
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Saltar para a navegação Saltar para a pesquisa
classe Algoritmo de ordenação
estrutura de dados Array, Listas ligadas
complexidade pior caso

Burstsort e suas variantes são algoritmos cache-eficientes para a ordenação de strings, e são mais rápidos que o quicksort e o radix sort para grandes conjuntos de dados.

Os algoritmos Burstsort usam tentativas para armazenar prefixos de strings, com arrays crescentes de ponteiros como nodos final contendo sufixos ordenados, únicos (referidos como buckets (baldes)). Algumas variantes copiar as caudas das strings nos buckets. A medida em que os buckets crescem além de um limite pré-determinado, os buckets são "estourados" (burst), dando ao algoritmo o seu nome. Uma variante mais recente, usa um bucket com menor índice de sub-buckets para reduzir o uso de memória.


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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace burstsort
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // we have to give an array of string to get sorted
            string[] s = { "pole", "Aisha", "Try", "games", "Team" };
            BurstSort b = new BurstSort();


     * Create an instance of BurstSort
    class BurstSort
        /** Maximum number of elements in bucket */
        static int threshold = 32;
        /** Size of the alphabet that is supported. */
        static int alphbet = 127;
        /** Initial size for new buckets. */
        static int bucket_start_size = 4;
        /** The bucket growth factor  */
        static int bucket_growth_factor = 4;

         * Similar to TrieADT we create BurstTrie
        #region BurstTrie

        Trie root;// Starting point of BurstTrie

        public BurstSort()
            root = null;

* "Insertion phase"
         * Inserting string prefix in trie and suffixes in buckets
        public void insert(string[] s)
            foreach (string i in s)
                root = insert(i, root);

            /* After insertion phase we traverse to sort the data */

        private Trie insert(string s, Trie node)
            if (node == null)
                Trie n = new Trie();
                char c = charAt(s);
                n.insert(c, s);
                return n;

                node.insert(s[0], s);
                return node;


* "Traversal phase"
* Travel BurstTrie from left to right
* to sort data
        public void traverse()

        //to print we use print function
        public void print()

        // utility function return the First character of string
        public char charAt(string s)
            return s[0];

        //Trie node
        class Trie
            Buckets[] buckets;
            List<int> c;

            public Trie()
                c = new List<int>();
                buckets = new Buckets[alphbet];

            /** Inserting Suffixes of particular prefix in buckets */
            public void insert(int x, string s)
                if (!c.Contains(x))
                    buckets[x] = new Buckets();



            public void traverse(int ch)
                //Sorting Prefixes
                for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < c.Count; j++)
                        if (c[i] < c[j])
                            int temp = c[i];
                            c[i] = c[j];
                            c[j] = temp;



                for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++)//Calling buckets
                    buckets[c[i]].traverse(ch, c[i]);

            public void print(int ch)
                for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++)//Calling buckets
                    buckets[c[i]].print(ch, c[i]);



         * Bucket to store the suffixes of string
         * Array based impelementation of buckets
        class Buckets
            string[] buc;      //Bucket
            int h;             //pointer help in inserting elements in bucket
            int growthFactor;  //by which we increase the size of bucket
            int initialSize;   //Starting size of bucket
            int finalLimit;    //Time to burst
            Trie root;

            public Buckets()
                root = null;
                finalLimit = threshold;
                initialSize = bucket_start_size;
                buc = new string[initialSize];
                h = 0;
                growthFactor = bucket_growth_factor;

            //Inerting elements in buckets
            public void insert(string s)
                if (h < initialSize && h != finalLimit)//When bucket is not full
                    buc[h] = s;

                if (h == initialSize && h != finalLimit)//When bucket is full
                    buc = increaseSize(buc);//Increasing the size of bucket

                if (h >= finalLimit)//When bucket reaches threshold
                     * Create a new trie node
                     * Inserting bucket elements in new trie node

                    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
                        insert(buc[i]);//Calling the same method which we use before



             * Increase size of bucket by bucket_growth_factor
            public string[] increaseSize(string[] b)
                initialSize *= growthFactor;
                string[] a = new string[initialSize];

                for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
                    a[i] = b[i];

                return a;

            /** traversing the buckets */
            public void traverse(int c, int ch)
                if (root == null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
                        if (h > 1)//when the size of bucket is more than one

                            /** Applying Multikey_Quick_Sort to sort buckets */
                            MultikeyQuickSort sort = new MultikeyQuickSort();
                            buc = sort.sort(buc, 0, h - 1, 0);





            //To print the sorted data
            public void print(int c, int ch)
                if (root == null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToChar(ch) + buc[i]);





        class MultikeyQuickSort
             * Multikey_Quick_Sort divide array into three parts
             * 1-greater than pivot
             * 2-less than pivot
             * 3-equal to pivot

            public String[] sort(String[] a, int lo, int hi, int d)
                if (hi <= lo) return a;
                int lt = lo, gt = hi;
                string s1 = a[lo];//pivot
                int v = -1;

                if (d < s1.Length)
                    v = s1[d];
                int i = lo + 1;

                while (i <= gt)
                    string s = a[i];
                    int t = -1;
                    if (d < s1.Length)
                        t = s[d];

                    if (t < v) interChange(a, lt++, i++);    //part 1
                    else if (t > v) interChange(a, i, gt--); //part 2
                    else i++;                                //part 3

                sort(a, lo, lt - 1, d);
                if (v >= 0)
                    sort(a, lt, gt, d + 1);
                sort(a, gt + 1, hi, d);

                return a;

            //utility function which interchange the string values
            private void interChange(String[] a, int i, int j)
                String temp = a[i];
                a[i] = a[j];
                a[j] = temp;






  1. «BurstSort/burstsort at master · makhan1101/BurstSort». GitHub (em inglês). Consultado em 24 de setembro de 2021 

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