List of covers of Time magazine (2010s)

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Time was first published in 1923. As Time became established as one of the United States' leading news magazines, an appearance on the cover of Time became an indicator of notability, fame or notoriety. Such features were accompanied by articles.

European, Middle Eastern, African, Asian and South Pacific versions of the magazine were published in addition to the United States edition. This article distinguishes versions when the covers are different.

For other decades, see Lists of covers of Time magazine.


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 11 Flight 253 Fear of Flying/The 4 Lessons of Flight 253
January 18 Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny/The new science of epigenetics reveals how the choices you make can change your genes-and those of your kids.
January 25 A boy Special Report: Haiti's Tragedy
February 1 Barack Obama Now what?
Obama Starts Over.
February 8 US: A squashed American football
Europe/Asia: A child walking along rubble
US: The Most Dangerous Game
Europe/Asia: Haiti: The Aftermath
February 15 Robert Gates Man of War
February 22 US: Three generations of the same family
Europe/Asia: A twisted toyota keyfob
US: The science of living longer
Europe/Asia: Toyota's Tangle
March 1 US/Asia: Capital dome frozen in an ice cube
Europe: An oil rig in the ocean
US/Asia: Why Washington is Frozen
Europe: Immigration: Why Europe's All at Sea
March 8 US/Asia: A member of the Taliban
Europe: A globe
US/Asia: Taking on the Taliban
Europe: Where did Europe go?
March 15 US: Tom Hanks
Europe/Asia: An F1 racing car
US: History Maker: How Tom Hanks is redefining America's past
Europe/Asia: The Turbulent Times of Formula One
March 22 A hand balancing a light bulb on one finger 10 ideas for the next 10 years
March 29 US: A crowd form the word "JOBS"
Europe/South Pacific: Pope Benedict XVI
Asia: A large "O" with space inside for the caption
US: [Jobs:] Where They Are
Europe/South Pacific: The Pope's Nightmare: From Ireland to Germany, the Catholic Church is under fire over sexual abuse by priests. Will Benedict act?
Asia: Obama's Return: What the US President's visit to Indonesia means for Asia
April 5 An image of the USA composed of pieces of medical equipment Health Care Reform Comes to America
April 12 Steve Jobs Inside Steve's Pad
April 19 US: Schoolchild sat at a desk
Europe, Middle East, South Pacific & Africa: Army officer training in Wales (closeup)
Asia: The back of Barack Obama's head on a Chinese flag background
US: Should Schools Bribe Kids?
Europe, Middle East, South Pacific & Africa: Why Britain's election Should Be About Her
Asia: Obama's China Challenge
April 26 Road with soldiers on
Asia (alternate): Benigno Aquino III
A Captain's Story
Asia (alternate): The New Aquino: Can Noynoy save the Philippines?
May 3 A contraceptive pill The Pill: So Small. So powerful. And so misunderstood.
May 10 Didier Drogba, Lady Gaga, and Bill Clinton (Time 100) The 100 most influential people in the world
May 17 Ship in a sea full of spilled oil The Big Spill: What the US oil disaster means for the future of energy
May 24 US: Elizabeth Warren, Mary Schapiro, and Sheila Bair
Europe: Nick Clegg and David Cameron
US: The New Sheriffs of Wall Street
Europe: Britain's Fresh Faces
Asia: Multicolour writing which reads "The Best of Asia"
May 31 A photo montage of thousands of individual profile pictures, with "Facebook" across the middle[1] Facebook... and how it's redefining privacy
June 7 Pope Benedict XVI Why Being Pope Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
June 14 Cartoon South African footballer kicking a ball The Global Game
June 21 An oil covered bird How to Clean Up The Mess
June 28 US: A crumpled car license plate with the inscription "BNKRPT More Taxes, Fewer Services"
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Small sick child wrapped up in bed
US: The Broken States of America
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Fight Against Malaria
July 5 US: Thomas Edison
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Refugees looking through bars
US: How one powerful idea changed America
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Seeking refuge
July 12 US: Capital dome over a pile of cash.
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific:European hot air balloon is on floor while American and Chinese ones float overhead
US: The Best Laws Money Can Buy
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific:Why Europe Can't Get Off the Ground
July 19 Bryan Moore The Only Child Myth
July 26 US: Jagged red and black arrows
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: David Cameron
Asia: Burmese soldier walking
US: The Economy Is Back [black up arrow]. The Economy Stinks [red down arrow].
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: The Pragmatic Partner: Britain's David Cameron gets ready to visit the US – without stars in his eyes
Asia: Burma's Long March
August 2 US: Illustration of child throwing a stone into a pond
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Landscape of cornfield with hill in the background
Asia: Man pushing a large red circle (of the Japanese flag) up a steep icy mountain
US: The Case Against Summer Vacation
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: France's Rural Revolution
Asia: Japan's Tough Climb
August 9 Bibi Aisha What Happens if We Leave Afghanistan
August 16 A grey dog, with a thought bubble saying "Way to go, Einstein" What Animals Think: New science reveals they're smarter than we realized
August 23 Jonathan Franzen Great American Novelist
August 30 A crescent and star coloured with the American stars and stripes Is America Islamophobic?
September 6 US: An ordinary bungalow in a residential area
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Five tomatoes attached on a vine
US: Rethinking Homeownership: Why owning a home no longer makes economic sense
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Real Cost of Organic Food
September 13 Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Tony Blair
US/Asia: A Star of David made out of daisies.
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Blair on America
Why Israel Doesn't Care About Peace
September 20 US: Yellow school bus with pupils waving out the windows
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Woman cooks on outdoor fire by building
US: What Makes a School Great
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Pakistan's Despair: After the Great Flood, a nation and its people pray for a new beginning
September 27 A tea cup with an elephant's trunk hanging out It's Tea Party Time
October 4 A figure of a pregnant female floating How the first nine months shape the rest of your life
October 11 A member of the Ohio Defense Force, a private militia Locked & Loaded: The Secret World of Extreme Militias
October 18 Asia/South Pacific: Wen Jiabao
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: A motorhome drives along a road with a large cloud overhead
Asia/South Pacific: Wen's World
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: An American Journey
November 25 A woman's face, half of it faded out to whiteness Alzheimer's: At last some progress against the most stubborn disease
November 1 A yellow "perfect" house is viewed through a picket fence from the ground How to Restore the American Dream
November 8 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Meg Whitman, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Christine O'Donnell
Asia: Burmese teenagers stand in a line, laughing
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Party Crashers
Asia: Young Burma
November 15 John Boehner Mr. Speaker: How John Boehner will rule the House
November 22 US: A joint, positioned vertically up the page
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Man wears hard-hat with many gadgets attached to it
US: The United States of Amerijuana
US: The 50 Best Inventions of 2010
November 29 Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific/Asia: Aung San Suu Kyi
US: A bride and groom hold hands, viewed from the back
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific/Asia: The Lady Returns
US: Who Needs Marriage?
December 6 Disorganized section boxes with writing in (all red) What Really Happened 2000–2010
December 13 Julian Assange Do you want to know a secret?
December 20 US: Sarah Palin
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: An Indonesian collects ash-covered corn
US: Palin in Progress
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Best of 2010
December 27 Mark Zuckerberg (Person of the Year) Person of the Year


