List of World Rally Championship drivers

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This is an incomplete list of drivers who have entered a World Rally Championship event.

Active drivers (listed in bold in the tables) are those who have entered a WRC event within the past twelve months. Drivers with at least 5 starts are included.

All WRC drivers


Number of starts updated on 21 September 2024.[1][2]

Drivers who entered a World Rally Championship event
Driver First season Final season WRC rallies WRC podiums WRC wins WRC championships
Norway Erik Aaby 1973 1981 5 - - -
Finland Rauno Aaltonen 1973 1987 25 6 - -
Norway Marius Aasen 2010 2017 24 - - -
Estonia Urmo Aava 2002 2009 51 - - -
Netherlands Kevin Abbring 2007 2018 39 - - -
Argentina Arturo Abella Nazar 1997 2005 8 - - -
Italy Andrea Aghini 1987 2000 26 5 1 -
Austria Andreas Aigner 2005 2012 32 - - -
Finland Pentti Airikkala 1973 2003 36 6 1 -
United Kingdom Louise Aitken-Walker 1979 1991 22 - - -
Indonesia Subhan Aksa 2007 2014 22 - - -
Qatar Nasser Al-Attiyah 2004 2015 73 - - -
Qatar Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari 2012 2016 23 - - -
United Arab Emirates Khalid Al-Qassimi 2004 2018 73 - - -
Saudi Arabia Yazeed Al-Rajhi 2008 2018 46 - - -
Oman Hamed Al-Wahaibi 1997 2005 40 - - -
Finland Markku Alén 1973 2001 130 56 19 1978*
Italy Paolo Alessandrini 1986 1989 8 - - -
Sweden Arne Allansson 1973 1983 5 - - -
New Zealand Neil Allport 1983 2005 15 - - -
Argentina Juan Carlos Alonso 2002 2017 19 - - -
Argentina Benjamín Alvarez 2000 2005 5 - - -
Russia Sergey Alyasov 1988 1995 16 - - -
France Alain Ambrosino 1974 1990 19 3 1 -
Lebanon Nicolas Amiouni 2011 2015 9 - - -
Sweden Ove Andersson 1973 1982 28 7 1 -
Sweden Per-Gunnar Andersson 2002 2013 74 - - -
Italy Paolo Andreucci 1989 2015 13 - - -
France Jean-Claude Andruet 1973 1995 29 7 3 -
Argentina Jorge Angeloni 1999 2005 5 - - -
Kenya Azar Anwar 1981 2001 12 - - -
Japan Hiroki Arai 2016 2018 11 - - -
Japan Toshi Arai 1997 2010 86 - - -
Portugal Armindo Araújo 2001 2012 44 - - -
Luxembourg Hugo Arellano 2007 2014 5 - - -
New Zealand Geoff Argyle 1994 2004 11 - - -
Ukraine Oleksandr Artemenko 1989 1996 9 - - -
France Mathieu Arzeno 2010 2018 10 - - -
Lebanon Samir Assef 1978 1992 15 - - -
Sweden Leif Asterhag 1973 1994 18 - - -
Greece Lambros Athanassoulas 2005 2016 14 - - -
Australia Chris Atkinson 2004 2014 77 6 - -
France Didier Auriol 1984 2005 152 53 20 1994
Italy Fulvio Bacchelli 1973 1982 17 2 1 -
Germany Christian Bächle 2011 2017 5 - - -
Saudi Arabia Abdullah Bakhashab 1998 2002 30 - - -
San Marino Mirco Baldacci 2000 2008 58 - - -
Italy Amilcare Ballestrieri 1973 1977 10 - - -
Italy Sergio Barbasio 1973 1974 8 - - -
Republic of Ireland Robert Barrable 2013 2014 9 - - -
United Kingdom Natalie Barratt 1998 2006 44 - - -
Germany Jürgen Barth 1977 2001 13 - - -
Italy Giandomenico Basso 1998 2012 17 - - -
Australia Neal Bates 1991 2001 12 - - -
