Disanthus cercidifolius - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5]
  • Fothergilla major (large fothergilla) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Requires acidic soil.[15]
  • Hamamelis vernalis (spring witch hazel) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. Dislikes dry limy soils but will succeed in a calcareous soil if it is moist[130]. Prefers a position sheltered from cold drying winds in a neutral to slightly acid soil[200].[6] Vernal witchhazel in alkaline soils often becomes almost white from iron deficiency, particularly on summer growth. Since iron is non-mobile in the plant, the spring growth is normally green and the summer growth yellow to white. Response to iron implants of %-inch diameter on the larger canes has resulted in prevention of chlorosis. [16]
  • Ceratocapnos claviculata (climbing corydalis) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 4.[4]
  • Meconopsis grandis (Himalayan blue poppy) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils. The soil should be lime-free, moist, well-drained and moderately rich[200].[6]
  • Digitalis purpurea (foxglove) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 4.[4] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1]
  • Veronica officinalis (heath speedwell) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 4.[4] Considered a calcifuge by Tyler.[11]
  • Agrostis canina (velvety bentgrass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[3][4]
  • Agrostis curtisii (bristle bent) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[4]
  • Agrostis vinealis (brown bentgrass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 3.[4]
  • Aira praecox (early hair-grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 4.[4]
  • Anthoxanthum aristatum (awned vernalgrass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 4.[4]
  • Avena sativa (oat) - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very acid soils. Plants are reported to tolerate ... a pH of 4.5 to 8.6[269]. The plants are also reported to tolerate aluminium, ...[269].[6]
  • Corynephorus canescens (grey hair-grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[3][4]
  • Danthonia decumbens (heath grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 4.[4]
  • Deschampsia flexuosa (=Aira flexuosa, wavy hair-grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[3][4] Cited under its synonym, Aira flexuosa, as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1] Considered a calcifuge by Tyler.[11]
  • Deschampsia setacea (bog hair-grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[3][4]
  • Digitaria ischaemum (smooth crabgrass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 5.[4] A common roadside and garden weed.
  • Festuca filiformis (fine-leaved sheep's-fescue) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[3][4]
  • Festuca ovina (sheep's fescue) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 4.[4]
  • Festuca vivipara (viviparous sheep's-fescue) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[4]
  • Holcus mollis (creeping soft grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 3.[4] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1] Considered a calcifuge by Tyler.[11]
  • Molinia caerulea (purple moor-grass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[4]
  • Nardus stricta (matgrass) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 3.[4]
  • Poa flexuosa - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[3][4]
  • Polygala serpyllifolia (heath milkwort) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2.[3][4] Cited under its synonym, Polygala serpyllacea, as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1]
  • Alchemilla alpina (alpine lady's-mantle) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 4.[4]
  • Adenostoma fasciculatum (chamise) - Suitable pH range is 4.0 to 6.0.[8]
  • Potentilla argentea (silver cinquefoil) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3[3] or 5.[4] Considered a calcifuge by Tyler.[11]
  • Potentilla erecta (tormentil) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[4]
  • Rubus chamaemorus (cloudberry) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 1.[4] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1] Suitable pH range is 4.0 to 5.2.[8]
  • Sibbaldia procumbens (creeping sibbaldia) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 4.[4] Cited under its synonym, Potentilla procumbens, as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1]
  • Galium constrictum (slender marsh-bedstraw) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 3.[4]
  • Galium saxatile (heath bedstraw) - Ellenberg value for soil reaction is 2[3] or 3.[4] Cited as an example of a calcifuge in Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).[1] Considered a calcifuge by Tyler.[11]
  • Illicium anisatum - Listed as a calcifuge in Collins Complete Garden Manual.[5] Suitable pH: acid and neutral soils. Prefers a humus-rich lime-free soil[182, 200].
  • Ulmus laevis (European white elm) - The distribution of U. laevis and U. minor in the Iberian Peninsula may be related to calcifuge versus calcicole characteristics of each species. Whilst calcicole plants are able to take up nutrients when grown in calcareous soils (Zohlen, 2002), calcifuge species growth under high pH, alkaline soil conditions is limited by low nutrient availability especially phosphorus (P; Tyler, 1992; Zohlen and Tyler, 2004), iron (Fe; Zohlen and Tyler, 1997, 2000; Zohlen, 2002), and manganese (Mn; Messenger, 1986; Thomas et al., 1998; Kuster et al., 2013).[18]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Moss, Charles Edward (1911). "Ecology of plants". Encyclopædia_Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 764-765. Retrieved 25 May 2017.
  2. ^ Moss, Charles Edward (1911). "Plants#764" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da Ellenberg, H.; Weber, H.E.; Düll, R.; Wirth, V.; Werner, W.; Paulissen, D. (1991). "Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa". Scripta Geobotanica. 18: 1–284.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei Hill, M.O.; Mountford, J.O.; Roy, D.B.; Bunce, R.G.H. (1999). Ellenberg's indicator values for British plants. ECOFACT Volume 2. Technical Annex (PDF). Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. ISBN 1870393481. Retrieved 29 May 2017.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Collins complete garden manual. United Kingdom: HarperCollins. 1998. p. 336. ISBN 0004140109.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as Plants for a Future. "Plant Database Search". Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  7. ^ a b c d e f Marrs, R.H.; Bannister, P. (1978). "Response of several members of the Ericaceae to soils of contrasting pH and base-status". The Journal of Ecology. 66: 829–834. Retrieved 1 June 2017.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao USDA PLANTS Database (2017). "PLANTS Database Advanced Search using minimum and maximum pH". USDA NCRS. Retrieved 2 June 2017.
  9. ^ New, June K. (1961). "Spergula Arvensis L." Journal of Ecology. 49 (1): 205–215. doi:10.2307/2257434.
  10. ^ "Spotlight: Pinguicula hirtiflora var. hirtiflora". Retrieved 22 May 2017.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h Tyler, G. (1 June 1996). "Mineral Nutrient Limitations of Calcifuge Plants in Phosphate Sufficient Limestone Soil". Annals of Botany. 77 (6): 649–656. doi:10.1093/aob/77.6.649.
  12. ^ Marrs, R.H.; Watt, A.S. (November 2006). "Biological Flora of the British Isles: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn". Journal of Ecology. 94 (6): 1272–1321. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2006.01177.x.
  13. ^ Lambert, D.P. (1953). "Learning from mistakes" (PDF). The Journal of the Scottish Rock Garden Club. 13: 230–231. Retrieved 23 May 2017.
  14. ^ Kaisheva, M.V. (2008). The effect of metals and soil pH on the growth of Rhododendron and other alpine plants in limestone soil. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  15. ^ "Gardening in the Shade" (PDF).
  16. ^ Smith, E.M.; Treaster, S.A . (1981). "Preventing habitual iron chlorosis of woody landscape plants". Ornamental Plants 1981: A Summary of Research - Research Circular 263 (PDF). Wooster, Ohio: Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. pp. 26–29.
  17. ^ USDA PLANTS Database. "Conservation Plant Characteristics for Hypericum boreale". USDA NRCS. Retrieved 2 June 2017.
  18. ^ Venturas, M.; Fernandez, V.; Nadal, P.; Lucena, J.J.; Guzman, P.; Gil, L. (2014). "Root iron uptake efficiency of Ulmus laevis and U. minor and their distribution in soils of the Iberian Peninsula". Frontiers in Plant Science. 5: 104.