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 10 Aung San Suu Kyi The Fighter
January 17 US: A man stands in shallow water with a telescope
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A Marine carries a wounded Afghan child
US: Where the jobs are
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Fragile Progress in Afghanistan
January 24 Jared Lee Loughner Guns. Speech. Madness.
January 31 US/Asia/South Pacific: Small child plays violin next to a tall mother
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Dark track through a forest
US/Asia/South Pacific: The Truth About Tiger Moms
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Not Out of The Woods
February 7 Barack Obama & Ronald Reagan Why Obama ♥ Reagan
February 14 Egyptian Revolutionaries Revolution. And what it means for the Middle East.
February 21 Back of a head with wire coming out the neck 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal
February 28 A group of young activists in Cairo The Generation Changing the World
March 7 US: A human's back, hunched in pain
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Muammar Gaddafi
US: Understanding Pain
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Last Stand
March 14 A hand points downward, with the finger reading "We're #1" Yes, America Is in Decline
March 21 US: A head silhouette composed by coloured strips with writing on: the words are things that would describe an individual
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A human's back, hunched in pain
US: [Shopping tag] Your Data For Sale: Everything about you is being tracked – get over it
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Understanding Pain
March 28 A woman sobs after the Koji Haga Japan earthquake Japan's Meltdown
April 4 Muammar Gaddafi What If He Doesn't Go?: The War Against Gaddafi
April 11 Nugget of shale This Rock Could Power the World
April 18 US: Abraham Lincoln
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: An Eye of Horus with a victory fist inside
US: Why We're Still Fighting The Civil War
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Egypt's Unfinished Revolution
April 25 US: An image of demons
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Older man riding a bicycle
US: What if there's no Hell?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Forever Young: More people are behaving as if they'll never grow old. Is that such a good idea?
May 2 Images of the People on the Time 100 2011 The Time 100
May 9 Robert Mueller The Terrorist Hunter
May 16 Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge The Royal Wedding [Special Commemorative Issue]
May 20 US: Osama bin Laden with a red cross over his face US: The End of Bin Laden
May 23 Rubik's cube with American and Pakistani flags instead of the regular multicolouring Why The US Is Stuck With Pakistan
May 30 Small piglet at the bottom right corner, the rest of the page is devoted to the caption Sex. Lies. Arrogance. What Makes Powerful Men Act Like Pigs
June 6 A brain drawing with areas of optimism and pessimism The Science of Optimism
June 13 US: Mehmet Oz and a patient
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A rhinoceros
US: Health Special Report
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Rhinos at Risk
June 20 A one dollar bill sliced into five progressively smaller pieces What Recovery: Five Myths About the Economy
June 27 US: Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, Jr., Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, & Herman Cain
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mehmet Oz and a patient
US: Baracketology
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Taking Cancer Seriously
July 4 United States Constitution with the lower half shredded Does the US Constitution Still Matter
July 11 Two crosses in the ground marking deaths Mexico's tragedy
July 18 A fish lying on blue The future of fish: Can farming save the last wild food?
July 25 Rupert Murdoch SCANDAL!
August 8 US: A woman cleans up while a man stands behind a wall with a baby
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A man leads two camels through the desert
US: Chore wars
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Travels through Islam
August 15 George Washington from a United States one-dollar bill with a black eye The Great American Downgrade
August 22 Tracksuited figure walks in front of burning background. The image is tinted red. The Decline And Fall of Europe (And maybe the West)
August 29 Ex-servicepeople The new greatest generation
September 5 Muammar Gaddafi The World After Gaddafi
September 12 A circle of food items What to Eat Now
September 19 Tribute in Light viewed from space Beyond 9/11
September 25 Rick Perry The Rise of Rick Perry
October 3 US: Three children sit at a table; one has a large slice of cake, the others have small slices
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A 5 euro note split in half and taped together with black, red and yellow tape (the German flag)
US: Why Mom Liked You Best: The Science of Favoritism
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Why Germany Can't Save the World
October 10 US: Pile of banknotes slashed in half leaving it low on the right hand side
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific : Dalai Lama's robes, spectacles and shadow with no person inside
US: What We Spend [Special Money Issue]
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Tibet's Next Incarnation
October 17 Steve Jobs (young) Steve Jobs

1955 – 2011

October 24 US: A lone loudspeaker sits in blackness
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A valley
US: The Return of The Silent Majority
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Why the US will never save Afghanistan
October 31 US: Chinese child blows bubble gum which is red with stars (the Chinese flag)
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Tintin looks into a mirror to see himself reflected as he is in the animated film The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn
US: The China Bubble
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Inside Tintin
November 7 Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton & The Rise of Smart Power
November 14 US: Two broken pencils and two unbroken pencils alternately
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Three children sit at a table; one has a large slice of cake, the others have small slices
US: Can You Still Move Up in America?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Why Mom Liked You Best: The Science of Favoritism
November 21 US: United States Army soldiers
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Silvio Berlusconi
Asia: A green elephant (India) fights a red dragon (China)
US: An Army Apart
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: The Man Behind The World's Most Dangerous Economy
Asia: India vs. China: Which Economy Will Rule The World?
November 28 US: A mechanical hummingbird
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
US: The Invention Issue
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Erdogan's Way
December 5 US: String of wool held by cartoon figure
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Activist wearing a gas mask walks away from a fire in the street
US: Why Anxiety is Good For You
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Revolution Redux
December 12 US: Mitt Romney
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Vladimir Putin
Asia/South Pacific: Aung San Suu Kyi
US: Why Don't They Like Me?
Europe, Middle East, Africa: The Putin Problem
Asia/South Pacific: Brave New Burma
December 19 US: Hundreds of cars line up with caption over them
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Sergio Marchionn sits inside a Fiat 500
US: How America Started Selling Cars Again
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Car Star
December 26 The Protester (representing all activists) Person of the Year


