List of 2006 This American Life episodes

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In 2006, there were 17 This American Life episodes.

  • Episode 306 – "Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time"
    • Act 1: Luck of the Irish – Ira Glass
    • Act 2: Taxation Without Inebriation
    • Act 3: Bad Morning America – Davy Rothbart
    • Act 4: Function of the Heart
  • Episode 307 – "In the Shadow of the City"
    • Act 1: Brooklyn Archipelago – Brett Martin
    • Act 2: The Thin Gray Line – Cheryl Wagner
    • Act 3: Yes, In My Backyard – Jorge Just
  • Episode 308 – "Star-Crossed Love"
    • Act 1: Prisoner of Love – Shant Kenderian
    • Act 2: The Diary of Mrs. Sam Horrigan – Catalina Puente
    • Act 3: So a Squirrel and a Chipmunk Walk Into a Bar – David Sedaris
  • Episode 309 – "Cat and Mouse"
    • Act 1: El Gato Y El Ratoncito – James Spring
    • Act 2: Hello Kitty – David Sedaris
    • Act 3: Looking for Loveseats in all the Wrong Places – David Segal
    • Act 4: Spray My Name, Spray My Name – Brian Thomas Gallagher
  • Episode 310 – "Habeas Schmaebeas"
    • Act 1: There's No U.S. in Habeas – Jack Hitt
    • Act 2: September 11, 1660 – Jon Ronson
    • Act 3: We Interrogate the Detainees – Jack Hitt
  • Episode 311 – "A Better Mousetrap"
  • Episode 312 – "How We Talked Back Then"
    • Show description: A return to two live shows from the TAL archive including show 36, "Letters" and show 66, "Tales from the Net".
    • Act 1: Letters
    • Act 2: Internet
  • Episode 313 – "Parental Guidance Suggested"
    • Act 1: Two Possibilities, Both Bad – Ira Glass
    • Act 2: The Grandma Letters – Will Seymour, Mortified
    • Act 3: My Angel's in the Centerfolds – Thea Chaloner
  • Episode 314 – "It's Never Over"
    • Act 1: Who Takes the Class Out of Class Reunion – Jon Ronson
    • Act 2: Life Without Leanne – Larry Doyle
    • Act 3: Deal of a Lifetime – Sarah Koenig (rebroadcast from episode 162)
    • Act 4: One Word: Timing – Tami Sagher
  • Episode 315 – "The Parrot and the Potbellied Pig"
  • Episode 316 – "The Cat Came Back"
  • Episode 317 – "Unconditional Love"
  • Episode 318 – "With Great Power"
  • Episode 319 – "And the Call Was Coming From the Basement"
    • Show description: Scary stories that are all true.
    • Prologue: Ira Glass and Albert Donnay read a ghost story from a 1921 medical journal.
    • Act 1: The Hills Have Eyes – Alix Blumberg
    • Music interlude: 45 Grave, Evil
    • Act 2: The Hitcher – Ira Glass
    • Act 3: And the Call Was Coming from ... the Listeners!
    • Act 4: Graveyard Shift – David Sedaris
    • Music interlude: Gnarls Barkley, The Boogie Monster
  • Episode 320 – "What's In a Number – 2006 Edition"
    • Show description: Discussion about a new study by The Lancet about the number of Iraqis who have died since the US invasion.
    • Prologue: Ira Glass talks with ordinary Iraqis about life after the invasion.
    • Act 1: Truth, Damn Truth and Statistics – Alex Blumberg
    • Act 2: Not Just a Number
    • Act 3: The War This Time – Ira Glass
    • Music interlude: The Roots, Somebody's Gotta Do It
  • Episode 321 – "Sink or Swim"
    • Prologue: a story about a German interpreter for Ford whose skills fail him
    • Act 1: Mr. Central High
    • Act 2: I'm Not a Doctor, but I Play One at the Holiday Inn
    • Act 3: If This Ark Is A-Rockin', Don't Come A-Knockin' – Jonathan Goldstein interprets the story of Noah's Ark
  • Episode 322 – "Shouting Across the Divide"
    • Show description: Stories of Muslim and non-Muslim relations.
    • Prologue: A depiction of Muhammad on display in the main courtroom of the U.S. Supreme Court.
    • Act 1: Which One of These Is Not Like the Others?—Why is it so hard for Muslims and non-Muslims to get along in the fourth grade?
    • Act 2: America the Ad Campaign – Shalom Auslander