Tabél périodik

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tabél périodik, taler kaloktah antuk tabél périodik datu (kimia), inggih punika cingakan tabular saking datu kimia. Akéh kaanggén ring kimia, fisika, miwah ilmu liyanan, ring ketah nyané kanikayang dados ikon kimia. Punika formulasi grafis saking parikrama périodik, sané nganikayang pinaka cecirén datu kimia ngenatang mapaiketan sareng périodik ring wilangan atom ipun.

Golongan 1 2   3 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 18
Hidrogén &
logam alkali
Logam alkali tanah Pnikto­gén Kal­ko­gén Halo­gén Gas


1H1.008 24.0026
2 3Li6.94 49.0122 5B10.81 6C12.011 7N14.007 8O15.999 9F18.998 1020.180
3 11Na22.990 12Mg24.305 13Al26.982 14Si28.085 15P30.974 16S32.06 17Cl35.45 18Ar39.95
4 19K39.098 20Ca40.078 21Sc44.956 22Ti47.867 23V50.942 24Cr51.996 25Mn54.938 2655.845 27Co58.933 28Ni58.693 29Cu63.546 30Zn65.38 31Ga69.723 3272.630 33As74.922 3478.971 35Br79.904 36Kr83.798
5 37Rb85.468 38Sr87.62 39Y88.906 40Zr91.224 41Nb92.906 42Mo95.95 43Tc​[97] 44Ru101.07 45Rh102.91 46Pd106.42 47Ag107.87 48Cd112.41 49In114.82 50Sn118.71 51Sb121.76 52127.60 53I126.90 54131.29
6 55Cs132.91 56Ba137.33 1 asterisk 71Lu174.97 72Hf178.49 73Ta180.95 74W183.84 75186.21 76Os190.23 77Ir192.22 78Pt195.08 79Au196.97 80Hg200.59 81Tl204.38 82Pb207.2 83Bi208.98 84Po​[209] 85At​[210] 86Rn​[222]
7 87Fr​[223] 88Ra​[226] 1 asterisk 103Lr​[266] 104Rf​[267] 105Db​[268] 106Sg​[269] 107Bh​[270] 108Hs​[269] 109Mt​[278] 110Ds​[281] 111Rg​[282] 112Cn​[285] 113Nh​[286] 114Fl​[289] 115Mc​[290] 116Lv​[293] 117Ts​[294] 118Og​[294]
1 asterisk 57La138.91 58140.12 59Pr140.91 60Nd144.24 61Pm​[145] 62Sm150.36 63Éu151.96 64Gd157.25 65Tb158.93 66Dy162.50 67Ho164.93 68Ér167.26 69Tm168.93 70Yb173.05  
1 asterisk 89Ac​[227] 90Th232.04 91Pa231.04 92U238.03 93Np​[237] 94Pu​[244] 95Am​[243] 96Cm​[247] 97Bk​[247] 98Cf​[251] 99És​[252] 100Fm​[257] 101Md​[258] 102No​[259]


[uah | uah wit]
  1. Méija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.
  2. Méija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3). Table 2, 3 combined; uncertainty removed. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.


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Wacénan lantur

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  • Calvo, Miguel (2019). Construyendo la Tabla Periódica. Zaragoza, Spain: Prames. p. 407. ISBN 978-84-8321-908-9.
  • Emsley, J. (2011). "The Periodic Table". Nature's Building Blocks: An A–Z Guide to the Elements (édisi ka-New). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 634–651. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.
  • Fontani, Marco; Costa, Mariagrazia; Orna, Mary Virginia (2007). The Lost Elements: The Periodic Table's Shadow Side. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 508. ISBN 978-0-19-938334-4.
  • Mazurs, E. G. (1974). Graphical Representations of the Periodic System During One Hundred Years. Alabama: University of Alabama Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.
  • Rouvray, D.H.; King, R. B., eds. (2004). The Periodic Table: Into the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Periodic Table, part 1, Kananaskis Guest Ranch, Alberta, 14–20 July 2003. Baldock, Hertfordshire: Research Studies Press. ISBN 978-0-86380-292-8.
  • Rouvray, D.H.; King, R. B., eds. (2006). The Mathematics of the Periodic Table. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Periodic Table, part 2, Kananaskis Guest Ranch, Alberta, 14–20 July 2003. New York: Nova Science. ISBN 978-1-59454-259-6.
  • Scerri, E (n.d.). "Books on the Elements and the Periodic Table" (PDF). Kaarsipin (PDF) saking versi asli tanggal 11 August 2020. Kaaksés 9 July 2018.
  • Scerri, E.; Restrepo, G, eds. (2018). Mendeleev to Oganesson: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the Periodic Table. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Periodic Table, Cuzco, Peru 14–16 August 2012. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-86380-292-8.
  • van Spronsen, J. W. (1969). The Periodic System of Chemical Elements: A History of the First Hundred Years. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-444-40776-4.
  • Verde, M., ed. (1971). Atti del convegno Mendeleeviano: Periodicità e simmetrie nella struttura elementare della materia [Proceedings of the Mendeleevian conference: Periodicity and symmetry in the elementary structure of matter]. 1st International Conference on the Periodic Table, Torino-Roma, 15–21 Séptémber 1969. Torino: Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.

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