Talk:Juan Arvizu

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Hello fellow Wikipedians - Kindly note that I have respectfully restored this request for an Assessment of the articles about this Lyric Tenor from Mexico. User:Smerus in his objections indicates there is "no mention of opera" in the articles. Kindly note that the article indicate that Juan Arvizu was educated as a Lyric Tenor at the prestigious National Conservatory of Music (Mexico). In addition, kindly note that Arvizu initiated his professional activites in performances of Vincenzo Bellini's opera "La Sonambula" and Giacomo Meyerbeer's opera "Dinorah" in Mexico and was a member of the Consuelo Escobar de Castro Opera Company. He also concertized as a lyric tenor with the New York Philharmonic under the musical direction of Alfredo Antonini (who collaborated with several other noted operatic luminaries including: Richard Tucker, Beverly Sills, Jan Peerce and Eileen Farrell) at Carnegie Hall. While Arvizu is clearly recognized for his interpretations of the Mexican bolero, perhaps these additional contributions to the advancement of Opera on the international concert stage immediately after World War II are worthy of documentation within the WikiProject on Opera. Thanks again for your kind interest and best wishes for the future. Thanks once again for your kind reconsideration and best wishes for the continued success of Wikiproject Opera. Respectfully yours (talk) 18:16, 8 April 2018 (UTC)PS104.207.219.150 (talk) 21:39, 10 April 2018 (UTC)PS[reply]

Hi Fellow Wikipedian editors - Just a quick note - While creating the link in the External Media box I forgot that external links to the web page are prohibited under Wikipedia guidlines since it is a commercial site. Please forgive this oversight. I have attempted to correct the problem by providing a link to a different performance by Juan Arvizu on the nonprofit web site. I hope that this is permitted. In the event that this link is also inappropriate kindly note that I shall refrain from attempting any additional corrections. Thanks again in advance for your thoughtful assistance in this regard and best wishes for the continued success of Wikipedia! With best regards---- (talk) 19:28, 18 June 2018 (UTC)PS[reply]