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Infotaula d'ésser viuPèrcids
Percidae Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Perca groga Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Eocè - recent[1]
FamíliaPercidae Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Cuvier, 1816
Etheostoma spectabile
Gymnocephalus cernuus
Etheostoma fusiforme
Percina tanasi
Sander vitreus
Etheostoma grahami
Perca fluviatilis
Percina kathae
Perca fluviatilis
Etheostoma colorosum
Zingel streber
Percina pantherina
Etheostoma osburni
Sander canadensis
Etheostoma swaini
Percina caprodes
Perca fluviatilis capturada a Utrecht (Països Baixos).
Etheostoma nuchale
Etheostoma caeruleum
Percinus antesella
Perca fluviatilis
Ammocrypta vivax del riu Sabine (Texas, els Estats Units)

Els pèrcids (Percidae) constitueixen una família de peixos actinopterigis de l'ordre dels perciformes.





Viuen en aigües dolces i salades.[3]

Distribució geogràfica


Es troben a l'hemisferi nord.


  1. Berg, L.S., 1958. System der rezenten und fossilen Fischartigen und Fische. VEB Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlín, Alemanya.
  2. FishBase (anglès)
  3. «Pèrcids». Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Barcelona: Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana.
  4. Jordan D. S., 1877. Contributions to North American ichthyology based primarily on the collections of the United States National Museum. Núm. 2. A.--Notes on Cottidae ..., and Hyodontidae, with revisions of the genera and descriptions of new or little known species. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. Núm. 10. 1-68.
  5. Jordan, D. S., 1877. Contributions to North American ichthyology based primarily on the collections of the United States National Museum. Núm. 2. A.--Notes on Cottidae ..., and Hyodontidae, with revisions of the genera and descriptions of new or little known species. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. Núm. 10: 1-68, Pls. 44-45.
  6. Williams, J. D., 1975. Systematics of the percid fishes of the subgenus Ammocrypta, genus Ammocrypta, with descriptions of two new species. Bull. Alabama Mus. Nat. Hist. Núm. 1: 1-56.
  7. Jordan, D. S. & S. E. Meek, 1885. List of fishes collected in Iowa and Missouri in August, 1884, with descriptions of three new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 8 (núm. 470): 1-17.
  8. Williams, J. D., 1975. Systematics of the percid fishes of the subgenus Ammocrypta, genus Ammocrypta, with descriptions of two new species. Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural History Núm. 1: 1-56.
  9. Putnam, F. W., 1863. List of the fishes sent by the museum to different institutions, in exchange for other specimens, with annotations. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. v. 1 (art. 1): 2-16.
  10. Hay, O. P., 1882. On a collection of fishes from the lower Mississippi Valley. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. v. 2 (1882): 57-75.
  11. Jordan D. S. 1885. A catalogue of the fishes known to inhabit the waters of North America, north of the Tropic of Cancer, with notes on species discovered in 1883 and 1884. Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. v. 13 [1885]. 789-973.
  12. Jordan, D. S., 1878. A catalogue of the fishes of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History v. 1 (núm. 2): 37-70.
  13. Welsh, S.A. & Wood, R.M., 2008. Crystallaria cincotta, a new species of darter (Teleostei: Percidae) from the Elk River of the Ohio River drainage, West Virginia. Zootaxa, 1680: 62-68.
  14. Rafinesque C. S., 1819. Prodrome de 70 nouveaux genres d'animaux découverts dans l'intérieur des États-Unis d'Amérique, durant l'année 1818. J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. v. 88. 417-429.
  15. Bloch M. E. 1793. Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische. Berlín. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 7. i-xiv + 1-144.
  16. Linnaeus C. 1758. Systema Naturae, Ed. X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.) Holmiae. Systema Nat. ed. 10 v. 1. i-ii + 1-824.
  17. Nordmann A. von, 1840. Observations sur la fauna pontique. A: A. de Démidoff. Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée. Vol. III. París. Voyage Russie Mérid.. 353-635.
  18. Nordmann, A. von, 1840. Observations sur la fauna pontique. A: A. de Démidoff. Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée. Vol. III. París. Voyage Russie Mérid.: 353-635, Atlas: 32 col. pls.
  19. Kuznetsov, I. D., 1888. Percarina (Nordm.) and Benthophilus (Eichw.) of the Sea of Azov. Trudy St. Petersburg. Obsh. Estestv. v. 19: 189-212.
  20. Haldeman S. S. 1842. Description of two new species of the genus Perca, from the Susquehanna River. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v. 8 (pt 2). 330.
  21. Williams, J. D. & Etnier, D. A., 1977. Percina (Imostoma) antesella, a new percid fish from the Coosa River system in Tennessee and Georgia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 90 (núm. 1): 6-18.
  22. Cope, E. D., 1868. On the distribution of fresh-water fishes in the Allegheny region of southwestern Virginia. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Filadèlfia. Second series. v. 6 (art. 5): 207-247, Pls. 26-28.