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 9 Background of every headline from the previous year in multicolours, while the large numbers 20 and 12 hold the caption in the bottom of the first "2" User's Guide: Essential Info For The Year Ahead
January 16 US: Mitt Romney
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Dead person lies on tarmac
US: So You Like Me Now?: How Mitt Romney pulled ahead of the pack
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Pakistan's Dark Heart
January 23 Warren Buffett The Optimist: why Warren Buffett is bullish on America
January 30 Barack Obama Obama's World: An exclusive interview.
February 6 US: Small boy stands in corner of large room with a megaphone
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Lionel Messi
US: The Power Of (shyness)
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: King Leo
February 13 Preet Bharara This Man Is Busting Wall St.
February 20 US: Large dog sits with a small one
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mario Monti
US: The Surprising Science of Animal Friendships
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Can This Man Save Europe?
February 27 US, Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Kim Jong-un
Asia: Jeremy Lin
US, Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Lil' Kim
Asia: Linsanity!
March 7 US: Images of Latin people
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Vladimir Putin stands small at the bottom of the page
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Youssou N'Dour
US: Yo Decido. Why Latinos will pick the next president.
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Russia's Incredible Shrinking Prime Minister
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Voice of Protest
March 12 Lightbulb Who will save Syria?/10 ideas that are changing your life
March 19 Battered Syrian street Escape From Syria
March 26 US: Woman symbol made of folded up money
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: René Redzepi
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Joseph Kony
Asia (alternate): Narendra Modi
US: The Richer $ex
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Locavore Hero
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Hunting Joseph #Kony
Asia (alternate): Modi Means Business: But Can He Lead India?
April 2 Weak man flexes muscles
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Nicolas Sarkozy
The Wimpy recovery
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Adieu? Nicolas Sarkozy faces the prospect of being a one-term president
April 9 An oil drop The Truth About Oil
April 16 Man sits on stool surrounced by cloud, looking through binoculars Rethinking Heaven
April 23 US/Asia/South Pacific: George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Juan Manuel Santos
US/Asia/South Pacific: The World's Most Expensive Club
Europe, Middle East, Africa: The Colombian Comeback
April 30 100 The 100 Most Influential People in the World
May 7 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia: Headline with helicopters
Asia (alternate)/South Pacific: Bo Xilai
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia: The Last Days of Osama bin Laden
Asia (alternate)/South Pacific: Red Alert
May 14 Bo Xilai (coloured red) The People's Republic of Scandal
May 21 US: Child stands on chair to suckle his mother's breast
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia: Francois Hollande
Asia (alternate)/South Pacific: Sachin Tendulkar
US: Are you mum enough?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia: Bonjour, Anglela
Asia (alternate)/South Pacific: The God of Cricket
May 24 US: Lee Corso
May 28 Benjamin Netanyahu King Bibi
June 4 US: Lenore & Mitt Romney
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Elizabeth II
US: Raising Romney
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Diamond Queen
June 11 US: All red, with white headline in the center
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Wayne Rooney after England left the 2010 World Cup
Asia (alternate): Hamid Karzai
US: How To Die: What I Learned From The Last Days Of My Mom and Dad
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Tragedy Of English Football
Asia (alternate): Karzai Alone
June 18 US: Anthony Kennedy
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Red with Chinese fire-breathing dragon
US: The Decider
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Next Leap Forward
June 25 Immigrants gather We are Americans – Just not legally
July 2 US: Garden scenes
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: iPhone layering with factory inside
US: The History of the American Dream: Is it still real?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Made in China
July 9 Masked activist (red)
Asia (alternate): Leung Chun-ying
The Revolution That Wasn't
Asia (alternate): Can Hong Kong Trust This Man?
July 16 US: John Roberts
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Angela Merkel
Asia: Manmohan Singh
US: Roberts Rules
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Why Everybody Loves To Hate Angela Merkel: And why everybody is wrong.
Asia: The Underachiever
July 23 US: A lone soldier stands to play a bugle salute
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Foggy black and white photograph of the Palace of Westminster
US: One A Day
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Barclays is Just The Beginning
July 30 Many Olympic sportspeople from London 2012, variating by region Summer Olympics Special
August 6 Red gun schematic How Guns Won
August 13 US: The White House with a 'for sale' sign outside reading $2.5 billion
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Darkened figure
US: How to Buy The White House
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Battle For Jerusalem
August 20 Curiosity rover Mars: What we can learn from a robot 154 million miles away
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mars: what we can learn from a robot 248 km away
August 27 Many pictures The Wireless Issue
September 3 Mitt Romney The Mind of Mitt
September 10 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Barack Obama
Asia (alternative): Aamir Khan
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: What Obama Knows Now
Asia (alternative): Khan's Quest
September 17 US: Headline in the style of an American banknote
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A man stands on a tank
US: One Nation Subsidized: How Big Government underwrites your life
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The End of Al-Qaeda?
September 24 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Protesting Arabs
Asia: Red paper wall on bottom of page against black background
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternative): Paul Kagame
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: The Agents of Outrage
Asia: The New Great Wall
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternative): The Strong Man
October 1 Bill Clinton 5 Ideas That Are Changing The World
October 8 Mitt Romney image in a stained glass window The Mormon Identity
October 15 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Enda Kenny
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternative): Mahmoud Abbas
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Who is tiling the truth? The Fact Wars
Europe, Middle East, Africa: The Celtic Comeback
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternative): Abbas Undaunted
October 22 Xi Jinping The Next Leader of the Unfree World
October 29 US: Fancy blackboard
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Light bulb in Indian colours
US: Reinventing College
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Reinventing India
November 5 US: Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Daniel Day-Lewis
US: What Would Lincoln Do?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The World's Greatest Actor
November 12 Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mario Balotelli
US: Red/blue circles saying "Vote Romney" or "Vote Obama
US: Wave on a stormy sea
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Meaning of Mario
US: Special Report: The Choice
US: Lessons from the Storm
November 19 Barack Obama 'We've Got More Work to Do'
November 26 US: David Petraeus
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Red microphone
US: The Petraeus Affair
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Bad News at the BBC
December 3 US/Asia/South Pacific: Different food groups arranged into eight squares around the caption
Europe, Middle East, Africa: A tree behind which is a large sun
US/Asia/South Pacific: What To Eat NowEurope, Middle East, Africa: Africa Rising
December 10 Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mohamed Morsi
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternative): Enrique Peña Nieto
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Most Important Man in the Middle East
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternative): Old Party, New Stuart
December 17 US: Roger Goodell
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Imran Khan
Asia (alternative): Red circle to the right of the page
Asia (alternative): Park Geun-hye
US: The Enforcer
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Long Shot
Asia (alternative): Japan Moves Right
Asia (alternative): The Strongman's Daughter
December 24 A baby with many labels of illnesses, such as cancer, dementia and obesity Want To Know My Future?
December 31 Barack Obama Person of the Year 2012