Austria Raimund Baumschlager 1987 2007 12 - - -
France Marie-Claude Beaumont 1973 1974 5 - - -
Australia Marty Beckton 1995 1999 5 - - -
France Bernard Béguin 1974 1993 17 3 1 -
Argentina Sebastián Beltrán 2000 2008 18 - - -
Australia Wayne Bell 1987 1998 19 - - -
France Alexandre Bengué 1999 2006 14 - - -
Slovakia Jozef Béreš jun. 2003 2007 20 - - -
Sweden Emil Bergkvist 2015 2019 19 - - -
Italy Lorenzo Bertelli 2011 Active 65 - - -
Argentina Jorge Bescham 1987 2000 8 - - -
Paraguay Augusto Bestard 2014 2016 8 - - -
Italy Alessandro Bettega 2005 2009 23 - - -
Italy Attilio Bettega 1978 1985 24 6 - -
Italy Miki Biasion 1980 1995 81 40 17 1988, 1989
Poland Marian Bień 1973 1977 5 - - -
United Arab Emirates Mohammed Bin Sulayem 1988 1995 22 - - -
Argentina Ricardo Bissio 1997 2005 7 - - -
United States Ken Block 2007 2018 25 - - -
Sweden Stig Blomqvist 1973 2006 123 33 11 1984
United Kingdom David Bogie 2014 2018 5 - - -
Republic of Ireland Eamonn Boland 1999 Active 74 - - -
Soviet Union Nikolai Bolskhikh 1977 1990 7 - - -
France Yoann Bonato 2006 2021 30 - - -
Portugal António Borges 1973 1983 5 - - -
Turkey Murat Bostancı 2008 2019 12 - - -
Argentina Guillermo Bottazzini 2000 2005 6 - - -
France Bryan Bouffier 2007 2018 19 1 - -
New Zealand Possum Bourne 1983 2003 44 1 - -
Canada Walter Boyce 1973 1986 6 2 1 -
Italy Enrico Brazzoli 2015 Active 36 - - -
Republic of Ireland Craig Breen 2009 2023 82 9 - -
United Kingdom Ben Briant 1999 2002 8 - - -
United Kingdom Russell Brookes 1973 1994 22 3 - -
Soviet Union Stasys Brundza 1973 1985 19 - - -
Norway Eyvind Brynildsen 2006 Active 53 - - -
United States John Buffum 1973 2000 17 2 - -
France Philippe Bugalski 1984 2003 36 4 2 -
Germany Aaron Burkart 2003 2011 38 - - -
United Kingdom Richard Burns 1990 2003 107 34 12 2001
Switzerland Olivier Burri 1991 Active 26 - - -
Switzerland Philippe Camandona 1987 1995 5 - - -
France Eric Camilli 2014 2022 50 - - -
France Pierre Campana 2007 2012 5 - - -
Argentina Alejandro Cancio 2002 2019 7 - - -
Andorra Joan Carchat 2014 2015 8 - - -
Sweden Daniel Carlsson 1999 2007 44 1 - -
Sweden Ingvar Carlsson 1974 1994 42 4 2 -
Sweden Lars Carlsson 1973 1982 10 - - -
Sweden Patric Carlsson 1997 2001 5 - - -
Sweden Per Carlsson 1979 1982 5 - - -
Australia Greg Carr 1979 1996 7 - - -
Argentina Roberto Castelli 1999 2003 5 - - -
United Kingdom Tom Cave 2008 2019 23 - - -
Italy Dario Cerrato 1974 1993 21 2 - -
Turkey Burcu Çetinkaya 2006 2010 14 - - -
Australia Tolley Challis 1990 2004 13 - - -
France Sébastien Chardonnet 2012 2015 22 - - -
France Guy Chasseuil 1973 1985 15 - - -
France François Chatriot 1976 1993 24 4 - -
Portugal Pedro Matos Chaves 1993 2001 5 - - -
France Guerlain Chicherit 2004 2004 10 - - -
France Nicolas Ciamin 2016 Active 36 - - -
Poland Tomasz Ciecierzyński 1975 1982 7 - - -
United Kingdom Barry Clark 2003 2008 18 - - -
United Kingdom Roger Clark 1973 1995 21 5 1 -
Belgium Bob Colsoul 1999 2004 40 - - -
United Kingdom Louise Cook 2012 2019 13 - - -
