Abkhaz leid

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Аҧсуа бызшәа; аҧсшәа
Native taeAbkhazia
(Pairtially recognized state)
(Georgia), Turkey, Roushie
Native speakers
(110,000 citit 1993)[1]
Cyrillic (Abkhaz alphabet)
Offeecial status
Offeecial leid in
(on the territory o
the Autonomous Republic o Abkhazie)
Leid codes
ISO 639-1ab
ISO 639-2abk
ISO 639-3abk

Abkhaz (sometimes spelled Abxaz; /æpˈhɑːz/;[2] Аҧсуа бызшәа) is a Northwast Caucasian leid spoken maistly bi the Abkhaz fowk. It is the offeecial leid o Abkhazie[a] whaur aroond 100,000 fowk speak it.[1] Furthermair, it is spoken bi thoosands o members o the Abkhazie diaspora in Turkey, Georgie's autonomous republic o Adjara, Sirie, Jordan an several Wastren kintras. Thare are 9,447 speakers o Abkhaz in Roushie, accordin tae the 2002 census.[3]

  1. a b

    Abkhazie is the subjeck o a territorial dispute atween the Republic o Abkhazie an the Republic o Georgie. The Republic o Abkhazie declarit unthirldom on 23 Julie 1992, bit Georgie continues tae claim it as pairt o its ain sovereign territory. Abkhazie haes beein gien formal recognition as ae free state bi 7 oot o 193 Unitit Naitions memmer states (wi 1 later taen back).


[eedit | eedit soorce]
  1. a b Abkhaz at Ethnologue (17th ed., 2013)
  2. Laurie Bauer, 2007, The Linguistics Student’s Handbook, Edinburgh
  3. "Всероссийская перепись населения 2002 года, 4.4 Spreading of knowledge of languages (except Russian)". Archived frae the original on 9 Juin 2011. Retrieved 12 September 2013.