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 14 US: Operation bed
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Image of the polio virus
US: 40 years ago, abortion-rights activists won an epic victory with Roe V. Wade: They've Been Losing Ever Since
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Killing Polio
January 21 US: Chris Christie
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Thein Sein
US: The Boss.
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Burma Unbound
January 28 US: Michael Bloomberg, Joe Biden and Gabby Giffords
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Mario Draghi
US: The Gunfighters
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Euro Vision
February 4 Kathryn Bigelow Art of Darkness
February 11 drone flying over a house Rise of the Drones
February 18 Marco Rubio Marco Rubio & The Next America
February 25 Pope Benedict XVI The Once And Future Pope
March 4 US: Tablet with "Bitter pill" inscribed on it
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Indian man holds cloth over mouth and nose
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Neymar
US: Why Medical Bills Are Killing US
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific:

Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): The Next Pelé

March 11 Oscar Pistorius
March 18 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Sheryl Sandberg
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Hugo Chávez
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Don't Hate Her Because She's Successful
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: After Chávez
March 25 Pope Francis New World Pope
April 1 Cancerous microbe How to Cure Cancer
April 8 US: Gay couples kissing
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Christine Lagarde
US: Gay Marriage Already Won
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Can This Woman Save Europe?
April 15 Pastor Wilfredo de Jesus The Latino Reformation
April 22 Headline showing robots welding it Made in the USA
April 29 Jennifer Lawrence/Malala Yousafzai/Li Na/Elon Musk/Aamir Khan/Jay-Z/Rand Paul The 100 Most Influential People in the World
May 13 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: The Statue of Liberty holding security cameras
Asia: Uniqlo roll-up vest
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: Homeland Insecurity
Asia: Can This Vest Save Japan?
May 20 A woman taking picture of herself with an iPhone The Me Me Me Generation
May 27 Angelina Jolie The Angelina Effect
June 3 US/Asia/South Pacific: A stormy tornado sky

Europe, Middle East, Africa: David Cameron
US: 16 minutes. that's how much time you have to save your life. The story of the Oklahoma tornado.
Asia/South Pacific: 16 minutes. That's how much time Oklahomans had to save their lives from a killer tornado.
Europe, Middle East, Africa: The Good European
June 10 US: Rahm Emanuel
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Barbed wire jail, tinged red
US: Chicago Bull
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Why Gitmo Will Never Close
June 17 Chinese paper cutting artwork featuring China at the middle of the earth by Ai Wei Wei The World According to China
June 24 Aaron Swartz, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning The Informers
July 1 US: Decorators painting the background blue
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Wirathu
US: How service can save us
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Face of Buddhist Terror
July 8 Female head silhouette filled with cartoons The Pursuit of Happiness
July 22 Street protesters, right half red Egypt: World's Best Protestors – World's Worst Democrats: The Street Rules
July 29 US: An X-ray image of a hoodie
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Pope Francis
US:After Trayvon
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The People's Pope
August 5 A city skyline showing skyscrapers US: Is your city next? : Lessons from Detroit's fight to survive
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: America's Broken Cities: Lessons from Detroit's fight to survive
August 12 US: A young couple relaxing on the beach
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A golden euro sign being tugged on by ribbons in the colours of the German flag
US: The childfree life
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Why Germany must save the Euro to save itself
August 19 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: A lone bee on a black background
Asia/South Pacific: A selection of Australian people
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: A world without bees
Asia/South Pacific: We are Australia: The true face of the lucky country
August 26 Martin Luther King Jr. Founding Father
September 9 Barack Obama (small) The Unhappy Warrior
September 16 US: Johnny Manziel from below
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Vladimir Putin
US: It's time to pay college athletes
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The World According to Vladimir Putin
September 23 US/Asia/South Pacific: Charging Bull wearing a party hat and surrounded by confetti
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Angela Merkel
US/Asia/South Pacific: How Wall Street Won: Five Years After the Crash, It Could All Happen Again
Europe, Middle East, Africa: The Angela Enigma
September 30 Mainly the headline and caption, with the word "Google" stylized as the Google logo Can Google Solve Death?
October 7 US:Young children in academic dress
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Japanese military aircraft
US:Class of 2025: How they'll learn and what they'll pay
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Japan Rising
October 14 US: monochrome United States Capitol in cloudy sky
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Hassan Rouhani
US: crossed-out "Majority Rule"
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: What's the deal?
October 21 US: Michael Bloomberg
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The back of Barack Obama's head
US: Bloomberg Unbound
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Asia's Obama Problem
October 28 US: Texas outline cartoon composed of the 49 other states
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Benedict Cumberbatch
US: United States of Texas
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Playing Genius
November 4 Charles, Prince of Wales The Forgotten Prince
November 11 Laptop trapped in large spiders' web The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Hide Online
November 18 US: Chris Christie
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: David Chang, René Redzepi, Alex Atala
US: The Elephant in the Room
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Gods of Food
November 25 US: John F. Kennedy shortly before his assassination
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A woman stands among the wreckage caused by Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban, Philippines.
US: The Moment That Changed America
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Typhoon's Toll
December 2 US: A broken tablet with Obamacare written on it
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Illustration of a large pair of hands holding a Chinese baby
US: Broken Promise: What This Means For This Presidency
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: China's One Child Crisis
December 9 US: A deer standing in a field
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Barack Obama
US: America's pest problem
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Obama's Iran Gamble
December 16 US: Carl Icahn
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
US: Master of the Universe
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Al-Qaeda's Dark Star Rises
December 19 Nelson Mandela Protester, Prisoner, Peacemaker
December 23 Pope Francis Person of the Year 2013
December 30 A shark jumping to eat a seal The year in pictures


