Category:Drugs with non-standard legal status

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{{Infobox drug}} and {{Chembox}} articles that have a legal status that is not in the list of known Schemes. Known schemes are pre-formatted for: AU, CA, NZ, UK, US, UN, EU (see documentation below).

or: has "Template:Rx (Prescription only)" as a unspecified note (no country or institute).

|legal_XX= options

可显示预先设定的国家或地区的药物法律状态。可应用于{{Infobox drug}}、{{Chembox}}和{{Infobox botanical product}},参数|legal_XX=包括(XX = AU, CA, CN, DE, HK, NZ, TW, UK, US, EU, UN)。




澳大利亚 (AU)

  • |legal_AU= |legal_AU_comment=

加拿大 (CA)

  • |legal_CA= |legal_CA_comment=

中国大陆 (CN)

  • 中华人民共和国药品管理法(第6届人大主席令第18号)第49、54条
  • 中华人民共和国禁毒法(第10届人大主席令第79号)第2条
  • 中华人民共和国药品管理法实施条例(国务院令第360号)
  • 麻醉药品和精神药品管理条例(国务院令第442号)第3条
  • 麻醉药品和精神药品品种目录(食药监药化监〔2013〕230号)
  • 非药用类麻醉药品和精神药品列管办法(公通字〔2015〕27号)及其附表(非药用类麻醉药品和精神药品管制品种增补目录)
  • 最高人民检察院关于《非药用类麻醉药品和精神药品管制品种增补目录》能否作为认定毒品依据的批复(高检发释字〔2019〕2号)
  • |legal_CN= |legal_CN_comment=


  • |legal_DE= |legal_DE_comment=

新西兰 (NZ)

  • |legal_NZ= |legal_NZ_comment=

英国 (UK)

Sources: NHS
  • |legal_UK= |legal_UK_comment=

美国 (US)

Sources: ...
  • |legal_US= |legal_US_comment=

联合国 (UN)

Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, Convention on Psychotropic Substances
  • |legal_UN= |legal_UN_comment=

欧盟 (EU)

European law on drug precursors, European Council decisions on designer drugs
  • |legal_EU= |legal_EU_comment=


  • |legal_status=

See also


Maintenance tasks

This category should be empty.

  • Listed under " ": Schedule/classification input {{Unicode|℞}} should be replaced by or Rx.
  • Listed under *: |legal status= has "Rx only". However, this is impossible as a general statement, there is no such worldwide status. The input should be more precise (for example: "Usually prescription only in Asia").
  • For all countries and institutes listed here: |legal_XX should have a valid code from the listed options only. All descriptive text should be added in |legal_XX_comment=. If this causes a problem, please report at this talkpage.

分类“Drugs with non-standard legal status”中的页面



