Representation of the People Act 1832

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Representation of the People Act 1832
Parlamaid y Reeriaght Unnaneysit
Slane ennym: An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales.
Cabdil lioar ny slattyssyn: 2 & 3 Will. IV
Er ny chur roish liorish: Ian Lang
Rheam: Sostyn as Bretin
Stayd: Immeeaght
Teks bunneydagh: Reform Act 1832

She Slattys Parlamaid y Reeriaght Unnaneysit eh yn Representation of the People Act 1832 (2 & 3 William IV) (Gaelg: Slattys Tuarystallys y Phobble 1832). Ren y slattys shoh caghlaa corys reihyssagh y Reeriaght Unnaneyssit. Hug eh ynnydyn ard-whaiylagh da ard-valjyn v'er jeet rish 'sy Çhyndaa Çhynskylagh, as ghow eh ynnydyn jeh co-chorpyn loauey - adsyn as reihderaght feer veg oc. Chammah's shen, hug eh cairyn teiy da ny smoo sleih rish 50-80%; dod mysh nane 'syn çhey fir teiy.

Cha row niart echey agh ayns Sostyn as Bretin; ren ad slattyssyn elley ayns Nalbin as Nerin 'sy vlein cheddin.[1]


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