List of Galician (Eastern Europe) Jews

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List of Galicia (Eastern Europe) JewsJews born in Galicia (Eastern Europe) or identifying themselves as Galitzianer. Those born after the Congress of Vienna would be considered subjects of the Austrian empire and those after the foundation of the dual monarchy in 1867 and before the end of World War I in 1918, would have been Austro-Hungarian citizens.

Religious figures


Political figures




Cultural figures


Chess players




See also



  1. ^ Sever, Yechiel (13 December 2012). "NEWS: HaRav Mendel Weinbach zt"l". Dei'ah VeDibur. Retrieved 17 December 2012.
  2. ^ "The Wilhelm Reich Story by John-Michael Battaglia". Archived from the original on 2007-02-27. Retrieved 2007-02-07.