Talk:Jairam Ramesh

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Need Kannada script


Jairam Ramesh (Tamil: ஜயராம் ரமேஷ், Kannada: ಜಯರಾಮ್ ರಮೇಶ್)

I don't understand what you mean. His name in Kannada script already exists. By the way, Jairam is a tamil iyengar brahmin - Have provided sources for it. He has declared himself as a tambrahm'. All iyengars including "hebbar iyengars" are tamil speaking. Provided reliable sources and additional ref's for cross checking. Hari7478 (talk) 07:13, 12 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

See this: The Five Battles that defined Jairam Ramesh

Policy section reads like a promotional piece


I have deposited the entire policy section here as it is both a mess in terms of citations and reads like a promotional piece. In addition it is a {{quotefarm}} Please do not restore it and if the section is re-created, be sure to use WP:NPOV.


When Mr. Ramesh took over as Minister for Environment and Forests on May 29, 2009, the Prime Minister’s instructions to him were:

“India has not caused the problem of global warming. But try and make sure that India is part of the solution. Be constructive; be proactive.”[1]

Since then, he has been outspoken in his public support or disapproval of policy issues he is concerned about.

When he took over his current job he is alleged to have received instruction to hold Forest Conservation Act 1980 has a strong guidance for his policymaking. Before the Act, 1.40 lakh hectares of forest used to be diverted every year. After the Act, it’s down to 31,000. ha/yr. There is a big lobby for liberalising this Act under any pretext, but Mr. Ramesh will not be party to any decision that allows for significant diversion of forest land.[2]

In an interview with Sanctuary Asia Jairam Ramesh lists his priorities as follows:

  1. Significantly improve India’s natural forest cover;
  2. Establish an effective environmental grievance redressal regime that is effective, speedy and fair;
  3. Chalk out an effective climate change agenda that is both pragmatic and self-sustaining.[3]

Recent issues drawing media attention to him include:


Regarding afforestation policy of the current government, Mr. Ramesh believes forest cover is better than monoculture plantations, for the former are multi-layered eco-systems. The primary challenge is to preserve and improve the existing forest cover (roughly 24% of the country). Nearly 60% of that is degraded forests, which must be improved, through reforestation, to high-density forests. That will have a tremendous impact on carbon sequestration. India’s targeted 33% green cover, however can only come from afforestation.[2]

He also noted that his ministry has made a meaningful start at significant new afforestation, having obtained release of the Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Agency (CAMPA) funds. This now ensures the release of 5,000 crore rupees over the next five years (in tranches of Rs. 1,000 crores a year) solely for the purpose of regenerating the country’s existing natural forests. In addition to the CAMPA funds, the ministry has gone ahead and evolved their own version of Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) activities, which they call REDD Plus. This envisages more specific and better defined goals for using forests to sequester carbon.

It was the insistence of Mr. Ramesh that the revised CAMPA guidelines placed overriding emphasis on restoration and regeneration of natural forests and on biodiversity conservation. "No plantations" has been his battle cry since he took over the ministry.[3]

He also said,

The principle function of the Forest Rights Act is to protect the rights of tribals vis-à-vis the forests which for them are their homes as well as their principle source of livelihood. In point of fact, the Ministry has issued an advisory to all states requiring full compliance with the provisions of the act failing which any request for diversion will stand rejected. Local communities could become the foot soldiers in the forest regeneration movement if the FRA is used creatively in conjunction with the Forest Conservation Act 1980.[3]

Fuel efficiency

In November, 2009, Mr. Ramesh emphasised that automobile manufacturers will have to sell vehicles with mandatory energy efficiency tags by 2011. The information on the labels will have to be certified by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). The government is in the final stages of notifying the fuel efficiency standards, and is planning for these standards to be notified either through the Energy Conservation Act or the Motor Vehicles Act. "[4]

1880-2009 global mean surface temperature difference, relative to the 1961–1990 average

Global warming

Prior to going to Copenhagen, Mr. Ramesh described India as the world's "'most vulnerable' nation due to impacts of climate change." When later informing the Rajya Sabha on the outcome of the Climate Summit, Jairam Ramesh admitted that "the government had digressed from its pre-Copenhagen assurance by allowing provision for international consultation and analysis" rather than merely informing the UNFCCC about domestic mitigation programmes.[5] On Dec. 23, 2009, Mr Ramesh said:

“We must soon unveil a detailed road map for a low-carbon strategy.”

