Dinika amin'ny mpikambana:Poizina

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Fiarahabana tongasoa

[hanova ny fango]
Manao ahoana Poizina, tonga soa eto amin’ny Wikipedia amin'ny teny malagasy!
  • Soniavo foana ny fanontanianao amin’ny alalan’ny ~~~~ (tilda efatra). Hisy avy hatrany ny daty/ora sy ny anaran'ny mpikambana nandefa ilay hafatra.
  • Te-hanova na hamorona pejy ve ianao ? Vangio ny pejy ahoana ny manova pejy
Diso ?
Diso ?
Diso ve ny zavatra nataonao ?
  • Aza matahotra ! Tsy misy atahorana rehefa manova pejy vaovao, rehefa manova pejy na rehefa manala fehezanteny. Ny mpandrindra sy ny mpikambana hafa mety mahita ny diso nataonao ary afaka avereniny hoatry ny tamin'ny taloha ilay pejy tsy voaova tsara

Welcome! If you are not an malagasy speaker, you may want to visit the non-malagasy community portal. Enjoy!

Mazotoa manoratra ! --Jagwargrr... | 21 Mey 2012 à 18:16 (UTC)[répondre]

Misaotra betsaka ! Poizina (discussion) 21 Mey 2012 à 21:57 (UTC)[répondre]

Mpanakanto malagasy

[hanova ny fango]

Salama. Tokony mba lazaina ihany hoe mpanao inona ireo mpanakanto malagasy ireo (mpihira, mpilalao...). Sa ahoana ? --Jagwargrr... | 24 Mey 2012 à 20:54 (UTC)[répondre]

Marina izany. --Poizina (discussion) 25 Mey 2012 à 09:01 (UTC)[répondre]

Manao ahoana. Nofafàko ilay pejy mikasika ny kolontsaina malagasy satria babangoana ilay pejy. Torak'izany koa ny mikasika ny zana-pejiny : babangoana. Raha amiko manokana dia aleo aloha hifanaraka amin'ny dikan-tenin'ilay teny "portal" izay vao mamorona ilay anaran-tsehatra manokana. Raha manontany ny hevitro momba izany ianao dia "rakipahalalana" no kasaiko.

Mandrapihaona. --Jagwargrr... | 25 Mey 2012 à 19:54 (UTC)[répondre]

Salama. Mety ny namafanao azy satria mbola andrakandrana fotsiny iny. Efa any amin'ny toeran-kafa aho izao no manao andrakandrana ka tsy ilaina intsony iny. Ny fahitako an'ilay portal dia toerana fampiratiana ny sokajy sy ny lahatsoratra misy mahakasika ilay lohahevitra fotsiny ilay izy fa tsy tena toerana iraiketan'ireo fahalalana. Karazana "vitrine" mikasika ilay lohahevitra fotsiny izany ilay izy koa raha misy teny mety manakaiky an'izay dia izay no tena tsara. --Poizina (discussion) 25 Mey 2012 à 20:39 (UTC)[répondre]

Marina tokoa ny hevitrao. Ka raha araka ny famaritany eo amin'ny Wikibolana anglisy izany dia "vavahady" [mitondra ny mpitsidika any amin'izay lohahevitra/lahatsoratra tiany haleha] ny mety ho teny ampiasaina ? --Jagwargrr... | 25 Mey 2012 à 22:01 (UTC)[répondre]

Salama. Aleo atao hoe "Vavahady" ary aloha ilay portal.--Poizina (discussion) 2 Jiona 2012 à 13:56 (UTC)[répondre]

Update on Upcoming Wiki Indaba Conference

[hanova ny fango]

Hello Sir. My name is Rexford Nkansah, currently serving as a Wikipedian in Residence at the Africa Centre in Cape Town.

The Wikimedia Foundation has shared with us the incredible number of edits that you have done on this Wikipedia. You have are one of those with the high contribution to this Wikipedia.

As one of the highest contributors to one of the languages of the African continent, I want to inform you about the upcoming Wiki Indaba Conference which is similar to Wikimania, however, its designed by Africans for Africans.

This message is to inform you about scholarship to attend application currently open. You're invited to apply for scholarship to attend this conference.

Please see the main Wiki Indaba Website for more details on Eligibility and Deadline – look at www.wikiindaba.net for more details. And like the facebook page for updates.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.

my contact is rexford[@]wikiafrica.net --Nkansahrexford (discussion) 31 Martsa 2014 à 11:10 (UTC)[répondre]

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

[hanova ny fango]
  1. This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
  2. Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

[hanova ny fango]

(‘’Sorry to write in English’’)