Italy Carlo Covi 2011 Active 33 - - -
United Kingdom Andrew Cowan 1973 1981 17 2 - -
Argentina Alfredo Cravero 1999 2005 6 - - -
Australia Cody Crocker 1995 2005 17 - - -
Republic of Ireland Brendan Cumiskey 2011 2023 7 - - -
Italy Franco Cunico 1981 2000 20 2 1 -
France Christine Dacremont 1973 1978 6 - - -
United Kingdom Justin Dale 2002 2006 5 - - -
Italy Andrea Dallavilla 1993 2005 26 - - -
Sweden Bror Danielsson 1973 1997 28 1 - -
France Bernard Darniche 1973 1987 38 11 7 -
Belgium Grégoire De Mévius 1988 2001 42 - - -
Uruguay Domingo De Vitta 1980 1984 5 2 - -
Argentina Gustavo Dechecchi 1986 2005 5 - - -
France François Delecour 1984 2017 106 19 4 -
Switzerland Federico della Casa 2012 2016 16 - - -
Monaco Marc Dessi 1979 Active 39 - - -
Republic of Ireland Callum Devine 2017 2018 6 - - -
Australia Jacqueline Dines 1992 2001 10 - - -
Bulgaria Krum Domchev 2003 2010 6 - - -
Poland Aron Domżała 2012 2014 6 - - -
France Christian Dorche 1973 1993 28 - - -
France Daniel Ducruet 1993 1997 6 - - -
Belgium Marc Duez 1983 2015 26 - - -
France Romain Dumas 2012 2017 8 - - -
Kenya Ian Duncan 1983 1999 17 4 1 -
Australia Ross Dunkerton 1988 1994 12 1 - -
Belgium François Duval 2001 2010 84 14 1 -
United Kingdom Jeremy Easson 1985 2002 17 - - -
Sweden Per Eklund 1973 1987 84 13 1 -
United Kingdom Nik Elsmore 1978 2003 7 - - -
San Marino Massimo Ercolani 1980 1997 17 - - -
Sweden Mikael Ericsson 1981 1993 40 7 2 -
Sweden Kenneth Eriksson 1980 2002 141 21 6 -
United Kingdom Elfyn Evans 2007 Active 136 34 8 -
United Kingdom Gwyndaf Evans 1987 2008 32 - - -
Australia Simon Evans 1997 2002 8 - - -
United Kingdom Tony Fall 1973 1976 10 - - -
Jordan Amjad Farrah 2006 2010 10 - - -
Italy Antonio Fassina 1976 1981 6 3 1 -
Lebanon Roger Feghali 2001 2002 6 - - -
Portugal António Ferreira da Cunha 1973 1993 9 - - -
France Guy Fiori 1982 2017 20 - - -
Italy Alex Fiorio 1986 2002 51 10 - -
Austria Georg Fischer 1973 1991 19 - - -
United Kingdom Alastair Fisher 2009 2014 23 - - -
Sweden Patrik Flodin 2005 2011 39 - - -
Andorra Ferran Font 1993 2005 25 - - -
France Adrien Fourmaux 2019 Active 46 4 - -
United Kingdom Tony Fowkes 1973 1984 5 1 - -
France Jean-Baptiste Franceschi 2018 2018 10 - - -
France Guy Fréquelin 1973 1987 35 7 1 -
West Germany Klaus Fritzinger 1973 1989 12 - - -
Peru Nicolás Fuchs 2009 2016 42 - - -
Japan Yoshio Fujimoto 1991 1998 18 - - -
Belgium Pascal Gaban 1987 1990 15 1 - -
Paraguay Marco Galanti 1994 2003 8 - - -
Republic of Ireland Shaun Gallagher 2003 2009 17 - - -
Italy Gigi Galli 1998 2008 66 2 - -
Argentina Martín Gallusser 1997 2005 9 - - -
Spain Enrique García Ojeda 1998 2013 8 - - -
Finland Toni Gardemeister 1996 2010 112 6 - -
Germany Hermann Gassner Jr 2007 2019 29 - - -
Germany Hermann Gassner Sr 1995 2018 24 - - -
Argentina Pablo Gaviña 1995 2002 7 - - -
Bulgaria Georgi Geradzhiev Jr. 2003 2005 12 - - -
Italy Roberto Ghiringhelli 1989 1999 7 - - -
France Quentin Gilbert 2012 2017 38 - - -
