Ambrose Bierce

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Ambrose Bierce ya kuwi tiyang jurnalis, panganggit, lan uga panyerat saka Ohio, Amérikah Sarékat. Bierce lair ing kutha Meigs County, Ohio, Amérika Sarékat, surya 24 Juni 1842 lan tilar dunya ing kutha Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Meksiko, 1914 (ora ana sumber ingkang nulis bab kapan surya tilar dunyané). Bierce uga gadhah kathah karya gurit misuwur ing nagarané kaya ta Rimer lan Another Way.[1]

Iki pratélan karya saka Bierce, kaya ta;

  1. "Alone"[2]
  2. "Decalogue"[2]
  3. "Elegy"[2]
  4. "Freedom"[2]
  5. "Piety"[2]
  6. "Rimer"[2]
  7. "Safety-Clutch"[2]
  8. "Weather"[2]
  9. A Wreath Of Immortelles[3]
  10. Adair Welcker, Poet[3]
  11. Alone[2][3]
  12. An Inscription[2]
  13. Another Way[3]
  14. At The Close Of The Canvass[3]
  15. Christian[3]
  16. Convalescent[3]
  17. Creation[3]
  18. Decalogue[3]
  19. Egotist[3]
  20. Elegy[2][3]
  21. Elixer Vitæ[3]
  22. Freedom[3]
  23. General B.F. Butler[3]
  24. Geotheos[3]
  25. In Defense[3]
  26. Invocation[3]
  27. Matter For Gratitude[3]
  28. Montefiore[3]
  29. On The Wedding Of The Aeronaut[3]
  30. Piety[2][3]
  31. Politics[3]
  32. Polyphemus[3]
  33. Presentiment[3]
  34. Rimer[3]
  35. T.A.H.[3]
  36. The Bride[3]
  37. The Confederate Flags[3]
  38. The Day Of Wrath / Dies Iræ[3]
  39. The Death Of Grant[3]

Cathetan suku

[besut | besut sumber]
  1. "Ambrose Bierce (American author)". Encyclopedia Britannica. Dibukak ing 2010-06-06.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l "Ambrose Bierce Poems and Poetry". Famous Poets and Poems. Dibukak ing 2010-05-22.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad "All Poems of Ambrose Bierce". oem Hunter. Dibukak ing 2010-06-06.