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 13 US: Seth Meyers
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: 2014
US: 2014: The Year Ahead
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A User's Guide
January 20 Janet Yellen The Sixteen Trillion Dollar Woman: The U.S. economy is now in her hands, what will Janet Yellen do with it?
January 27 Woman's leg in high heel shoe, Obama hanging on to the heel Can anyone stop Hillary?: How to scare off your rivals without actually running (yet)
February 3 Woman smelling breeze The Mindful Revolution: The science of finding focus in a stressed-out, multitasking culture
February 10 US: Cartoon of an Olympic skier with Olympic rings made of barbed wire
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Yulia Lipnitskaya
Olympic Preview Fears & Cheers: Inside Sochi's Ring of Steel
February 17 "Hyperspace" with yellow writing
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Francois Hollande
The Infinity Machine
Europe, Middle East, Africa (alternate): Francois Hollande's greatest challenge is not his personal life-it's his reform plan. Can he fix France?
February 24 US: A university graduate with "just hired" written on his mortarboard
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Enrique Peña Nieto
US: The diploma that works: Inside the six-year high school
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Saving Mexico: How Enrique Peña Nieto's sweeping reforms have changed the narrative in his narco-stained nation
March 3 The American Airlines Integrated Operations Control Center in Fort Worth during the February 13 East Coast blizzard US: Airport Confidential: Who Really Decides Which Flights Get Canceled
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Airport Confidential: A View From The Other Side of a Travel Nightmare
March 10 US: A group of developers
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, battered during Euromaidan
US: Code Red_
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: This isn't over
March 17 US: View from the top of One World Trade Center
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Vladimir Putin's right half face and people rallying during Euromaidan
US: The Top of America: The Inside Story of Building One World Trade Center
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Putin's Gamble: Russia's leader seems to hold all the cards in Crimea. But he hasn't won yet
March 24 Key & Peele The Ideas Issue
March 31 US: Landmasses fashioned as fighting men
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Black lines which resembles the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
US: This Land is My Land: Russia, Crimea, and a Return to the Old World Order
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Mystery of Flight 370
April 7 US: Jon Hamm and Christina Hendricks
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: People supporting their candidates in the upcoming 2014 Indian general election and a flag of India
US: The Last Days of Mad Men
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: What India Wants: 814 million voters expect more from their leaders
April 14 Afghan women awaiting voter registration Return of the Taliban: These women want to vote. The Taliban wants to stop them. What America leaves behind in Afghanistan
April 21 US: Synthetic marijuana
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A Jewish man praying
US: It's Sold openly in stores, popular with kids and unpredictably dangerous. The Rise of Fake Pot
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Christians and Tyrants: Why the Middle East's persecuted minority is making unholy choices
April 28 US: A forest nightscape punctuated by the Moon
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Shinzo Abe
US: Finding God in the Dark
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Patriot: Shinzo Abe dreams of a more powerful, assertive Japan. Why that makes many people uncomfortable?
May 5/May 12 Beyoncé The 100 Most Influential People
May 19 Vladimir Putin Premier. President. Czar. What Putin Wants.
May 26 US: A college pennant with "rape" written on it
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Marine Le Pen
Asia/South Pacific: Li Na
US: The Crisis in Higher Education
Europe, Middle East, Africa: Plan of Attack: Can Marine Le Pen destroy the European Union from the inside?
Asia/South Pacific: The Passion of Li Na: Why her greatest victory might have been against China's sport machine
June 2 US: Emalyn Aubrey Randolph
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Narendra Modi
US: Emalyn was due in June. She arrived in March. Saving Preemies
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: 1.2 billion people await his next move: The outsized hopes-and fears-that accompany Narendra Modi, India's New Leader
June 9 US: Laverne Cox. The first "out" transgender person on the cover of Time
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A boy salvages what remains in his home in the Old City area of Homs, Syria
US: The Transgender Tipping Point: America's next civil rights frontier
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Unwinnable War: Why Syrians on both sides of the brutal civil war want a return to normal
June 16 Bowe Bergdahl Was He Worth It?: The Cost of Bringing Sgt. Bergdahl Home.
June 23 Slice of butter Eat Butter: Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong.
June 30 Map of the Middle East with Iraq burned out of the center The End of Iraq
July 7/July 14 Model of a modern home The Smarter Home: The dwellings of the future will make you calmer, safer, richer, and healthier – and they already exist.
July 21 Photo of hacker Aaron Portnoy from Exodus Intelligence along with illustration of lines of binary code World War Zero: The global battle to steal your secrets is turning hackers into arms dealers
July 28 Bugs eat away at the white cover Space Invaders: From Russian beetles to giant African snails, the U.S. is under assault – and it's costing us billions.
August 4 Vladimir Putin in the shadow of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Cold War II: The West is losing Putin's dangerous game
August 18 Middle aged man in shorts and socks Manopause?!: Aging, insecurity, and the $2 billion testosterone industry
August 25 Robin Williams Robin Williams: 1951–2014
September 1 US: Woman kneels in a street with her hands in the air amid tear gas
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Inside the tunnel with lights
US: The Tragedy of Ferguson
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Fallout: How the Fukushima catastrophe has revealed the cracks in Japanese society
September 8/September 15 US/Asia: Numerous questions housed in colored bubbles
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: A blue background with flag of Scotland
US/Asia: The Answers Issue: Everything You Never Knew You Needed to Know
Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: EXIT: Why Scotland might quit the United Kingdom
September 22 Numerous Apple-style apps superimposed on a male arm Never Offline.: The Apple Watch is just the start. How wearable tech will change your life – like it or not
September 29 US: Chad Stover
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: U2
US: He died playing this game. Is football worth it?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The new U2: the veteran rock band faces the future
October 6 Mary Barra The Mechanic: Recalling 30 million cars is only the beginning. CEO Mary Barra's plan to fix General Motors
October 13 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: Man standing in hazmat protective gear
Asia/South Pacific: Man holding 2 umbrellas during a tear gas fight
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: Chasing Ebola
Asia/South Pacific: The Umbrella Revolution: Hong Kong's fight for freedom is a challenge to China
October 20 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: A number of foods against a white background
Asia: Joshua Wong
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa/South Pacific: How to Eat Now: The Truth About Home Cooking
Asia: The Face of Protest: Teenager Joshua Wong and the youth of Hong Kong are standing up for democracy. Can they win?
October 27 US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: Rand Paul
Asia/South Pacific: Joko Widodo
US/Europe, Middle East, Africa: The Most Interesting Man in Politics: The Reinventions of Rand Paul
Asia/South Pacific: A New Hope: Indonesian President Joko Widodo is a force of democracy
November 3 US: A judge's gavel coming down on an apple
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: A hand glove against a white background
US: Rotten Apples: It's nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher. Some tech millionaires may have found a way to change that
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Stopping Ebola: The Risks and Realities of the Outbreak
November 10 Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey, Christopher Nolan, and Jessica Chastain Beyond the Stars: Director Christopher Nolan enlists science to explore the soul in Interstellar
November 17 US: Illustration of Mitch McConnell imitating the Barack Obama Hope poster
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Xi Jinping
US: Change
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: China's Leader Looms Large at Home and Abroad
November 24 Taylor Swift The Power of Taylor Swift
December 1/December 7 Benedict Cumberbatch The Genius Issue
December 15 Mark Zuckerberg Half the World is Not Enough: Mark Zuckerberg's plan to get every human online
December 22/December 29 Ebola fighters Person of the Year 2014
December 29/January 5, 2015 US: Scott Kelly
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Malecón, Havana
US: 2015: The Year Ahead
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Cuba: What the U.S. Decision Means for its Future


