Romanus (poeta Persicus)

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Statua Rumiana Bucae in oppido Smyrnanae provinciae in Turcia.
Sepulcrum Romani Iconii in Turcia positum.
Romanus mysticos Sufienses colligit.
Paginae primae libri primi (daftar) (Masnavi-i ma'navi), collectionis poematum. Manuscriptum 1461.
Patera Imaginum cum poematibus Romani, saeculo tredecimo ineunte. Museum Brooklyniense.

Romanus[1][2] (Persice جلال‌الدین محمد رومی Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī[3]), e litteris Persicis populo gratissime Rumi tantum appellatus (natus Balkh in hodierna Afgania aut Vakhsh in hodierna Tadzikistania[4] in Imperio Khwarezmiano die 30 Septembris 1207; mortuus Iconii in hodierna Turcia in Sultanatu Romano die 17 Decembris 1273), fuit poeta, iurista, eruditus Islamicus, theologus, et mysticus Sufiensis Persicus[5][6] Sunniticus[7] saeculi tredecimi, e Maiore Khorasan? ortus.[6][8] Cuius auctoritas fines nationales identitatesque ethnicas superat: quia Iraniani, Tadzici, Turci, Graeci Cappadociani, Pashtuni, alii gentes Mediae Asiae, et Musulmani Asiae Meridianae eius legatum spiritualem septem saecula magni existimant.[9]

Eius poemata in multas e linguis orbis terrarum conversa atque in varias formas transposita sunt. Romanus quidem appellatur poeta populo gratissimus[10][11] et poeta optime veniens[12] in Civitatibus Foederatis.[13][14]

Nexus interni

  1. Claudius Salmasius, De Hellenistica commentarius, controversiam De Lingua Hellenistica decidens, & plenissime pertractans Originem & Dialectos Graecae Linguae (Lugduni Batavorum: Ex Officina Elseviriorum, 1643), 382.
  2. "The Anatolian peninsula which had belonged to the Byzantine, or eastern Roman empire, had only relatively recently been conquered by Muslims and even when it came to be controlled by Turkish Muslim rulers, it was still known to Arabs, Persians and Turks as the geographical area of Rum. As such, there are a number of historical personages born in or associated with Anatolia known as Rumi, a word borrowed from Arabic literally meaning 'Roman,' in which context Roman refers to subjects of the Byzantine Empire or simply to people living in or things associated with Anatolia" (Lewis 2008:9).
  3. Etiam Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī (Persice جلال‌الدین محمد بلخى), Mevlânâ / Mawlānā (Persice مولانا 'magister noster'), Mevlevî / Mawlawī (Persice مولوی 'magister meus') appellatus.
  4. William Harmless, Mystics, (Oxford University Press, 2008), 167.
  5. H. Ritter et A. Bausani (2007), "ḎJ̲alāl al-Dīn Rūmī b. Bahāʾ al-Dīn Sulṭān al-ʿulamāʾ Walad b. Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad Ḵh̲aṭībī," Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed. P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, et W. P. Heinrichs (Brill Online), pars: "known by the sobriquet Mewlānā, persian poet and founder of the Mewlewiyya order of dervishes."
  6. 6.0 6.1 Lewis 2008: 9. "How is that a Persian boy born almost eight hundred years ago in Khorasan, the northeastern province of greater Iran, in a region that we identify today as in Central Asia, but was considered in those days as part of the greater Persian cultural sphere, wound up in central Anatolia on the receding edge of the Byzantine cultural sphere, in what is now Turkey, some 1,500 miles to the west?
  7. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Rumi Meditations (Penguin Group), 48.
  8. Schimmel 1994: 51.
  9. Seyyed, Hossein Nasr (1987). Islamic Art and Spirituality. Suny Press. p. 115: "Jalal al-Din was born in a major center of Persian culture, Balkh, from Persian speaking parents, and is the product of that Islamic Persian culture which in the 7th/13th century dominated the 'whole of the eastern lands of Islam and to which present day Persians as well as Turks, Afghans, Central Asian Muslims and the Muslims of the Indo-Pakistani subcontinent are heir. It is precisely in this world that the sun of his spiritual legacy has shone most brillianty during the past seven centuries. The father of Jalal al-Din, Muhammad ibn Husayn Khatibi, known as Baha al-Din Walad and entitled Sultan al-'ulama', was an outstanding Sufi in Balkh connected to the spiritual lineage of Najm al-Din Kubra." 
  10. Anglice "most popular poet."
  11. Charles Haviland (2007-09-30). "Theroar of Rumi—800 years on". BBC News 
  12. Anglice "best selling poet."
  13. Ciabattari, Jane (21 October 2014). "Why is Rumi the best-selling poet in the US?". BBC News .
  14. Tompkins, Ptolemy (2002-10-29). "RumiRules!" .


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Commentarii in Anglicum conversi

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Studia comparativa

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  • Katz, Steven T. 2011. Comparative Mysticism: An Anthology of Original Sources. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press.
  • Zarrabi-Zadeh, Saeed. 2016. Practical Mysticism in Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Meister Eckhart. Londinii et Novi Eboraci: Routledge. Routledge Products.

Litterae Persicae

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Nexus externi

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