トムズリバー (ニュージャージー州)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
Township of Toms River
北緯39度59分40秒 西経74度09分58秒 / 北緯39.994314度 西経74.166214度 / 39.994314; -74.166214座標: 北緯39度59分40秒 西経74度09分58秒 / 北緯39.994314度 西経74.166214度 / 39.994314; -74.166214
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
ニュージャージー州の旗 ニュージャージー州
勅許 March 1, 1768年3月1日(ドーバー・タウンシップとして)
法人化 1798年2月21日
改名 2006年11月14日(トムズリバー・タウンシップとして)
 • 種別 フォークナー法(首長・立法委員会)
 • タウンシップ長 トマス・F・ケラハー(2015年12月31日まで)[1]
 • 管理官 ポール・J・シャイブス[2]
 • 事務官 J.・マーク・マター[3]
 • 合計 52.884 mi2 (136.969 km2)
 • 陸地 40.488 mi2 (104.863 km2)
 • 水域 12.396 mi2 (32.105 km2)  23.44%
標高 26 ft (8 m)
 • 合計 95,438人
 • 密度 1,800人/mi2 (700人/km2)
等時帯 UTC-5 (東部標準時)
 • 夏時間 UTC-4 (東部夏時間)
市外局番 732/848[10]
FIPS code 3402973125[5][11][12]
GNIS feature ID 0882074[5][13]
ウェブサイト www.tomsrivertownship.com

トムズリバー・タウンシップ: Toms River)は、アメリカ合衆国ニュージャージー州オーシャン郡にあるタウンシップであり、郡庁所在地である[15]。人口は9万5438人(2020年)。




トムズリバー・タウンシップは様々なテレビやニューズメディアで紹介されており、例えばMTVの『Made』や『Jersey Shore』、HBOの『ボードウォーク・エンパイア 欲望の街』、および映画『悪魔の棲む家』のロケ地となった。1998年、トムズリバー・イースト・リトルリーグがリトルリーグ・ワールドシリーズで優勝した。トムズリバーでは世界で2番目に大きいと言われるハロウィンのパレードを行っている[19]





トムズリバーの初期歴史の多くは相矛盾する話があって曖昧になっている。様々な史料が町名の由来を、イングランド人大尉のウィリアム・トムズ、農夫で渡し船を経営したトマス・ルーカー、トムというインディアンなどを挙げている。1992年、タウンシップの225周年を祝う行事の一部として、トムズリバーのトムはグース・クリーク(現在のトムズ川)の渡し船を運営したトマス・ルーカーであるという伝説に対し公式の認定を行った[20]。19世紀、トムズリバーは造船業、捕鯨業、漁業、鉄工業、製材業の中心になった。町も川も通常は「Tom's River」と綴られていたが、19世紀の半ばから現在の形になってきた。











1990年代半ば、州と連邦政府健康環境機関が、1970年から1995年のトムズリバーで子供の癌症例が増加したと報告した。州と連邦政府健康環境機関による複数の調査で、癌増加の要因は1952年から操業していたトムズリバー化学品工場(チバガイギー)による汚染の可能性があることを示した。この地域は地下水から有毒な化学品が検出された後の1983年、アメリカ合衆国環境保護庁のスーパーファンド適用となった。翌年、郡道571号線(ベイ・アベニュー)とボーン・アベニューの角で排水管に漏れがあることが分かり、閉鎖された。工場は1996年に操業を止めた[28][29][30]。1996年から2000年に行われた追跡調査で、予想以上に癌が発症している一方で、発症率が著しく低下しており、州平均の発症率と比較して統計的に有意と判断されることが示された[31]。1996年からトムズリバーの上水道は州内でも最も厳しい試験を行うようになり、現在は飲用に適していると見なされている[32]。ジャーナリストのダン・ファギンが2014年にピューリッツァー賞を獲得した著作『トムズリバー: 科学と救済の話』は、この汚染の問題を詳細に検証したものである[33]







