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Nabigaziora joan Bilaketara joan
Sailkapen zientifikoa
Generoa Caracara
Merrem, 1826
Banaketa mapa

Caracara Falconidae familiako hegazti harraparien genero bat da, Ameriketako zatirik handienean bizi dena.

Gaur egun, espezie hauek deskribatu dira: [1]

Historiaurreko zenbait espezie ere ezagutzen dira:

  • Caracara creightoni – ziurrenik C. latebrosus -ekin lotuta [2]
  • Caracara latebrosus [3]
  • Caracara tellustris [4]
  • Caracara major [5]

Gaur egun bereizten diren espezieak lehen parekidetzat hartzen ziren [6] [7] Polyborus generoaren barruan sailkatuta.


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  1. (Ingelesez) Caracara. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Noiz kontsultatua: 3 de abril de 2011).
  2. Steadman, David W.; Richard Franz; Gary S. Morgan; Nancy A. Albury; Brian Kakuk; Kenneth Broad; Shelley E. Franz; Keith Tinker et al.. (2007). «Exceptionally well preserved late Quaternary plant and vertebrate fossils from a blue hole on Abaco, The Bahamas» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (50): 19897–19902.  doi:10.1073/pnas.0709572104. OCLC .2148394 PMID 18077421..
  3. «Pleistocene Birds from New Providence Island, Bahamas» Bulletin of the State of Florida Museum (University of Florida) 4 (11): 354..
  4. Olson, Storrs L.. (2008). «A New Species of Large, Terrestrial Caracara from Holocene Deposits in Southern Jamaica (Aves: Falconidae)» Journal of Raptor Research (The Raptor Research Foundation) 42 (4): 265–272.  doi:10.3356/JRR-08-18.1..
  5. Washington Jones, Andrés Rinderknecht, Rafael Migot and R. Ernesto Blanco. (2013). «Body Mass Estimations and Paleobiological Inferences on a New Species of Large Caracara (Aves, Falconidae) from the Late Pleistocene of Uruguay» Journal of Paleontology 87 (1): 151–158.  doi:10.1666/12-026R.1..
  6. AOU Check-list of North American Birds. 7th edition w. supplements. Consultado: 2008-04-26
  7. Clements, J. F. 2007. The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World. 6th edition. Christopher Helm. ISBN 978-0-7136-8695-1

Kanpo estekak

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