Sicilian leid

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Native taeItaly
Calabrie (middle an soothren provinces)
Campanie (Cilento)
Apulie (Salento)
Native speakers
4.7 million (2002)[1]
Offeecial status
Offeecial leid in
Leid codes
ISO 639-2scn
ISO 639-3scn
Linguasphere51-AAA-re & -rf (mainland 51-AAA-rc & -rd)

Sicilian is a leid spoken bi aboot 4.7 million fowk, maistly fowk frae Sicily, frae whaur it gets its name. It is an ofeecial leid in Sicily an Italy. It is uised in some pairts o Maltae an Unitit States an some ither places an aw.

It is maistly derived frae Laitin, wi some wirds frae Greek, Arabic an ithergates. It is cried an inflectit leid - that means that the meanin o wirds can be chynged bi chyngin thair endins. Sicilian noons is aither masculine or feminine (thir's grammatical terms, for ordinar anerly indirect adae dae wi gender).

Maist singular masculine noons ends in -u, an maist plural masculine noons ends in -i.

Maist singular feminine noons ends in -e, an maist plural feminine noons ends in -a.

Sae - gattu = male cat, gatta = female cat, gatti = male cats, gatte = female cats.

The endin o verbs is awfu complicate, acause thay lippen on the tense o the verb (past, praisent, futur an sae on) an on the person o the verb (A, ye , thay etc).

Frae that - parru = A speak, parramu = we speak, parrava = he wis speakin, parrarunu = thay spak, parrìru = A will speak, parriamu = lat's speak!

Thare's gey mony o thir endins tae learn - it is a difficult pairt o Sicilian. But soondin is semple - thare's anerly a puckle rules tae learn, an haurdly ony difficult soonds.

Mony Sicilian wirds haes entered the Scots leid. Minchia, mafia an boss is juist some o the fuid wirds that we uise. Mony technical wirds in muisic is Sicilian, sic as forte an allegro. Mony muisical instruments' names air Sicilian an aw, sic as cello an tuba. Frae the daurker side o Sicilian life we get Mafia an vendetta.

Ither wabsites

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See Forby

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  1. Sicilian at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  2. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Sicilian". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.