India Gaurav Gill 2008 2023 12 - - -
United Kingdom Rob Gill 2001 2015 8 - - -
New Zealand Emma Gilmour 2002 2012 22 - - -
United Kingdom Alistair Ginley 2000 2004 20 - - -
Soviet Union Kastytis Girdauskas 1973 1981 12 - - -
United Kingdom Russell Gooding 1982 1985 6 - - -
Ukraine Valeriy Gorban 2009 2017 50 - - -
France Henri Gréder 1973 1980 9 - - -
New Zealand Brian Green 1977 2012 15 - - -
United Kingdom Gus Greensmith 2014 Active 87 - - -
Germany Marijan Griebel 2011 2022 10 - - -
Austria Werner Grissmann 1982 1986 9 - - -
Norway Anders Grøndal 2004 2017 19 - - -
Finland Marcus Grönholm 1989 2019 153 61 30 2000, 2002
Sweden Kalle Grundel 1977 1988 30 1 - -
Mexico Benito Guerra 2006 2022 44 - - -
Austria Sepp Haider 1977 1993 14 1 1 -
South Africa Ashley Haigh-Smith 2011 2012 5 - - -
Finland Kyösti Hämäläinen 1973 1988 19 1 1 -
Finland Raimo Hämeenniemi 1974 2000 14 - - -
Finland Juho Hänninen 2006 2019 56 1 - -
Norway John Haugland 1973 1990 25 - - -
United Kingdom Nigel Heath 1993 2006 40 - - -
France Jacques Henry 1973 1976 5 - - -
Australia Dean Herridge 1995 2006 18 - - -
Kenya Edgar Herrmann 1973 1985 6 - - -
United Kingdom David Higgins 1994 2008 16 - - -
United Kingdom Mark Higgins 1990 2013 47 - - -
Finland Mikko Hirvonen 2002 2014 160 69 15 -
Italy Luca Hoelbling 2004 Active 18 - - -
France Marianne Hoepfner 1973 1981 10 - - -
New Zealand David Holder 2018 2018 5 - - -
Germany Isolde Holderied 1992 1999 24 - - -
Poland Krzysztof Hołowczyc 1996 2015 21 - - -
Kenya Peter Horsey 2010 2010 6 - - -
United Kingdom Harry Hunt 2010 2011 16 - - -
Finland Jari Huttunen 2015 2023 34 - - -
United Kingdom Chris Ingram 2013 2018 8 - - -
Turkey Volkan Işık 1998 2006 20 - - -
United Kingdom Tony Jardine 1991 2016 24 - - -
Poland Andrzej Jaroszewicz 1973 1979 7 - - -
Estonia Raul Jeets 2017 2021 7 - - -
United Kingdom Jonathan Joannides 1985 1995 7 - - -
Lithuania Deividas Jocius 2008 2018 5 - - -
Sweden Tobias Johansson 2002 2005 12 - - -
New Zealand Reece Jones 1982 2002 19 - - -
United Kingdom Tim Jones 2008 2015 7 - - -
Sweden Lasse Jönsson 1973 1985 7 - - -
Sweden Mats Jonsson 1979 2007 40 3 2 -
Mexico Michel Jourdain Jr. 2010 2011 8 - - -
United Kingdom Terry Kaby 1975 1990 18 - - -
Sweden Harry Källström 1973 1980 28 4 1 -
Estonia Martin Kangur 2010 2014 8 - - -
Finland Juha Kankkunen 1979 2010 166 75 23 1986, 1987, 1991, 1993
Turkey Fatih Kara 2004 2006 8 - - -
Sweden Ramona Karlsson 2008 2012 5 - - -
Finland Kosti Katajamäki 2001 2006 35 - - -
Japan Takamoto Katsuta 2016 Active 75 5 - -
Estonia Egon Kaur 2006 2023 22 - - -
Finland Jari Ketomaa 2000 2015 42 - - -
Ukraine Oleksiy Kikireshko 2011 2015 22 - - -
Finland Leo Kinnunen 1973 1982 7 1 - -
Kenya Mike Kirkland 1973 1991 24 5 - -
West Germany Jochi Kleint 1973 1991 23 1 - -
Japan Wakujiro Kobayashi 1995 2008 17 - - -
Slovakia Martin Koči 2012 2017 30 - - -
Serbia Miloš Komljenović 2007 2008 10 - - -
Czech Republic Jan Kopecký 2002 2008 31 - - -