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 19 US: Surgical tray
Europe, Middle East: Bullet hole in glass
Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Kei Nishikori
US: What I Learned From My $190,000 Open-Heart Surgery: The surprising solution for fixing our health care system
Europe, Middle East: Terror in France: Why Officials Feared an Attack was Coming
Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Way of Kei: Japanese Tennis Star Kei Nishikori Takes on the World
January 26 A flame moves down a row of matches After Paris: Lessons from the Attacks
February 2 A gas can pours gas within the red borders Cheap Gas: How long can it last? How low will it go?
February 9 One line of people walks away from a car, while another walks towards it Strangers Crashed My Car, Ate My Food, and Wore My Pants: Tales from the Sharing Economy
February 16 Howard Schultz What Starbucks Knows About America
February 23/March 2 Baby This Baby Could Live to Be 142 Years Old: Dispatches From the Frontiers of Longevity
March 9 Black ISIS mask on a red background The ISIS Trap
March 16 George H. W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and George W. Bush, 1970 The Bush Identity: Where Jeb Fits in the Family Business
March 23 Silhouette of Hillary Clinton The Clinton Way: They write their own rules. Will it work this time?
March 30 MaryAnn Anselmo and Marcia Stiefel, women with brain tumors Closing the Cancer Gap
April 6 Street scene in Cuba Cuba: What Will Change When the Americans Arrive
April 13 LGBT flag with a cross cut out Freedom Fight
April 20 Video stills from Shooting of Walter Scott Black Lives Matter. This time the charge is murder.
April 27/May 4 Bradley Cooper, Misty Copeland, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jorge Ramos, Kanye West The 100 Most Influential People
May 11 Man running from line of police during 2015 Baltimore riots America, 1968 2015. What has changed. What hasn't.
May 18 Narendra Modi Why Modi Matters: The world needs India to step up as a global power. One year in, can Narendra Modi deliver?
May 25 Mouse smoking marijuana The Highly Divisive, Curiously Underfunded, and Strangely Promising World of Pot Science
June 1 Empty beach Who Killed Summer Vacation?
June 8 Empty electric chair The Last Execution: Why the era of capital punishment is ending
June 15 Painkiller on a hook They're the most powerful painkillers even invented. And they're creating the worst addiction crisis America has ever seen.
June 22 XQ test sheet laying on top of a man How High Is Your XQ? Your next job might depend on it.
June 29 Gloved hands approaching a woman's face with surgical tools Nip. Tuck. Or Else. Now everybody gets work done. Will you?
July 6/July 13 Graphic of different questions in colored boxes The Answers Issue
July 20 Elizabeth Warren Who's Afraid of Elizabeth Warren?
July 27 Atom symbol with Barack Obama, Hassan Rouhani, a nuclear launch, and one of the 1979–1981 Iranian hostages in the orbitals Iran: Tehran's New Power/Why It's a Good Deal
August 3 George W. Bush and Bill Clinton Game of Thrones: Time talks 2016 with the most surprising couple in politics
August 17 Palmer Luckey wearing an Oculus Rift, superimposed over a photo of a tropical beach The Surprising Joy of Virtual Reality
August 24 Philadelphia Police Department officers Sean Devlin and Mischel Matos on patrol What It's Like to Be a Cop in America: One Year After Ferguson
August 31 Donald Trump Deal With It
September 7/September 14 Stephen Colbert Colbert...As You've Never Seen Him
September 21 Question marks pop out of a red background The Question Everything Issue
September 28 Bernie Sanders Bernie
October 5 Pope Francis Pope Francis Meets America
October 12 Woman performing a breast self-examination "What if I decide to just do nothing?" – breast cancer's new frontier
October 19 Refugees cross from Serbia into Croatia Special Report: Exodus – The Epic Migration to Europe & What Lies Ahead
October 26 Smoke after jets strike the town of Daret Ezza Russia just wants to be friends
November 2 Illustration of fusion Fusion: Unlimited energy. For everyone. Forever. It might actually work this time.
November 9 Bacon arranged in an X The War on Delicious
November 16 Iranian woman Iran 2025: How its next decade will change the world
November 23 Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church What It Takes To Forgive a Killer
November 30/December 7 The Eiffel Tower (replacing the I in TIME) casts a large shadow World War ISIS
December 14 BB-8/R2-D2 (two covers) The Genius of Star Wars
December 21 Angela Merkel Person of the Year 2015
December 28/January 4, 2016 Adele The Year Ahead