India has committed itself to reducing its carbon emissions 20-25 per cent below the 2005 levels by 2020.[6]

India-based Neutrino Observatory

On November 20, 2009, Mr. Ramesh denied permission for the Department of Atomic Energy to set up the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) project at Singara in Nilgiri Hills, by saying,

"it falls in the buffer zone of the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) and is in close proximity to the critical core tiger habitats of Bandipur and Mudumalai Tiger reserves. It is also an elephant corridor, facilitating elephant movement between the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. The area is already disturbed by human settlements and resorts and the construction phase of the project would involve further disruption by highway transport of building materials through the core area of the Bandipur and Mudmulai Tiger Reserves.[7]

Suruli Falls

Instead, he suggested an alternate site near Suruli Falls, Theni District in Tamil Nadu. The Minister told the DAE that this site did not pose the same problems as Singara and the environmental and forest clearances should not be a serious issue.

He also assured the DAE "that the Ministry would facilitate necessary approvals for the alternative location." Dr. Naba K. Mondal of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, who is the spokesperson for the INO project expressed his reservations by noting that Suruliyar is in a reserved forest area that is dense and would require cutting down of trees, something that was not required at Singara. He doubted that the government assure that forest clearance for this site will be given. He questioned whether, alternatively, the INO project can move to the nearby Thevaram, which is about 20-30 km away from the Suruliyar falls. This forest area has only shrubs but no source of water so water will have to be piped from Suruliyar over a distance of 30 km. [7][8]

Industrial pollution

On Dec. 24, 2009 Jairam Ramesh, recommended a moratorium on new units at the 43 highly polluted industrial areas in the country. He said,

“We need to take some tough decisions and we should put on hold new approvals in these areas until the situation is brought under control. I will approach the Finance Minister so that a separate fund is announced in the next budget for reducing pollution."[9]

Union Carbide Methyl isocyanate (MIC) tanks at Bhopal

On Sept. 12,2009, during a visit to the Site of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy Mr. Ramesh noted that the truth (about the Bhopal gas tragedy) is uncomfortable... and it is time to look ahead after learning lessons from the tragedy.

While referring to the 350 tonnes of toxic waste lying on the campus of the now abandoned plant, he then proceeded with uncharacteristically insensitive remarks, saying,

"I have held that waste in my hand, I am still alive and not coughing”[10]

The minister chose not to say it in too many words but targeted the NGOs by observing that the greenery around the abandoned premises was better than most other places. He asked if it would have been (so green) with all the toxicity around?”[11] He said that the Centre would give assistance to the State government for constructing a Rs.116-crore (Rs. 1,160,000,000.) memorial to mark the 25th year of the disaster. “It will be a national monument built in the memory of those who lost their lives in the tragedy and a reminder of the mistakes that were made so that they are not repeated.”[12]

Mining projects

Regarding Bauxite mining in Orissa, Mr. Ramesh asked the Orissa administration to

"Explain how the violation of Bauxite mining guidelines was permitted when it was clear that “in-principle” approval granted for bauxite mining projects in Kalahandi and Rayagada districts on February 26, 2009 under the Forest Conservation) Act 1980 should be converted into final approval, only after fulfilment of stipulations, before any activity was undertaken."

Acting on representations received by the Ministry since August this year onVedanta Resources plc mining activity without final approval, Mr. Ramesh asked the Conservator of Forests (Bhubaneswar) to investigate the complaints and he found them to be correct. The total area of forest land proposed to be diverted in the two districts of Orissa is 660.749 hectares, of which 353.14 hectares is in the Niyamgiri forests. Concerns have been raised on the impact of this project on the livelihoods ofKondha tribal communities.[13]

Regarding coal mining in Maharashtra, The Adani mining project was proposed at a location 12 km from the boundary of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. A Maharashtra Coal Company project was also proposed at a location 10 km. from the reserve. Both are inChandrapur district within the proposed buffer zone of the reserve.Terms of Reference (TOR)s were granted to the companies in 2008.[14]

Green activists led by Bandu Dhotre had launched an agitation after the controversial proposal was submitted to the centre. On July 19, 2009 Dhotre went on a fast unto death protesting the proposed mines in Lohara jungles.

On August 1, a delegation of social workers and conservationists met Ramesh in Delhi to apprise him of details of the damage the proposed mine would cause to the rich wildlife habitat. Said Dhotre,

"It was during this meeting that the minister called me up. He assured that the issue concerned his ministry as well, but as it had received no proposal for clearing the coal project, he could not assure anything in writing. However, once the proposal comes, he would take a decision keeping in view the relevant laws and regulation so that the environment as well as Tadoba Andhari tiger reserve sustains no harm.

A formal letter with the similar contents was sent by Jairam Ramesh by fax immediately after the conversation. Dhotre humbly turned down the request and held that he would not budge until the union coal ministry revokes the allocation of Lohara coal block or the state government assures in writing of not allowing mining in Lohara forest.[15]

On August 2, Mr. Dhotre broke his 14-day-long hunger strike after a written assurance from Jairam Ramesh to protect the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve when the Lohara mine proposal comes to him.