アメリカ合衆国国勢調査局に拠れば、領域全面積は52.884平方マイル (136.969 km2)であり、このうち陸地40.488平方マイル (104.863 km2)、水域は12.396平方マイル (32.105 km2)で水域率は23.44%である[5][14]ニューヨーク市のマンハッタンからは南に70マイル (110 km)、フィラデルフィアからは東に55マイル (89 km) に位置している。







1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月
最高気温記録 °F°C 72
平均最高気温 °F°C 41
平均最低気温 °F°C 22
最低気温記録 °F°C −19
降水量 inch (mm) 3.92
降雪量 inch (cm) 7.01
平均降水日数 11 10 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 10 10 118
平均降雪日数 4 3 2 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 2 11.7
平均月間日照時間 155.0 155.4 201.5 216.0 244.9 270.0 275.9 260.4 219.0 204.6 156.0 136.4 2,495.1


Population sources: 1790-1920[48][49]
1850-2000[50] 1850-1870[51] 1850[52]
1870[53] 1880-1890[54] 1890-1910[55]
1910-1930[56] 1930-1990[57]
2000[58][59] 2010[60][61]
* 面積減少.[16]





  • 人口: 91,239 人
  • 世帯数: 34,760 世帯
  • 家族数: 24,367 家族
  • 人口密度: 870.1人/km2(2,253.5 人/mi2
  • 住居数: 43,334 軒
  • 住居密度: 413.2軒/km2(1,070.3 軒/mi2



  • 18歳未満: 21.3%
  • 18-24歳: 7.9%
  • 25-44歳: 23.8%
  • 45-64歳: 29.7%
  • 65歳以上: 17.3%
  • 年齢の中央値: 43歳
  • 性比(女性100人あたり男性の人口)
    • 総人口: 92.3
    • 18歳以上: 89.6


  • 18歳未満の子供がいる: 28.2%
  • 結婚・同居している夫婦: 54.4%
  • 未婚・離婚・死別女性が世帯主: 11.7%
  • 非家族世帯: 29.9%
  • 単身世帯: 25.1%
  • 65歳以上の老人1人暮らし: 12.1%
  • 平均構成人数
    • 世帯: 2.58人
    • 家族: 3.10人




  • 収入の中央値
    • 世帯: 71,934米ドル
    • 家族: 83,924米ドル
    • 性別
      • 男性: 59,860米ドル
      • 女性: 42,192米ドル
  • 人口1人あたり収入: 33,423米ドル
  • 貧困線以下
    • 対人口: 5.7%
    • 対家族数: 4.5%
    • 18歳未満: 7.4%
    • 65歳以上: 4.6%





  • 人口: 89,706 人
  • 世帯数: 33,510 世帯
  • 家族数: 24,428 家族
  • 人口密度: 845.4人/km2(2,189.5 人/mi2
  • 住居数: 41,116 軒
  • 住居密度: 387.5軒/km2(1,003.5 軒/mi2



  • 18歳未満: 23.3%
  • 18-24歳: 7.2%
  • 25-44歳: 27.2%
  • 45-64歳: 25.1%
  • 65歳以上: 17.2%
  • 年齢の中央値: 40歳
  • 性比(女性100人あたり男性の人口)
    • 総人口: 92.7
    • 18歳以上: 89.1


  • 18歳未満の子供がいる: 31.2%
  • 結婚・同居している夫婦: 59.1%
  • 未婚・離婚・死別女性が世帯主: 10.5%
  • 非家族世帯: 27.1%
  • 単身世帯: 22.7%
  • 65歳以上の老人1人暮らし: 11.0%
  • 平均構成人数
    • 世帯: 2.62人
    • 家族: 3.09人




  • 収入の中央値
    • 世帯: 54,776米ドル
    • 家族: 62,561米ドル
    • 性別
      • 男性: 47,390米ドル
      • 女性: 30,834米ドル
  • 人口1人あたり収入: 25,010米ドル
  • 貧困線以下
    • 対人口: 5.7%
    • 対家族数: 4.0%
    • 18歳未満: 6.7%
    • 65歳以上: 6.1%



