  23. Suttkus, R. D. & Ramsey, J. S., 1967. Percina aurolineata, a new percid fish from the Alabama River system and a discussion of ecology, distribution, and hybridization of darters of the subgenus Hadropterus. Tulane Studies in Zoology v. 13 (núm. 4): 129-145.
  24. 24,0 24,1 Suttkus, R. D., Thompson, B. A. & Bart, H. L. Jr., 1994. Two new darters, Percina (Cottogaster), from the southeastern United States, with a review of the subgenus. Occasional Papers Tulane University Museum of Natural History Núm. 4: 1-46.
  25. Thompson, B. A., 1995. Percina austroperca: A new species of logperch (Percidae, subgenus Percina) from the Choctawhatchee and Escambia rivers in Alabama and Florida. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology Louisiana State University Núm. 69: 1-20.
  26. Fowler, H. W., 1945. A study of the fishes of the southern Piedmont and coastal plain. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Núm. 7: i-vi + 1-408, 313 figs. on 73 unnum. pls.
  27. Rafinesque, C. S., 1818. Discoveries in natural history, made during a journey through the western region of the United States. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Revue v. 3 (5) (Sept. 1818): 354-356.
  28. Baird, S. F. & Girard, C. F., 1853. Descriptions of new species of fishes collected by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, under Lt. Col. Jas. D. Graham. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 6: 387-390.
  29. Jordan, D. S., 1877. Contributions to North American ichthyology based primarily on the collections of the United States National Museum. Núm. 2. A.--Notes on Cottidae ..., and Hyodontidae, with revisions of the genera and descriptions of new or little known species. Bulletin of the United States National Museum Núm. 10: 1-68, Pls. 44-45.
  30. Jordan, D. S. & Brayton, A. W., 1878. Contributions to North American ichthyology. Núm. 3. A. On the distribution of the fishes of the Allegany region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, with descriptions of new or little known species. Bulletin of the United States National Museum Núm. 12: 3-95.
  31. Gilbert, C. H., 1887. Descriptions of new and little known etheostomoids. Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 10 (núm. 607): 47-64.
  32. Jordan, D. S., 1877. On the fishes of northern Indiana. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 29 (pt 1): 42-82.
  33. Beckham, E. C., III, 1980. Percina gymnocephala, a new percid fish of the subgenus Alvordius, from the New River in North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology Louisiana State University Núm. 57: 1-11.
  34. Dumitrescu M., Banarescu P. & N. Stoica 1957. Romanichthys valsanicola nov. gen. nov. sp. (Pisces, Percidae). Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. 'Grigore Antipa' v. 1. 225-244.
  35. Dumitrescu, M., P. Banarescu & N. Stoica, 1957. Romanichthys valsanicola nov. gen. nov. sp. (Pisces, Percidae). Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. 'Grigore Antipa' v. 1: 225-244.
  36. Oken L. 1817. V. Kl. Fische. Isis (Oken) v. 8 (núm. 148). 1779-1782 [for 1179-1182 + [1182a].
  37. Griffith, E. & C. H. Smith, 1834. The class Pisces, arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary additions, by Edward Griffith, F.R.S., &c. and Lieut.-Col. Charles Hamilton Smith, F.R., L.S.S., &c. &c. Londres. Class Pisces, Cuvier: 1-680, Pls. 1-62 + 3.
  38. 38,0 38,1 Linnaeus, C., 1758. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. - pp. (1-4), 1-824. Holmiæ. (Salvius). [1][Enllaç no actiu]
  39. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes, 1828. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome second. Livre Troisième. Des poissons de la famille des perches, ou des percoïdes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 2: i-xxi + 2 pp. + 1-490, Pls. 9-40.
  40. Mitchill, S. L., 1818. Memoir on ichthyology. The fishes of New York... In a supplement to the Memoir... Am. Monthly Mag. Crit. Rev. v. 2: 241-248, 321-328.
  41. Gmelin, J. F., 1789. Caroli a Linné ... Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species; cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decimo tertia, aucta, reformata. 3 vols. in 9 parts. Lipsiae, 1788-93. Systema Naturae Linné v. 1 (pt 3): 1033-1516.
  42. Cloquet, H., 1816-1830. (Pisces accounts). A: Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. Volumes 1-60.
  43. Karaman, S., 1937. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Süsswasserfische Jugoslaviens. Bull. Soc. Sci. Skoplje v. 17: 55-64.
  44. Siebold, C. T. E. von, 1863. Die Süsswasserfische von Mitteleuropa. Leipzig. Süsswasserfische Mitteleuropa: i-viii + 1-430, color Pls. 1-2.
  45. Linnaeus, C., 1766. Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae. 12th ed. Systema Nat. ed. 12 v. 1 (pt 1): 1-532.
  46. ITIS (anglès)
  47. Animal Diversity Web (anglès)
  48. BioLib (anglès)
  49. Catalogue of Life[Enllaç no actiu] (anglès)
  50. World Register of Marine Species (anglès)
  51. NCBI (anglès)