Mr. Dhotre drank a glass of juice at the hands of his father in presence of dozens of conservationists from Chandrapur and Nagpur, at a civil hospital, where he was kept in an ICU following his deteriorating condition. After calling off his hunger strike, Mr. Dhotre said,[4]

"I have given up my hunger strike to honour the request of my fellow protesters and that of minister Jairam Ramesh."

As a result of the agitation, Jairam Ramesh stepped in and assured the local residents that no permission would be granted to the projects unless his ministry studies the proposal thoroughly. Also, the state forest department submitted a comprehensive report stating that if permission was granted it will have an adverse impact on the forest as well as wild life.[14]

On November 24, 2009, the high level appraisal committee set up by the Ministry of Environment and Forest rejected the coal mining proposals near the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. The committee withdrew the Terms of Reference granted to both the companies effectively ending their quest for environmental clearance for the project.[14]

National highways

During a visit to Madhya Pradesh on Sept 12, 2009, the Minister called for exercising caution on the progress of National Highway projects in the State.

"I don’t think these projects should be rushed. There are a lot of serious environmental issues involved which need to be dealt with caution and sensitivity.”

Regarding construction of NH-7, he was concerned that the State government demands speedy clearance. It refuses to consider alternatives like the diversion of the highway from Seoni to Chhindwara. Since then the construction of the highway has been stayed by the Supreme Court in view of the potential environmental damage it might cause to the Pench Tiger Reserve.[12]

When talking about his strict adherence to the Forest Conservation act of 1980 he said,

"The widening of NH-7, which will cut across the tiger corridor between Pench and Kanha National Park, is definitely not going to pass me.[2]

Protected areas

Regarding the Protected areas of India, when talking about his strict adherence to the Forest Conservation act of 1980 Mr. Ramesh said,

"I look upon any proposal for diversion of forest area of over 50 acres with a great deal of scrutiny. I have been turning down proposals for water supply projects and highways cutting through forests."[2]

Shola-Grasslands in the Kudremukh National Park, Western Ghats, Karnataka

Regarding the Western Ghats, Ramesh said,

"The Western Ghats has to be made an "ecologically sensitive zone". It is as important as the ecological system of the Himalayas for protection of the environment and climate of the country. The Central government will not give sanction for mining and hydroelectric projects proposed by the State Governments of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa that will destroy the Western Ghats eco-system.’’[16]

In a letter dated June 20, 2009, Mr. Ramesh pointed out that the (proposed) 200-MW Gundia hydel project of Karnataka Power Corporation in Hassan district would drown almost 1,900 acres of thick forest in the already endangered Western Ghats along with all its fauna. This is something that both Karnataka and India can ill-afford. "Power generation should not happen at the cost of ecological security." The Expert Appraisal Committee appointed by Union Government later advised that the project should not be taken up.[17]


Betwa River

Mr. Ramesh has asked the Centre to review the Ken-Betwa river-linking project in Madhya Pradesh in view of the ecological implications. He said that the project,

"may be revised to exclude the tiger reserve area falling within its purview.

This river linking project encompasses a large area of forest falling within the notified core/critical tiger habitat of the Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh. If the proposal were to be implemented, it would involve construction of a large dam spread over 1.5 km in addition to area for the supporting infrastructure including roads and powerhouses. This would cause considerable disturbance to the core/critical habitat of the tiger reserve which is required to be kept "inviolate" for tiger and other wild animals as per the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972."[18]

Tiger conservation

File:A tiger in Pilibhit Tiger Reserve.jpg
A tigress with her cub at the Bandhavgarh National Park

In a June 27, 2009 interview with Tehelka, Mr. Ramesh said,

"We are totally committed to saving the Tiger and India’s bio-diversity. I would stop using the label ‘Project Tiger’ and call it ‘Project Eco- System’. We need to communicate effectively that saving the tiger is not some middleclass obsession. It is an ecological imperative — by saving the tiger, you are saving the forests. The tiger is merely the symbol. By saving it, we ensure our water security. Similarily, by saving the Snow Leopard, we save our mountains; when we protect the River Dolphin, we save our river systems.[2]"

View inside Jim Corbett National Park

On Dec. 8, 2009 Mr. Ramesh reported that seventeen of India’s 38 tiger reserves were in a “precarious” condition and a task force has been set up to give recommendations for improvement. A Wildlife Conservation and Management Amendment Bill will be introduced in the next budget session to ensure stringent penalty measures against the law breakers. The bill will have punishment measures equivalent to the money laundering and foreign exchange law,”[19]

The Minister expressed concern over the dwindling tiger population.