  • ビーチウッド小学校[81]、幼稚園から5年生、591人
  • シーダーグローブ小学校[82]、幼稚園から5年生、883人
  • ジョセフ・A・シッタ小学校[83]、幼稚園から5年生、672人
  • イーストドーバー小学校[84]、幼稚園から5年生、757人
  • フーパー・アベニュー小学校[85]、幼稚園から5年生、756人
  • ノースドーバー小学校[86]、幼稚園から5年生、648人
  • パインビーチ小学校[87]、幼稚園から5年生、440人
  • シルバーベイ小学校[88]、幼稚園から5年生、661人
  • サウストムズリバー小学校[89]、幼稚園から5年生、375人
  • ウォルナット通り小学校[90]、幼稚園から5年生、841人
  • ワシントン通り小学校[91]、幼稚園から5年生、385人
  • ウェストドーバー小学校[92]、幼稚園から5年生、407人
  • トムズリバー中間学校東[93]、6年生から8年生、1,468人
  • トムズリバー中間学校北[94]、6年生から8年生、1,423人
  • トムズリバー中間学校南[95]、6年生から8年生、1,052人
  • トムズリバー東高校[96]、9年生から12年生、1,719人
  • トムズリバー北高校[97]、9年生から12年生、2,368人
  • トムズリバー南高校[98]、9年生から12年生、1,535人[99][100]







2010年5月時点で、タウンシップの中には総延長453.89マイル (730.47 km) の道路がある。そのうち351.13マイル (565.09 km) がタウンシップの保守に、72.45マイル (116.60 km) がオーシャン郡、24.04マイル (38.69 km) がニュージャージー州交通省、6.27マイル (10.09 km) はニュージャージー・ターンパイク管理局の管轄である[106]



ニュージャージー・ターンパイク管理局が1971年にドリスコル・イクスプレスウェイを建設することを提案した。これは庭園道路出口80号から、サウスブランズウィック・タウンシップのニュージャージー・ターンパイク出口8Aの北3マイル (5 km) で終わるものだった。この計画は1980年に中止になった[108]







ロバート・J・ミラー・エアパークはバークリー・タウンシップにある公営空港であり、トムズリバー中央事業地区からは南西に5マイル (8 km) にある[112]

  • トムズリバー・タウンシップは様々なテレビやニューズメディアで紹介されており、例えばMTVの『Made』のエピソード3回分や『Jersey Shore』で題材にされた。
  • ジャージー・ショアには、オートリービーチ、ノーマンディビーチ、モントレービーチ、オーシャンビーチ、チャドウィックビーチ、シルバービーチなど多くのビーチがある
  • トムズリバーで開催される祭としては、ニュージャージー・チル・アンド・サルサ・クックオフや、ニュージャージー・アイスクリーム・フェスティバルなどがある[113]
  • オーシャン郡図書館のトムズリバー支所はオーシャン郡図書館体系の本部であり、郡内最大の公共図書館である。2006年1月、改修工事が終わり、施設の大きさが2倍になった[114]
  • オーシャン郡では唯一、かつニュージャージー州では最大級の屋内運動施設であるジョン・ベネット屋内運動場がある。ハリケーン・サンディで大きな被害を受け、修繕が終わった2013年1月に再開された[115]
  • ニュージャージー州で最大の教育に関わらない病院であるコミュニティ医療センターがトムズリバーにある[116]
  • トムズリバー北高校に繋がる公共アリーナのパインベルト・アリーナは、年間を通じてコンサートなどの地元行事に利用され、教育学区の資金を集めている
  • 夏に開催されるトムズリバー・フェストは、地域の内外から観衆を集めており、2008年では25,000人が集まった[117]
  • トムズリバーには多くのショッピングモールがある。オーシャン郡モールは唯一屋内型モールである[118])。シーコート・パビリオンはベイ・アベニューを挟んでオーシャン郡モールの向かい側にある。
  • ニュージャージー州にある26の醸造所の1つ、アーティザンズ・ブリュワリーがある[119][120]
  • 1979年の映画『悪魔の棲む家』はトムズリバーで撮影された。地元の警官と救急車の乗員がエキストラを演じた。屋外シーンの1つで、トムズリバー第1ボランティア消防団が雨のシーンを演出した[121]
  • トムズリバー中心街では祭りや、世界で2番目に大きいハロウィーンのパレードなど多くのコミュニティ行事を行う。スローガンは「偉大な場所、親しい顔」である[122]
  • 1984年、地元事業家のロバート・O・マーシャルが妻のマリアに対する契約殺人の廉で告発され有罪となった。この事件はノンフィクション作家ジョー・マギネスの注意を惹き、その著作『Blind Faith』は1989年に出版され、1990年にはロバート・ユーリックとジョアンナ・カーンズが出演したテレビ映画に翻案され、エミー賞候補にもなった[123]
  • 周辺の自治体の中には郵便局が無いためにトムズリバーを郵便用住所にしている所がある。例えばサウストムズリバー、マンチェスター・タウンシップの一部、バークリー・タウンシップの一部である
  • トムズリバーにあるウォーターハウス博物館は、画家チャールズ・ウォーターハウスの作品を集めている[124]