Poland Szymon Kornicki 2014 2014 5 - - -
Poland Michał Kościuszko 2006 2013 52 - - -
Sweden Freddy Kottulinsky 1973 1979 5 - - -
Germany Fabian Kreim 2014 2021 8 - - -
Czech Republic Roman Kresta 2001 2005 35 - - -
Germany Armin Kremer 1995 2017 37 - - -
Sweden Johan Kristoffersson 2016 2021 6 - - -
East Germany Wolfgang Krügel 1983 1989 7 - - -
Estonia Karl Kruuda 2010 2020 36 - - -
Poland Robert Kubica 2013 2016 33 - - -
Poland Tomasz Kuchar 1999 2004 21 - - -
Netherlands Dennis Kuipers 2008 2014 27 - - -
Netherlands René Kuipers 2000 2011 15 - - -
Poland Janusz Kulig 1999 2003 11 - - -
Sweden Anders Kulläng 1973 1988 45 4 1 -
Poland Leszek Kuzaj 1998 2007 18 - - -
Finland Jarmo Kytölehto 1990 1999 21 2 - -
Finland Lasse Lampi 1977 1996 36 1 - -
Finland Simo Lampinen 1973 1979 34 5 - -
Finland Esapekka Lappi 2011 Active 89 15 1 -
Finland Taisko Lario 2015 2018 12 - - -
France Nicolas Latil 2000 Active 7 - - -
Finland Jari-Matti Latvala 2002 Active 211 67 18 -
Finland Tapio Laukkanen 1994 2003 23 - - -
France Claude Laurent 1973 1982 20 - - -
France Jean-Claude Lefèbvre 1973 1981 13 - - -
France Stéphane Lefèbvre 2013 Active 49 - - -
Spain Yeray Lemes 2007 2016 25 - - -
Italy Piero Liatti 1990 2004 55 9 1 -
Hong Kong Michael Lieu 1988 1996 7 - - -
Argentina Marcos Ligato 1998 2016 62 - - -
Estonia Georg Linnamäe 2019 Active 34 - - -
United Kingdom David Llewellin 1984 1994 16 - - -
Andorra Albert Llovera 2001 2012 29 - - -
France Sébastien Loeb 1999 2022 184 120 80 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Belgium Freddy Loix 1993 2004 93 3 - -
France Pierre-Louis Loubet 2015 Active 70 - - -
France Yves Loubet 1977 1999 30 4 - -
Hungary Kornél Lukács 2014 2015 7 - - -
Estonia Mait Maarend 2013 2016 7 - - -
Republic of Ireland Gareth MacHale 2006 2009 14 - - -
Portugal Rui Madeira 1992 2014 28 - - -
Argentina Nicolás Madero 2005 2015 6 - - -
Finland Timo Mäkinen 1973 1994 39 7 4 -
Finland Tommi Mäkinen 1987 2003 143 45 24 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
United Kingdom Penny Mallory 1991 2000 6 - - -
Italy Giovanni Manfrinato 1986 2014 48 - - -
Argentina Daniel Marrochi 2000 2004 5 - - -
Estonia Markko Märtin 1997 2005 84 18 5 -
New Zealand Richard Mason 2001 2012 11 - - -
France Julien Maurin 2010 2016 27 - - -
Malaysia Saladin Mazlan 1997 2001 9 - - -
New Zealand Joe McAndrew 1988 2000 8 - - -
United Kingdom Marty McCormack 2011 2015 8 - - -
Republic of Ireland Daniel McKenna 2013 2015 5 - - -
United Kingdom Alister McRae 1991 2012 78 - - -
United Kingdom Colin McRae 1987 2006 146 42 25 1995
United Kingdom Jimmy McRae 1976 2004 25 2 - -
United Kingdom Niall McShea 1999 2009 33 - - -
United Kingdom Kris Meeke 2002 2019 106 13 5 -
Kenya Shekhar Mehta 1973 1987 47 11 5 -
Slovakia Jaroslav Melichárek 2011 2016 10 - - -
Argentina Carlos Menem Jr. 1990 1994 17 - - -
Argentina Claudio Menzie 1998 2006 14 - - -
Norway Andreas Mikkelsen 2006 Active 135 25 3 -
Finland Hannu Mikkola 1973 1993 124 44 18 1983
