Uigenna on Francum

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Uigennan Burgscild

Uigenna (Frencisc: Vienne) is burg on Francum, in Franclandes sūþēastdæle. Þēos burg stent be Rodan þære ēa and is tƿentig mīla besūþen of Lyons.

Nū is Uigenna lytlu burg, sēo feoƿerþ ceaster in Isère þæm Landesdāl, ac in geardagum ƿæs þes stede micel landes hēadfodburg þæs Rōmāniscan Rīces.

Ǣr cƿōmon Rumƿare hider ƿæs Uigenna se folces hēafodstōl þāra Allobroges, se ƿæs folc on Gallƿarum. In 47 beforan Cristes tocyme staðolde Gaius Iulius Caesar Romaniscu landbūnesse in Uigennan and sƿylce ceaster ƿeax þe hēo ƿeard miclu burg, forþæm þe hēo stōd be Rodan se ƿæs in þæm dagum hefig bātƿeg. In 7 Æfter Cristes cyme forƿræc Agustus Cāsere hider Herod Archelaus þone Cyning.[1]

Ealh of Agustus and Liuia

Manig Rēmisc bold standaþ giet in Uigennan, and onmang him is sēo Ealh of Agustus and Liuia.

In Rōmbyrig ylde and in þære Middelyldum ƿæs ðēos burg biscopstōl mid ƿēorþscipe tofore manigum biscopum on Gallie. His mærosta biscop ƿæs Auitus of Uigennan. Ælfric ƿrāt þe hēr begann sēo gehealdsumnes for bēdum benaman In Letania Maiore in Mamertus Biscopes biscopdōm:

Æt þæm Uigenna Þinge þæt efnecōm hēr in Ƿinterfylleð 1311, toƿendede Clementus V Pāpa þone cnihth ād þāra Cnihta þæm Temple. In þæm Middelyldum ƿæs Uigenna burg sēo belamp Burgendarīce and æfterƿeard sēo belamp Profentse þæt rīce, se ƿæs gerēfland þæs Hāligan Rōmāniscan Rīces.

Todæg is Uigenna bisgu stede and geƿeorca stede ǣtgeƿeorce.


[adiht | adiht fruman]
  1. Iosephus, Antiquities, Book 17, Ch 13 (344)