“Community participation on the lines of the Social Tiger Protection Force developed in the Jim Corbett National Park needs to be followed. Certain communities have a tendency towards poaching, as seen in Sariska Tiger Reserve and Panna National Park. Community participation will prevent that,”[12]

Regarding the National Tiger Conservation Authority, Mr. Ramesh noted that the NTCA currently enjoys a level of support from the Ministry that is at least at par if not greater than any patronage received at any point of time during its tenure. Dr. Rajesh Gopal, the Director, is in touch directly with Ramesh on strengthening the NTCA on a daily basis. Apart from political support, he needs trained and motivated manpower. the Ministry is currently in the process of recruiting new staff into the NTCA to think outside the box and come up with unconventional (but workable!) solutions in the area of tiger conservation."[3]

Bt Brinjal

In 2010, as the Minister of Environment and Forests, Mr. Jairam Ramesh conducted public consultations across seven cities regarding commercialization of [20] Bt Brinjal, India's first genetically modified vegetable. The public consultations were attended by over 8000 people. At the end of the month long process, Mr. Ramesh announced that [21] Bt Brinjal was unsafe for human consumption and for the environment until independent studies prove otherwise.

“My decision is both responsible to science and responsive to society... I don’t believe India should be dependent on the private sector seed industry...I believe seeds are as strategic to India as space and nuclear issues."


  1. ^ Ramesh, Jairam (12-3-2009). "transcript of the Minister's Response in the Lok Sabha" (PDF). New Delhi: 6436. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. ^ a b c d e Bindra, Prerna Singh (6-27-2009). "Jairam Ramesh Interview - The Forest Conservation Act Is Sacrosanct". Tehelka Magazine. 6 (25). Anant Media Pvt. Ltd. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ a b c d Sahgal, Bittu (October 2009). "Meet Jairam Ramesh – India's Minister for Environment and Forests". New Delhi: Sanctuary Asia. Retrieved 30 December 2009.
  4. ^ a b PTI. "Auto industry unhappy over plan to rate mileage". The Hindu. Chennai: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009. Cite error: The named reference "pti" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  5. ^ Cite error: The named reference Copenhagen was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  6. ^ Dharr, Aarti (12-23-2009). "India to draw road map for low-carbon growth". The Hindu. Chennai: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. ^ a b Ramachandran, R. (11-21-2009). "Ministry's 'no' to Neutrino Observatory project in Nilgiris". The Hindu. Chennai: Kasturi and Sons Ltd. pp. Front Page. Retrieved 09 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  8. ^ Madhusudan, M. (11-22-2009). "Centre no to neutrino observatory in Nilgiris". Sunday Pioneer. New Delhi: Pioneer Syndication Services. Retrieved 09 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  9. ^ Dharr, Aarti (12-24-2009). "Ramesh for moratorium on new units at highly polluted areas". The Hindu. Chennai: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  10. ^ Cite error: The named reference Elliot was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  11. ^ Ghatwai, Milind (9-13-2009). "Truth about Bhopal gas leak tragedy uncomfortable, says Jairam". Indian Bhopal: Indian Express Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ a b c Singh, Mahim Pratap (9-13-2009). "Jairam Ramesh favours community participation in forest management". The Hindu, National. New Delhi: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 30 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  13. ^ Dhall, Aarti (11-28-2009). "Centre orders enquiry into violation of mining norms". The Hindu, NEWS » STATES. New Delhi: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  14. ^ a b c "Panel 'no' to Adani mine near Tadoba". The Times of India. Nagpur: Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. 12-4-2009. Retrieved 9 January 2010. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  15. ^ "Dhotre stir rocks power corridors". The Times of India. Chandrapur: Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. 8-2-2009. Retrieved 9 January 2010. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  16. ^ staff (11-21-2009). "No clearance for mining, hydel projects that destroy Western Ghat: Ramesh". The Hindu, NEWS » STATES » KERALA. Palakkad: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ staff. "Gundia project has not got Centre's nod". The hindu. Chennai: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009.
  18. ^ IANS. "Tiger reserves in poor condition: Jairam Ramesh". The Hindu, S & T - ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT. New Delhi: Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Retrieved 29 December 2009.
  19. ^ "Test Tube Brinjal".
  20. ^ "Moratorium on Bt. Brinjal".



As per this ref' [1] jairam ramesh happens to be tamil brahmin. Also, here, the sources only speak of his iyengar brahmin origin, and nothing about hebbar iyengars. When the data is controversial/challenged, one has to provide reliable neutral party sources, in this case a non-hebbar/iyengar src. By the way, the hebbar iyengars speak hebbar tamil and they recognize themselves as tambrahms. See - [2], [3]. Historians refer to them as tamil speaking brahmin groups. Ofcourse, all of these brahmin communities are aryan migrants from north india (earliest past) and are not indigenous southies. So, migrations have been taking place every now & then throughout history. That being the case, we're just supposed to adhere to src(reliable NP ones) material contents which often only speak of their recent past.


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