From Tyler (1996):[1]

Grasses and sedges

  • Agrostis capillaris - Not used in list - Ellenberg reaction ratings of 4
  • Luzula pilosa - Not used in list - Ellenberg reaction ratings of 5


  • Scleranthus perennis - Not used in list - Ellenberg reaction ratings of 4.[2][3]
  • Viscaria vulgaris - Not used in list - Ellenberg reaction ratings (as Silene viscaria) of 7-8.[2][3]

The complete section from EB1911: "Calcicole and Calcifuge Species.—Plants which invariably inhabit calcareous soils are sometimes termed calcicoles; calcifuge species are those which are found rarely or never on such soils. The effect of lime on plants is less understood even than the effect of common salt. Doubtless, the excess of any soluble mineral salt or salts interferes with the osmotic absorption of the roots; and although calcium carbonate is insoluble in pure water, it is slightly soluble in water containing carbon dioxide. In England, the following species are confined or almost confined to calcareous soils: Asplenium Ruta-muraria, Melica nutans, Carex digitata, Aceras anthropophora, Ophrys apifera, Thalictrum minus, Helianthemum Chamaecistus, Viola hirta, Linum perenne, Geranium lucidum, Hippocrepis comosa, Potentilla verna, Viburnum Lantana, Galium asperum ( = G. sylvestre), Asperula cynanchica, Senecio campestris. The following plants, in England, are calcifuge: Lastraea Oreopteris, Holcus mollis, Carex echinata, Spergula arvensis, Polygala serpyllacea, Cytisus scoparius, Potentilla procumbens, Galium hercynicum ( = G. saxatile), Gnaphalium sylvaticum, Digitalis purpurea. Other plants occur indifferently both on calcareous and on non-calcareous soils.

It is sometimes said that lime acts as a poison on some plants and not on others, and sometimes that it is the physiological dryness of calcareous soils that is the important factor. In relation to the latter theory, it is pointed out that some markedly calcicole species occur on sand dunes; but this may be due to the lime which is frequently present in dune sand as well as to the physical dryness of the soil. Further, no theory of calciolous and calcifugous plants can be regarded as satisfactory which fails to account for the fact that both kinds of plants occur among aquatic as well as among terrestrial plants. Schimper (1903: 102) thinks that in the case of aquatic plants, the difference must depend on the amount of lime in the water, for the physical nature of the substratum is the same in each case. Again, acidic humus does not form in calcareous soils; and hence one does not expect to find plants characteristic of acidic peat or humus on calcareous soils. Some such species are Blechnum boreale, Aira flexuosa, Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium, Myrtillus, Rubus, Chamaemorus, Empetrum nigrum, Drosera spp. Some, at least, of these species possess mycorhiza in their roots, and are perhaps unable to live in soils where such organisms are absent.

In England, the number of calcicole species is greater than the number of silicolous species. It would therefore be curious if it were proved that lime acts on plants as a poison. It is said that some plants may be calcicoles in one geographical district and not in another. However, until more is known of the exact chemical composition of natural—as contrasted with agricultural—soils, and until more is known of the physiological effects of lime, it is impossible to decide the vexed question of the relation of lime-loving and lime-shunning plants to the presence or absence of calcium carbonate in the soil. From such points of view as this, it is indeed true, as Warming has recently stated, “that ecology is only in its infancy.” "

  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference Tyler1996 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference Ellenberg1991 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference Hill1999 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).