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Innéacs, gníomhartha sceimhlitheoireachta % 2015

Is éard atá i gceist leis an sceimhlitheoireacht ná úsáid chórasach an sceimhle agus an fhoréigin ar son cúise éigin.

Sceimhlitheoirí a thugtar ar na daoine a úsáideann an sceimhlitheoireacht.

Bíonn an téarma conspóideach go minic, mar ní ghlacann go leor daoine agus eagraíochtaí a dtugtar sceimhlitheoirí orthu leis.

Eagraíochtaí sceimhlitheoireachta

[cuir in eagar | athraigh foinse]

Dar leis na rialtais / eagraíochtaí idirnáisiúnta a luaitear

Eagraíocht An Astráil


An tAontas Eorpach

An Ríocht Aontaithe

Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá

An India

An Rúis

Abu Nidal Organization [1]
Abu Sayyaf Group [2] [1]
Íomhá:ANClogo.png African National Congress [3][4]
Al-Aqsa e.V.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
Al Ghurabaa
al-Haramain Foundation
Al Ittihad Al Islamia
al-Qa'ida [2] [1]
al-Qa'ida in Iraq [2]
al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb [2]
All Tripura Tiger Force
Ansar al-Islam [2]
Ansar us-Sunna
Armed Islamic Group [1]
Asbat al-Ansar [1]
Aum Shinrikyo [1]
Babbar Khalsa [1]
Baluchistan Liberation Army
Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Communist Party of the Philippines/
New People's Army
Continuity Irish Republican Army
Deendar Anjuman
Egyptian Islamic Jihad
Euskadi ta Askatasuna [1]
Fatah al-Islam
Fianna na hÉireann
Gama'a al-Islamiyya
Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front
Hamas [1]
Harakat-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami (Bangladesh)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin [1]
Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin
Hezbollah [1]
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Hizbul Mujahideen
Holy Land Foundation
for Relief and Development
Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council
Informal Anarchist Federation
International Sikh Youth Federation [1]
Islamic Army of Aden [1]
Islamic Jihad — Jamaat of the Mujahideen
Islamic Jihad Union
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Irish National Liberation Army
Irish People's Liberation Organisation
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Jaish-e-Mohammed [1]
Jamaat Ul-Furquan
Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
Jamiat ul-Ansar
Jamiat-e Islami
Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front
Jemaah Islamiya [1]
Jund Ash Sham
Kach and Kahane Chai
Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup
Kangleipak Communist Party
Khalistan Commando Force
Khuddam ul-Islam
Kurdistan Freedom Falcons
Kurdistan Workers' Party [1]
Lashkar-e-Toiba [1]
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi [1]
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) [5] [1] [6]
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Loyalist Volunteer Force
Manipur People's Liberation Front
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group
Mujahedin-e Khalq [7]
Muslim Brotherhood
National Democratic Front of Bodoland
National Liberation Army
National Liberation Front of Tripura
Nuclei Armati per il Comunismo
Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria
Nuclei Territoriali Antimperialisti
Nucleo di Iniziativa Proletaria Rivoluzionaria
Orange Volunteers
Palestine Liberation Front [1]
Palestinian Islamic Jihad [1]
People's Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan [8]
People's Liberation Army of Manipur
People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [1]
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-
General Command
Real IRA [9]
Red Brigades for the construction
of the Combative Communist Party
Red Hand Commando
Red Hand Defenders
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Revolutionary Nuclei
Revolutionary Organization 17 November
Revolutionary People's Front
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front
Revolutionary Struggle
Saor Éire
Saviour Sect
Sendero Luminoso
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Social Reform Society
Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage
Stichting Al Aqsa
Students Islamic Movement of India
Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus [8]
Takfir wal-Hijra
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army
Tamil National Retrieval Troops
Ulster Defence Association
Ulster Freedom Fighters
Ulster Volunteer Force
United Liberation Front of Asom
United National Liberation Front
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia
Vanguards of Conquest [1]
World Tamil Movement [1]
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 "Currently listed entities". Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 2009-02-09. Dáta rochtana: 2010-09-01.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "Cóip cartlainne". Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 2006-08-20. Dáta rochtana: 2010-09-01.
  3. "US shamed by Mandela terror link". BBC News.
  4. "Mandela taken off US terror list". BBC News.
  5. "Charter of the United Nations (Anti-terrorism — Persons and Entities) List 2001 (No. 2)". Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 2013-12-03. Dáta rochtana: 2010-09-01.
  6. "Council Common Position 2009/67/CFSP of 26 January 2009 updating Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repealing Common Position 2008/586/CFSP". Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 27 Bealtaine 2012. Dáta rochtana: 1 Meán Fómhair 2010.
  7. "Les « Moudjahidine du Peuple » ne sont plus des terroristes" (as Fraincis). RFI. Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar 2018-01-08. Dáta rochtana: 2010-09-01.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Moscow turns up heat on radicals". Asia Times. Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar Márta 21, 2017. Dáta rochtana: Meán Fómhair 1, 2010.
  9. "Foreign Terrorist Organizations". United States Department of State. Cartlannaíodh an bunleathanach ar Bealtaine 13, 2009. Dáta rochtana: Meán Fómhair 1, 2010.
  • Terrorism: a history. Randall Law. Polity, 2009.
  • Terrorism: understanding the global threat, Volume 2006. David J. Whittaker. Pearson Education, 2007