New Zealand Rod Millen 1977 1992 19 1 - -
Estonia Jaan Mölder 2005 2008 21 - - -
Ivory Coast Michel Molinié 1982 2000 12 - - -
Belgium Amaury Molle 2015 2022 7 - - -
Soviet Union Viktor Moskovski 1980 1985 6 - - -
Portugal Joaquim Moutinho 1973 1986 8 1 1 -
France Michèle Mouton 1974 1986 49 9 4 -
Italy Sandro Munari 1973 1984 36 14 7 1977*
Italy Andrea Navarra 1995 2005 18 - - -
Belgium Thierry Neuville 2009 Active 165 68 21 -
France Bob Neyret 1973 1981 5 2 - -
France Jean-Pierre Nicolas 1973 1984 40 13 5 -
East Germany Horst Niebergall 1973 1977 7 - - -
Estonia Miko-Ove Niinemäe 2011 2017 8 - - -
Germany Uwe Nittel 1994 2008 34 - - -
Kenya Patrick Njiru 1984 1998 15 - - -
Brazil Paulo Nobre 2006 2012 25 - - -
Russia Evgeny Novikov 2007 2013 49 2 - -
Japan Fumio Nutahara 1999 2010 37 - - -
Argentina Juan Odriozola 2000 2005 5 - - -
France Sébastien Ogier 2008 Active 189 104 61 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021
Soviet Union Heiki Ohu 1979 1983 16 - - -
Poland Maciej Oleksowicz 2006 2012 10 - - -
Brazil Daniel Oliveira 2009 2013 20 - - -
Australia Ed Ordynski 1989 2004 22 - - -
France Alain Oreille 1984 1995 28 2 1 -
Portugal Jorge Ortigão 1973 1988 10 - - -
Argentina Heriberto Ortíz 1994 2005 7 - - -
Norway Mads Østberg 2006 2021 139 18 1 -
Finland Jani Paasonen 1997 2005 30 - - -
New Zealand Hayden Paddon 2007 2022 83 8 1 -
Italy Alcide Paganelli 1973 1976 16 1 - -
France Pierre Pagani 1973 1986 10 - - -
France Gilles Panizzi 1990 2006 72 14 7 -
Greece Ioannis Papadimitriou 1996 2005 30 - - -
Switzerland Francesco Parli 2009 2013 6 - - -
Estonia Sander Pärn 2009 2016 24 - - -
Estonia Aigar Pärs 2007 2007 6 - - -
United States Travis Pastrana 2007 2008 5 - - -
Kenya Karan Patel 2016 2016 5 - - -
Australia Scott Pedder 2001 2016 11 - - -
Italy Luca Pedersoli 1998 2012 6 - - -
Argentina Luis Pérez Companc 2001 2007 30 - - -
United Kingdom Steve Perez 2002 2009 5 - - -
Canada Jean-Paul Pérusse 1974 1979 6 - - -
United Kingdom Leon Pesticcio 2000 2005 7 - - -
Italy Raffaele Pinto 1973 1978 19 3 1 -
France Jean-François Piot 1973 1975 7 1 - -
Italy Mario Pizzuti 2014 2015 11 - - -
United Kingdom Tony Pond 1974 1986 27 2 - -
Spain Xavier Pons 2003 2014 72 - - -
Estonia Roland Poom 2018 2020 7 - - -
Argentina Gabriel Pozzo 1998 2009 47 - - -
Kenya Vic Preston Jr. 1973 1973 18 2 - -
Czech Republic Martin Prokop 2005 Active 142 - - -
Ukraine Yuriy Protasov 2011 2018 46 - - -
United Kingdom Osian Pryce 2010 2017 13 - - -
Spain Jesús Puras 1991 2002 37 2 1 -
Finland Juuso Pykälistö 1996 2005 25 - - -
Sweden Thomas Rådström 1989 2006 39 4 - -
France Jean Ragnotti 1973 1996 43 9 3 -
Estonia Ivar Raidam 1995 1997 5 - - -
Argentina Gabriel Raies 1984 2003 17 - - -
Argentina Juan Pablo Raies 1992 2007 11 - - -
Finland Kimi Räikkönen 2009 2011 22 - - -
Finland Matti Rantanen 2005 2012 9 - - -
Jordan Ala'a Rasheed 2013 2013 5 - - -
Estonia Martin Rauam 2007 2008 11 - - -
