Andoza:Reply to

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Documentation icon Andoza hujjati[koʻrib chiqish] [tahrirlash] [tarix] [yangilash]

Bu andoza boshqa foydalanuvchilarga siz ularni biror bir munozara sahifasida tilga olganingizni bildirish uchun (agar siz oʻzingiz yozib qoldirgan xabarni biror bir foydalanuvchi tezroq bilishini istasangiz) ishlatiladi.

Andozadan foydalanishning umumiy koʻrinishi:

{{reply to|Foydalanuvchi nomi}} Xabar matni. ~~~~

Misol uchun, "{{Reply to|Химик1991}}" bunday boʻladi "@Химик1991:".

Multiple recipients

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Agar siz birdaniga 7 tagacha boʻlgan foydalanuvchilarga xabaringizni bildirmoqchi boʻlsangiz, u holda quyidagicha foydalaning:

{{reply to|Foydalanuvchi1|Foydalanuvchi2|Foydalanuvchi3|Foydalanuvchi4|Foydalanuvchi5|Foydalanuvchi6|Foydalanuvchi7}} Xabar matni. ~~~~

For example, {{reply to|Example|Jimbo Wales}} will produce:

@Example va Jimbo Wales:

Warning: If the total number of detected to-be-pinged users in an edit exceeds 20, no notifications will be delivered.

Specify a nickname

[manbasini tahrirlash]

You can display any text in place of a username by using |labelX=, where X is the index of a positional parameter, counting from 1. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|label1=Exemplar|Example2|label2=John}}" produces "@Exemplar va John:"

You can also use |label= in place of |label1=. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|label=John}}" produces "@John:"

Customise punctuation

[manbasini tahrirlash]

By default, the template will insert a colon after the final name. To change this, specify the required character using the |p= parameter. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|p=—}}" produces "@Example"

The parameter omits leading or trailing spaces. Use   instead. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|p= –}} Text message" produces "@Example – Text message"

To simply remove the colon, use the parameter with an empty value:

"{{reply to|Example|p=}}" produces "@Example"

Customise conjunction

[manbasini tahrirlash]

By default, the template will use the word "and" between multiple names. To change this, specify the required conjunction using the |c= parameter. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|Example2|c=or}}" produces "@Example or Example2:"
"Neither {{reply to|Example|Example2|Example3|c=nor}}" produces "Neither @Example, Example2, nor Example3:"

To simply remove the conjunction, use the parameter with an empty value:

"{{reply to|Example|Example2|c=}}" produces "@Example, Example2:"

Sometimes, when the recipient's username contains an equal sign, for example {{reply to|test=test}}, it will show

Error in Andoza:Reply to: Username not given.

To fix this, simply add 1= at the beginning of the username, 2= at the second username, 3= at the third username and so on:

{{reply to|1=test=test}}


[manbasini tahrirlash]
[manbasini tahrirlash]
  • {{user link}} – Links to a single user's page (without the @ sign and colon)
  • {{noping}} – Links a user's name without triggering the echo notification system
  • {{to}} – Uses "To " (with a space) at the beginning instead of the @ sign