Khuzestan Province

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Location o Khuzestan athin Iran

Khuzestan Province (Persie: استان خوزستان‎, Ostān-e Khūzestān ) is ane o the 31 provinces o Iran. It is in the soothwast o the kintra, borderin Iraq's Basra Province an the Persie Gulf. Its caipital is Ahwaz an covers an aurie o 63,238 km². Ither major ceeties include Behbahan, Abadan, Andimeshk, Khorramshahr, Bandar Imam, Dezful, Shushtar, Omidiyeh, Izeh, Baq-e-Malek, Mah Shahr, Dasht-i Mishan/Dasht-e-Azadegan, Ramhormoz, Shadegan, Susa, Masjed Soleiman, Minoo Island an Hoveizeh.

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