Zimbabwe Conrad Rautenbach 2004 2009 56 - - -
United Kingdom Pablo Raybould 1992 2001 5 - - -
Argentina Jorge Recalde 1980 2000 71 8 2 -
Australia Brendan Reeves 2008 2012 14 - - -
Tanzania Zully Remtulla 1973 1978 6 - - -
Italy Max Rendina 2003 2016 20 - - -
Canada Patrick Richard 2002 2003 7 - - -
Germany Christian Riedemann 2010 2015 21 - - -
New Zealand Marty Roestenburg 1988 2005 6 - - -
Germany Walter Röhrl 1973 1987 75 31 14 1980, 1982
Sweden Joakim Roman 1997 2023 38 - - -
Portugal Francisco Romãozinho 1973 1978 6 1 - -
France Yohan Rossel 2014 Active 42 - - -
France Paul Rouby 1978 1990 10 - - -
Switzerland Philippe Roux 1982 2008 9 - - -
Finland Harri Rovanperä 1993 2006 113 15 1 -
Finland Kalle Rovanperä 2017 Active 71 24 14 2022, 2023
United Kingdom Martin Rowe 1994 2003 33 - - -
Switzerland Hanspeter Ruedin 1978 1982 5 - - -
Paraguay Gustavo Saba 2012 2018 6 - - -
France Bruno Saby 1973 1991 41 7 2 -
Spain Carlos Sainz 1987 2005 195 97 26 1990, 1992
Finland Juha Salo 1997 2016 16 - - -
Finland Timo Salonen 1974 2002 96 24 11 1985
Portugal Giovanni Salvi 1973 1979 5 - - -
Argentina Roberto Sánchez 1997 2005 12 - - -
Sweden Patrik Sandell 2005 2012 41 - - -
France Stéphane Sarrazin 2004 2022 23 - - -
Argentina Matías Sas 1999 2005 5 - - -
Luxembourg Gilles Schammel 2004 2008 19 - - -
Germany Armin Schwarz 1988 2005 121 7 2 -
United Kingdom Chris Sclater 1973 1978 11 - - -
Czech Republic Martin Semerád 2009 2011 18 - - -
Greece Jourdan Serderidis 2013 2018 24 - - -
Spain Salvador Servià 1973 1994 11 - - -
Finland Hans Sevelius 1973 1978 6 - - -
Kenya Jayant Shah 1978 1990 14 - - -
Tanzania Bert Shankland 1973 1980 7 - - -
Russia Radik Shaymiev 2007 2018 18 - - -
Japan Kenjiro Shinozuka 1976 1997 21 3 2 -
Russia Viktor Shtikov 1984 1993 7 - - -
Kenya Joginder Singh 1973 1980 8 2 2 -
Malaysia Karamjit Singh 1994 2005 33 - - -
Sweden Fredrik Skoghag 1988 1991 12 - - -
Canada Bo Skowronnek 1973 1979 5 - - -
Bulgaria Todor Slavov 2010 2010 5 - - -
Kazakhstan Arman Smailov 2010 2013 7 - - -
Belgium Patrick Snijers 1979 1998 8 1 - -
France Dany Snobeck 1978 2009 10 - - -
Finland Kristian Sohlberg 2000 2014 32 - - -
Spain Dani Solà 1997 2007 39 - - -
Spain Jan Solans 2017 Active 24 - - -
Spain Nil Solans 2012 2021 33 - - -
Norway Henning Solberg 1998 2019 133 6 - -
Sweden Oliver Solberg 2019 Active 44 - - -
Norway Oscar Solberg 2016 2017 7 - - -
Norway Petter Solberg 1998 2019 190 52 13 2003
Poland Michał Sołowow 2003 2015 17 - - -
Spain Dani Sordo 2003 Active 192 58 3 -
Argentina Ernesto Soto 1981 1990 13 - - -
United Kingdom Will Sparrow 1973 1976 5 - - -
Poland Maciej Stawowiak 1973 1981 10 1 - -
Austria Manfred Stohl 1991 2007 126 6 - -
Austria Rudi Stohl 1975 2002 61 2 - -
Sweden Lars Stugemo 2016 2021 6 - - -
Argentina Raúl Sufan 1995 1997 10 - - -
Finland Teemu Suninen 2014 Active 89 3 - -
Argentina Walter Suriani 1995 2004 6 - - -
Lithuania Vytautas Švedas 2006 2014 6 - - -
Japan Nobuhiro Tajima 1981 1999 19 - - -
