Talk:Afsharid Iran

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Turco-Iranian instead of "Iranian"


I believe that the empire should be mentioned as a Turco-Iranian state since the "Iranian" reference [1] itself mentions that the empire's origin is "Turkish" (used to be Turkic) Afshar tribe, and the Turkic language is used as the military language on the empire. BerkBerk68talk 21:12, 24 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

The source you posted literally says "Persian dynasty", not "Turco-Persian". Also, you were just shown multiple sources that simply use "Iranian/Persian" when referring to the dynasty/Nader Shah [2]. This is just more WP:NPOV. --HistoryofIran (talk) 22:54, 24 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
More WP:ROPE. --Kansas Bear (talk) 16:45, 25 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
"This dynasty drew strength from the tribal solidarity of the Afshār uymāq. This was a prototypical military tribal grouping of Turkish origin" BerkBerk68 20:42, 6 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

The map


During 1741–1745 Eastern Arabia and modern day Qatar was under the rule of Beni Khalid who had never fought the Afsharids so why are their domains included in this map as part of the Afsharid empire? (talk) 15:56, 10 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Racism of Afsharids


The subject is about henry mortimer durand the nader shah book, Page 52: My Lord is thinking of fresh conquests already?' Why not? While any country remains to be con- quered, what I have done is nothing.' 'My Lord, it is so much. What other King of Irán has been as great?' Rást ast. It is true. By the favour of God I have taught these Persian dogs what a King of Irán should be.' My Lord, forgive me if I am too bold. Why do you always speak with contempt of the Persians? Are they not the creatures of God, and your people?' Nadir laughed. The creatures of God. Balé. Yes. God is great. It has pleased Him to fill the world with dogs and asses. What am I that I should say a word? But the Persians are not my people. I am a Turko- man.' But you are Shah of Irán, and there are many Kizlbash in the King's army. Why do you hate them?' Why should I not hate them? A look of rage came into his eyes and his face flushed. 'Listen, and I will tell you. And once you have heard, never speak of it again."

Page 106: What evil have you been doing?' and his eyes were so full of good-humour that it gave her courage. Soon she found her opportunity. There was a tray of fruit on the carpet where she had been lying. 'It is a fine country,' he said. There is no fruit like the fruit of Kábul. But my Afghans are a rough people. With all their grapes they make no good wine -nothing like the wine of Shiráz. Sitara smiled. Then the Persians are good for something, my Lord?' Yes. They can make wine, and drink it, but they are good for nothing else. An Afghan is worth ten Persians. And yet, my Lord, you have to punish the Afghans very often. I saw many of them coming from the Presence to-day and... oh! my Lord, it was a sad sight.' Nadir's face clouded over. You have a soft heart. But you should not eat grief for them. Offenders must be punished.

Page 163: The mullas? What trouble are they making now ?' 'No trouble, but one day when I was on the march to Bokhara there was some talk about a verse in the Korán, some silly little difference between Sunnis and Shias, and that fool Mirza Mehdi quoted the Heavenly books. So to get rid of him I told him to go to the Jews and Christians, and get copies of their Scriptures. He came into camp the other day from Ispahán with a camel load of books, and a swarm of mullas and Jews and Armenians, to prove that the heretic dogs of Shias are right." Who is Mirza Mehdi?' He is an ass. "Khar ba tashdid," a doubled ass.¹ He wants a place, and thinks he is wiser than Plato. He has done the pilgrimage to Mecca, and tries to talk like an Arab at the back of his throat. He comes to the Diwan Khaneh and quotes poetry and the Korán till I am sick and want to make him eat sticks. Some day I shall.' Sitara smiled. My Lord has punished men for less. Yes. He is a chattering fool, and the son of a burnt father. But sometimes he makes me laugh, and I have been merciful to him. Once he was talking about his sea-voyage to Mecca, so I told him to go and command the ships on the Caspian." What does he know about commanding ships?" 'Nothing, but as much as any of these Persian dogs. And I thought he might get drowned." It seems that he was not drowned." No. The ways of God are past understanding. But he was very sick, and he wrote to Ali Akbar begging to

Page 164: He came with his mullas and his men learned in the Heavenly books, and talked all day till I was weary and put off the discussion. I said the Council of mullas was to take evidence and have the whole thing ready for me when I returned from the war. But what is it all about?' 'God knows. Some silly little point between Sunnis and Shias. These things serve to keep the mullas amused. When they have done I shall decide in favour of the Sunnis, because it will please the Turks and Afghans and make the Persian dogs angry." I have never understood what is the difference between Sunnis and Shias." Why should women trouble about such things? Or men either. It is all pooch, nonsense. Priests always wrangle about trifles. All religions are good so long as the priests do not interfere in matters which do not concern them." All religions good, my Lord? Are not Jews and Christians accursed?" So the mullas say, but God is great and the mullas are fools. Were there not holy men among your Brahmins?

in this page we should have such this informations to stop manipulates. (talk) 13:47, 27 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Not Iranian but kizilbash state in the territory of modern iran


The word 'iranian' refers to persian (farsi). Afsharids were part of kizilbash army and ideology. They are mostly part of turkic word rather than persian.the form of state was the same like in Safavid period. We can say that they are kizilbash dynasty (talk) 16:09, 2 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]