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Barents Sea, Kola Næs and se Cƿēnsǣ.

Cƿēnsǣ (Бе́лое мо́ре) is inlet of the Barents Sea on Russlandes norðƿesternum sǣrime. He is be Karelie ymbeclypped be ƿestum, and Kola næs be norþum.

The important port of Arkhangelsk stent on Cƿēnsǣ. For much of Russena stǣre ƿæs þes Russena hēafodstōƿe for elelendiscum sǣceapunge, sēo dydon þa Pomoras ("sæhealf setlendas") of Kholmogory. In the modern era it ƿearð hine important Sofiet sciphere and undersæbat ƿic.

Tƿā ymbeorþryna onlīcnessa þæs Cƿēnsǣs

Se Cƿēnsǣ-Ōstsǣ Ƿæterƿeg fēgþ þone Cƿēnsǣ mid þǣm Ōstsǣ.

Eall Cƿēnsǣ is under Russiscum ealdordōme (se is man hine geþōht tō bēonne inlicu ƿæter Russlandes).

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