Anguilla necropolis

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The Anguilla necropolis (Italian: necropolis Anguilla) is an archaeological site in the Italian comune of Ribera in the province of Agrigento in Sicily.



The necropolis dates from the middle and late Bronze Age (13th century BC) and was discovered in 1982. It is located to the south of the town of Ribera.[1]

It consists of two types of tombs: artificial caves and chambers. Some are accessed through a 1.5-5 metre long corridore called a "dromos", located in front of the tomb itself. The tombs consist of one or two chambers with a corbel vaulted dome (tholos) containing a platform with the corpse and votive offerings (vases, rings, arms, tools) on it.

The dimensions and typology of these tombs are unique in western Sicily.


  1. ^ "Approvazione del piano regolatore generale, delle prescrizioni esecutive e del regolamento edilizio del comune di Ribera". Gazzetta Ufficiale Regione Siciliana. Archived from the original on 14 January 2003. Retrieved 17 November 2009.


  • Touring Club Italiano, ed. (1990). Sicilia. p. 380. ISBN 978-88-365-0350-6.
  • Istituto Gramsci siciliano (1986). Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia (ed.). Traffici micenei nel Mediterraneo: problemi storici e documentazione archeologica. Taranto.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)