  1. ^ 2014 New Jersey Mayors Directory, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, as of December 15, 2014. Accessed January 12, 2015.
  2. ^ Administration, Township of Toms River. Accessed July 11, 2012.
  3. ^ Clerk's Office , Township of Toms River. Accessed July 11, 2012.
  4. ^ a b 2005 New Jersey Legislative District Data Book, Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, April 2005, p. 53.
  5. ^ a b c d e County Subdivisions: New Jersey - 2010 Census Gazetteer Files, United States Census Bureau. Accessed July 9, 2013.
  6. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Township of Toms River, Geographic Names Information System. Accessed March 14, 2013.
  7. ^ Quickfacts.census.gov”. 18 Oct 2023閲覧。
  8. ^ Look Up a ZIP Code for Toms River, NJ, United States Postal Service. Accessed February 15, 2012.
  9. ^ a b Zip Codes, State of New Jersey. Accessed September 18, 2013.
  10. ^ Area Code Lookup - NPA NXX for Toms River, NJ, Area-Codes.com. Accessed September 18, 2013.
  11. ^ a b American FactFinder, United States Census Bureau. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  12. ^ A Cure for the Common Codes: New Jersey, Missouri Census Data Center. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  13. ^ US Board on Geographic Names, United States Geological Survey. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  14. ^ a b US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990, United States Census Bureau. Accessed September 4, 2014.
  15. ^ Find a County, National Association of Counties. Accessed January 25, 2015.
  16. ^ a b Snyder, John P. The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries: 1606-1968, Bureau of Geology and Topography; Trenton, New Jersey; 1969. p. 202. Accessed February 15, 2012.
  17. ^ Morgan Quitno 12th Annual Safest (and Most Dangerous) Cities: Top and Bottom 25 Cities Overall, Morgan Quitno Press, backed up by the Internet Archive as of January 4, 2006. Accessed November 26, 2014. Listed as Dover Township, NJ.
  18. ^ 13th Annual America's Safest (and Most Dangerous) Cities: Top and Bottom 25 Cities Overall, Morgan Quitno Press, backed up by the Internet Archive as of January 5, 2007. Accessed November 26, 2014. Listed as Dover, NJ.
  19. ^ Michels, Chelsea. "Toms River fire company publicizes details of annual Halloween parade", Asbury Park Press, October 1, 2009. Accessed January 10, 2010. "It might not be in the Guinness World Records but organizers for the township's annual parade claim it is the second largest of its kind."
  20. ^ a b c "Dover Township Community Profile" Archived 2008年8月28日, at the Wayback Machine., Ocean County Library. Accessed May 16, 2012. "Most believed it was named for Thomas Luker, who came to the area around 1700 and married Princess Anne, daughter of the local Indian Chief. Only in 1992, with the dedication of a small footbridge in Huddy Park to his memory, was Thomas Luker officially recognized as the source of the “Tom” in Toms River. Over 40 of Luker’s direct descendants and their families attended the ceremony where Ocean County Historian Pauline Miller laid to rest the other stories."
  21. ^ Three Dramatic Scenes in the Closing Hours of the Revolutionary Struggle, Gen. W. H. Stryker, presentation at Doylestown Meeting, January 21, 1885. Provides a comprehensive account of the incident at Toms River in 1782 and its aftermath.
  22. ^ Multiple Property Submission List, National Register of Historic Places. Accessed August 7, 2006.
  23. ^ New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places, Ocean County, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Historic Preservation Office. Accessed August 7, 2006.
  24. ^ a b History of Dover Township, Ocean County Historical Society. Accessed August 3, 2006.
  25. ^ Kreidler, Mark. "Inseparable: Little League, Toms River - The town from New Jersey is back where it believes it belongs: in Williamsport", ESPN magazine, August 20, 2010. Accessed July 20, 2011. "Just three years later, Gaynor, by then coaching his younger son Casey, took another team to the World Series -- and this time Toms River won it all, defeating an entry from Japan 12-9 to take home the championship trophy. Gaynor's team made the Series again in '99, a staggering run of three Williamsport trips in five years."