Estonia Ott Tänak 2009 Active 159 50 20 2019
Germany Julius Tannert 2013 2019 18 - - -
New Zealand Mark Tapper 2001 2010 14 - - -
France Patrick Tauziac 1984 1992 9 4 1 -
Australia Molly Taylor 2011 2016 14 - - -
New Zealand Tony Teesdale 1979 1988 10 - - -
Finland Ville-Pertti Teuronen 2000 2003 9 - - -
France Jean-Luc Thérier 1973 1984 47 10 5 -
Belgium Bruno Thiry 1989 2002 75 5 - -
Sweden Pontus Tidemand 2012 2020 55 - - -
United Kingdom Mark Tilbury 1994 1999 5 - - -
France Brice Tirabassi 1999 2008 24 - - -
Finland Henri Toivonen 1975 1986 41 9 3 -
Estonia Ken Torn 2018 2020 9 - - -
Sweden Lars-Erik Torph 1980 1989 20 4 - -
Argentina Miguel Torrás 1984 2000 12 - - -
Italy Renato Travaglia 1991 2002 13 - - -
Uruguay Gustavo Trelles 1981 2002 101 1 - -
Czech Republic Emil Triner 1993 1999 32 - - -
Mexico Ricardo Triviño 2002 Active 55 - - -
Belgium Pieter Tsjoen 1999 2006 13 - - -
Lithuania Eugenijus Tumalevičius 1985 1993 9 - - -
Finland Janne Tuohino 1996 2021 50 - - -
Hungary Frigyes Turán 2010 2011 10 - - -
Monaco Auguste Turiani 1975 2006 44 - - -
United Kingdom Richard Tuthill 1992 2014 7 - - -
Kenya Robin Ulyate 1973 1987 11 1 - -
Canada Leo Urlichich 2014 2014 5 - - -
United Kingdom Wug Utting 1998 2009 6 - - -
Spain Egoi Éder Valdés López 2008 2010 9 - - -
Netherlands Timo van der Marel 2008 2012 13 - - -
Netherlands Mark van Eldik 2005 2010 8 - - -
Netherlands Peter van Merksteijn Jr. 2007 2012 23 - - -
Netherlands Peter van Merksteijn Sr. 2007 2012 13 - - -
Finland Ari Vatanen 1974 2003 101 27 10 1981
Finland Max Vatanen 2014 2018 22 - - -
Norway Ole Christian Veiby 2014 2023 50 - - -
Italy Maurizio Verini [nl] 1973 2013 33 4 - -
Argentina Federico Villagra 2000 2015 55 - - -
Spain Alexander Villanueva 2000 Active 29 - - -
Estonia Robert Virves 2020 Active 21 - - -
Netherlands Henk Vossen 1977 Active 42 - - -
Switzerland Laurent Vukasovic 2013 2017 7 - - -
Soviet Union Sergey Vukovich 1977 1985 12 - - -
Sweden Björn Waldegård 1973 1992 95 35 16 1979
Sweden Per-Inge Walfridsson 1973 1982 9 - - -
West Germany Achim Warmbold 1973 2000 27 2 2 -
Japan Shunichi Washio 1989 2019 19 - - -
West Germany Erwin Weber 1985 1997 22 4 - -
Germany Josef Wecker 2007 2019 11 - - -
Netherlands Hans Weijs 2006 2013 28 - - -
United Kingdom Nick West 1995 2013 5 - - -
Germany Sepp Wiegand 2011 2013 10 - - -
United Kingdom Guy Wilks 2002 2008 45 - - -
South Africa Jon Williams 2009 2009 6 - - -
United Kingdom Tom Williams 2016 2021 19 - - -
United Kingdom Malcolm Wilson 1977 1995 43 2 - -
United Kingdom Matthew Wilson 2004 2017 92 - - -
New Zealand Ray Wilson 1979 1998 13 1 - -
Austria Franz Wittmann 1973 1989 33 3 1 -
United States Jon Woodner 1979 1987 5 - - -
Poland Sobiesław Zasada 1973 1997 6 - - -
* - Note: 1977 and 1978 driver championships were not part of the WRC, but awarded as the FIA Cup for Rally Drivers.

See also



  1. ^ "Top stats - Starts". eWRC-results.
  2. ^ "Statistics - Driver starts in WRC events".