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 18 Donald Trump speaking at rally How Trump Won: Now he just needs the votes
January 25 US: David Bowie
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Downward sloping line and arrow with "Made in China" tag
US: David Bowie: 1947–2016
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: The Next Recession & Where to Hide
February 1 US: Sick child
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Protesters at a rally of the Pegida movement, Dresden, Germany
US: The Poisoning of an American City: Toxic water. Sick kids. And the incompetent leaders who betrayed Flint
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Unwelcome: After the Cologne attacks, will Germany close its doors to refugees?
February 8 Barbie doll "Now Can We Stop Talking About My Body?": What Barbie's new shape says about American beauty
February 15 Hillary Clinton "I know what it's like to be knocked down": A conversation with Hillary Clinton
February 22/February 29 Silhouetted woman takes blue pill The Longevity Issue
March 7 Top-down view of car with empty driver's seat No traffic. No accidents. No deaths. All you have to do is give up your right to drive.
March 14 Donald Trump with checklist over face On the plane with Donald Trump
March 21 Nancy and Ronald Reagan at the 1976 Republican National Convention What Happened to this Party?
March 28 Tim Cook Apple CEO Tim Cook on his fight with the FBI and why he won't back down
April 4 US: IV drip
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Passengers evacuated after bombing of Maalbeek metro station in Brussels
US: What if your immune system could be taught to kill cancer?
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Under Siege
April 11 US: Blurred images of naked women
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Xi Jinping peeling away to reveal Mao Zedong
US: Porn: Why young men who grew up with Internet porn are becoming advocates for turning it off
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Chairman Xi
April 18 Ted Cruz Likable Enough?
April 25 Notice in style of bill informing readers they owe $42,998.12 of national debt Make America Solvent Again
May 2/May 9 Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicki Minaj, Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg, Christine Lagarde, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Priyanka Chopra The 100 Most Influential People
May 16 Mosquito The Zika Virus
May 23 One-dollar bill covered with multiple leaves Capitalism: The markets are choking our economy. How to save it.
May 30 Six rolls of toilet paper, one for each color of the rainbow Battle of the Bathroom
June 6 Bernie Sanders speaks at a Santa Monica rally How Far Will Bernie Go?
June 13 Wedding rings locked together by heart-shaped lock How To Stay Married (And Why)
June 20 Muhammad Ali The Greatest – Muhammad Ali: 1942–2016
June 27 List of Orlando nightclub shooting victims on black background Why Did They Die?
July 4 US: Scrambled picture of a baby
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Kurdish soldier looking out over Mosul
US: The Gene Machine: What the CRISPR experiments mean for humanity
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Iraq's Forever War: On the front lines of the fight against ISIS
July 11/July 18 US: Patriotic illustration and list of reasons
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Domino with European Union Flag falls
US: 240 Reasons To Celebrate America Right Now
Europe, Middle East, Africa/Asia/South Pacific: Europe's Crisis of Faith: Why Brexit is just the beginning
July 25 The back of Donald Trump's head in a chair labeled "Mr. President: January 20, 2017" Gut Check: For Donald Trump, intuition beats experience. What that would mean for the U.S. presidency
August 1 Various images of Hillary Clinton In Search of Hillary
August 9 Simone Biles The Games Changer: U.S. gymnast Simone Biles is pushing the limits of her sport.
August 22 Illustration of Donald Trump's face melting Meltdown
August 29 Troll typing on a laptop Why we're losing the Internet to the culture of hate
September 5 Family holding hands on a hilltop Ordinary Families. Extraordinary Kids. A story of nine families.
September 12/September 19 Time-lapse photo of a person jump-roping The Exercise Cure: The surprising science of a life-changing workout
September 26 Heads and names of Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver in the style of political convention state signs We Joke. You Decide. The seriously partisan politics of late-night comedy.
October 3 Colin Kaepernick kneeling The Perilous Fight
October 10 Vladimir Putin with an "I Voted" sticker Russia wants to undermine faith in the U.S. election. Don't fall for it.
October 17 Members of Syrian Civil Defense moving into a wall of smoke "Whoever saves one life, saves all of humanity." – The White Helmets of Syria and the 60,000 lives they've saved.
October 24 Same illustration of Donald Trump's face from Aug 22 issue, but now melted farther into a puddle Total Meltdown
October 31 Gretchen Carlson Gretchen Carlson wants to change the way women fight sexual harassment
November 7 Faith-Ann Bishop, 20 Anxiety, Depression, and the American Adolescent
November 14 Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton holding a sign that reads "The End is Near" The End is Near
November 21 Donald Trump and Mike Pence during Trump's victory speech Donald Trump, President-elect. November 9, 2016.
November 28/December 5 Illustration of camera shutter The Most Influential Photos of All Time
December 12 Fidel Castro After Fidel
December 19 Donald Trump Person of the Year 2016. President of the Divided States of America.
December 26/January 2, 2017 Babies born in Syrian refugee camps The Year Ahead


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 16 Swiss Army knife with three Botox injectors How Botox Became the Drug That's Treating Everything
January 23 Helicopter flying towards White House Incoming: A Survival Guide to the White House from Team Obama to Team Trump
January 30 Donald Trump speaking at his inauguration Donald Trump: 45th President of the United States
February 6 Pink hat worn at 2017 Women's March The Resistance Rises: How a march becomes a movement
February 13 Steve Bannon The Great Manipulator
February 20 Chuck Schumer Do the Democrats Matter?
February 27/March 6 Donald Trump sitting at his desk amidst a storm Nothing to See Here
March 13 Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel What's It Worth to Be Yourself Online? The Genius of Snapchat
March 20 Donald Trump texting next to a falling Washington Monument Trump's War on Washington
March 27 A transgender person Beyond He or She: How a new generation is redefining the meaning of gender
April 3 None Is Truth Dead?
April 10 Various modes of transportation Dear Washington, We need to rebuild. Can you get your act together?
April 17 ISIS mask The Uranium Underworld
April 24 Sheryl Sandberg Let's Talk About Grief: An unlikely new mission for Sheryl Sandberg
May 1/May 8 Riz Ahmed, Jeff Bezos, Viola Davis, Melinda Gates, and John Legend The 100 Most Influential People
May 15 Ebola virus under a microscope Warning: We are not ready for the next pandemic
May 22 Donald Trump walking through the White House The Firing of James Comey/After Hours in the White House
May 29 The White House and Basil Cathedral No Caption (As the viewer pans from left to right, the White House morphs into Basil Cathedral.)
June 5 The cover, with white background, tries to trim its size with a fabric tape measure. The Weight Loss Trap. Low Carb, Low Fat, Paleo, Vegan, Flexitarian. Why Your Diet isn't Working.
June 12 White House Senior Advisor Jared Kushner The Good Son; The Trials of Jared Kushner
June 19 Image from the bar at the Trump International Hotel (Washington D.C.) The Swamp Hotel: How Trump's D.C. outpost became a dealmaker's paradise for diplomats, lobbyists and insiders
June 26 Image of a smartphone screen depicting the Uber app with a number of cars in a multi-car pileup over the Uber headquarters Uber fail: Upheaval at the world's most valuable startup is a wake-up call for Silicon Valley
July 3 Former FBI director and new special counsel Robert Mueller The Lie Detector: Someone's not telling the truth
July 10 Kit Harington, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, and a dog Game of Thrones: Inside the World's Most Popular Show
July 24 Donald Trump Jr. Red Handed: The Russia Scandal Hits Home
July 31 A mosaic of greyscale figures in the shape of Vladimir Putin's face The Secret Plan To Stop Putin's Election Plot
August 7 A wave about to crash on a beach The Anti Antidepressant: Depression afflicts 300 million people. One-third don't respond to treatment. A surprising new drug may change that
August 21 General John Kelly, White House Chief of Staff for U.S. President Donald Trump General John Kelly: Trump's last best hope
August 28 A cartoon of a person wearing a U.S. flag and making a Nazi salute Hate in America
September 4 Joey Erace, 10-year-old baseball player Crazy Travel. Crazy Costs. Crazy Stress. How kid sports turned pro
September 18 Various covers, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, Selena Gomez, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Ilhan Omar and more. Firsts: Women who are changing the world
September 25 Hurricane Irma The storms keep getting stronger. And so do we
October 2 A figure of Republican holding the Democratic's logo Shrunk
October 9 An American football player tackling a practice dummy in the image of President Trump Why he always bounces back
October 16 List of places of mass shootings Las Vegas – America's nightmare
October 23 US: Harvey Weinstein
Non-US editions: John Boyega
US: Producer. Predator. Pariah.
Non-US editions: Next generation leaders
October 30 The goddess myth
November 6 US: The Wrecking Crew
Non-US editions: The Caliphate Falls
November 13 US, Europe, Middle East: Mueller's Most Wanted
Asia Pacific: China won
November 20 Emmanuel Macron The Next Leader of Europe
November 27 The 25 Best Inventions of 2017
December 18 Ashley Judd, Susan Fowler, Adama Iwu, Taylor Swift, and Isabel Pascual Person of the Year 2017. The Silence Breakers.


