Halgan Laurentes Byht

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Halgan Laurentes Byhtes stōƿe

Halgan Laurentes Byht (Niwenglisc: Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Frencisc: Golfe du Saint-Laurent) is micel byht on Canadan ēasternum rīme, and þes flōd is fram þǣm Ƿestsǣ bedæled (se licgeð beēasten) be Nīƿgefundenland þǣre īege.

Ðes byht is se ēamūða Halgan Laurenties Ēa þurh þǣre ryne ierneþ eall se ƿæter þāra Miclan Mera.

Ðes ƿæter beƿrēoð 91,000 mīla2 and hæfð 486 fōta dēopnes.