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 15 Mohamed Nasir The Optimists: Edited by Bill Gates
January 22 Illustration of Donald Trump Year One
January 29 50 women who chose to run for public office in the United States after the 2017 Women's March The Avengers
February 5 America Alone
February 12 Making America Nuclear Again
February 19 Chadwick Boseman A Hero Rises
February 26 How to Live Longer Better (And Still Have Fun)
March 5 The Opioid Diaries
March 12 Greta Gerwig Lights. Camera. Power.
March 19 Immigrants Ripped Apart
April 2 X González, Jaclyn Corin, David Hogg, Cameron Kasky, and Alex Wind. Enough.
April 9 Jeff Sessions Nobody's Above the Law
April 16 Mohammad bin Salman Charm Offensive
April 23 Illustration of Donald Trump Stormy
April 30 Jennifer Lopez, Tiffany Haddish, Roger Federer, Satya Nadella, Nicole Kidman, Tarana Burke The 100 Most Influential People
May 14 A damaged FBI badge The FBI in Crisis
May 21 Can Bad Men Change?
May 28 How my Generation Broke America
June 4 Duke and Duchess of Sussex The Modern Royals
June 11 The Drone Age
June 18 Illustration of Donald Trump King Me.
June 25 Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump The Riskiest Show on Earth
July 2 Donald Trump with a child Welcome to America.
July 9 Supreme Court of the United States It's Trump's court now
July 23 Illustration of the word Democracy Why it will prevail
July 30 Donald Trump The summit crisis
August 6 Stacey Abrams Loving a place that doesn't love you
August 20 Spike Lee Spike Lee's long game
August 27 Serena Williams Perfectly Serena
September 3 Illustration of Donald Trump In Deep.
September 17 Nancy Pelosi The persistence of Nancy Pelosi
September 24 Hope Brown I'm a teacher in America
October 1 Brett Kavanaugh What's changed
October 8 United States Declaration of Independence Can we get there?
October 15 Illustration of Christine Blasey Ford Her lasting impact
October 22 Donald Trump How Trumpism outlasts Trump
October 29 The Wave Makers
November 5 Guns in America
November 12 Beyond Hate
November 19 Redder. Bluer. Trumpier.
November 26 Who gets to be American?
December 10 Seven parents of seven dead students The world moves on and you don't
December 17 George H. W. Bush The Bush Legacy
December 24 The Guardians and the war on truth


Date Persons or topics Caption
January 14 The Future of Babies[2]
January 21 Illustration of Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump[3] The Art of the Duel
January 28 I helped create this mess. Here's how to fix it[4]
February 4 Different photos of new immigrants on various covers of the magazine discussing global immigration issues Beyond walls[5]
February 18 Cicely Tyson The Art of Optimism[6]
March 4 Illustration of Donald Trump and other politicians[7] Knock, knock...
March 11 Julia Louis-Dreyfus The triumph of Julia Louis-Dreyfus[8]
March 18 Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)[9] The Survivor
March 25 Donald Trump as a peach[10] Do they dare?
April 1 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez[11] The Phenom
April 8 Donald Trump[12] Just Singin'
April 15 Joe Biden The Test Case[13]
April 22 Flag of Europe The Unraveling of Europe[14]
April 29 Taylor Swift, Dwayne Johnson, Sandra Oh, Gayle King, Nancy Pelosi, Mohamed Salah The 100 Most Influential People[15]
May 13 Chasten and Pete Buttigieg First Family[16]
May 20 Elizabeth Warren I have a plan for that[17]
May 27 Greta Thunberg Next Generation Leaders[18]
June 3 Alex Morgan The Equalizer[19]
June 17 Bernie Sanders Building a Better Bernie[20]
June 24 António Guterres Our Sinking Planet[21]
July 1 Donald Trump My whole life is a bet[22]
July 8 Colson Whitehead America's Storyteller[23]
July 22 Benjamin Netanyahu The Strong Survive[24]
July 29 Illustration of astronauts The Next Space Race[25]
August 5 Illustration of politicians Whose party is it?[26]
August 19 Place names of mass shootings in America Enough.[27]
August 26 Lil Nas X It's his country[28]
September 2 The Left Behind Economy[29]
September 16 Ryan Murphy, Margaret Atwood and Michael B. Jordan The Best of Fall[30]
September 23 Sand sculpture 2050: How Earth Survived[31]
September 30 Man vaping The New American Addiction[32]
October 7 Illustration of Donald Trump[33]
October 14 Kamala Harris Her Case[34]
October 21 Matthew Poblano, Gregory Grammer and Ashley Luna Gorbea America's Forever War[35]
November 4 A robot The robot will see you now[36]
November 11 Rudy Giuliani The Secretary of Defense[37]
November 14 Camila Cabello, Awkwafina, Zion Williamson, Chanel Miller, Carlos Alvarado Quesada and Emily Weiss The Next 100 Most Influential People[38]
November 18 America on Trial[39]
December 2 Balloons spelling out the word 'elite'[40] Party's Over
December 16 Donald Trump Quid Pro Dough[41]
December 23 Greta Thunberg Person of the Year[42]


  1. ^ Jennifer Van Grove (May 20, 2010). "Facebook Privacy Makes The Cover of Time Magazine". Mashable. Retrieved March 18, 2013.
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