  26. ^ Dyer, Eric. "Toms River Champs On Parade 40,000 Fans Swooned Over The Young Kings Of The Little League Baseball World.", The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 6, 1998. Accessed July 20, 2011.
  27. ^ PAST NATIONAL CHEER CHAMPIONS, Pop Warner Little Scholars. Accessed October 15, 2007.
  28. ^ CIBA-GEIGY CORP. United States Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 14, 2004. Accessed January 31, 2005
  29. ^ New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Hazardous Site Health Evaluation Program, Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health, & US Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). (Sep. 1997). Childhood Cancer Incidence Health Consultation: A Review and Analysis of Cancer Registry Data, 1979-1995 for Dover Township (Ocean County), New Jersey Archived 2004年10月27日, at the Wayback Machine.
  30. ^ NJDHSS, ATSDR. (Dec. 2001). Case-control Study of Childhood Cancers in Dover Township (Ocean County), New Jersey. Volume 1: Summary of the Final Technical Report PDF 134KB Archived 2004年2月29日, at the Wayback Machine.. See also: Dover Township Childhood Cancer Investigation Archived 1997年6月18日, at the Wayback Machine.. Accessed January 31, 2005.
  31. ^ Citizen’s Guide to the Childhood Cancer Incidence Update: A Review and Analysis of Cancer Registry Data, 1979-2000, January 2003.
  32. ^ Milke, Jean. Population explosion is talk of Toms River, Asbury Park Press, November 11, 2004. Accessed January 4, 2007.
  33. ^ The 2014 Pulitzer Prize Winners - General Nonfiction, Pulitzer Prize. Accessed December 18, 2014. "In an astonishing feat of investigative reporting, prize-winning journalist Dan Fagin recounts the sixty-year saga of rampant pollution and inadequate oversight that made Toms River a cautionary example for fast-growing industrial towns from South Jersey to South China."
  34. ^ About Toms River, Ocean County. Accessed August 3, 2006.
  35. ^ Toms River Now: Support the Dover Township name change, Toms River Now. Accessed August 2, 2006.
  36. ^ Dover Township Election Results, accessed November 11, 2006.
  37. ^ APP.COM - Dover is over; it's Toms River Township, November 7, 2007. Accessed November 8, 2006.
  38. ^ Romano, Jay. "Ortley Beach Journal; Secession Drive Brings Criticism", The New York Times, February 12, 1989. Accessed July 11, 2012. "Ortley Beach is one of several small communities on the barrier island that runs from Point Pleasant to Seaside Park and separates Barnegat Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Centered on this island, Ortley Beach is bordered on the north by Lavallette and on the south by Seaside Heights, both independent municipalities."
  39. ^ Areas touching Toms River Township, MapIt. Accessed December 19, 2014.
  40. ^ DP-1 - Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data for Dover Beaches North CDP, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 15, 2012.
  41. ^ DP-1 - Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data for Dover Beaches South CDP, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 15, 2012.
  42. ^ DP-1 - Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data for Toms River CDP, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 15, 2012.
  43. ^ GCT-PH1 - Population, Housing Units, Area, and Density: 2010 - County -- County Subdivision and Place from the 2010 Census Summary File 1 for Ocean County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  44. ^ 2006-2010 American Community Survey Geography for New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  45. ^ New Jersey: 2010 - Population and Housing Unit Counts - 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH-2-32), United States Census Bureau, August 2012. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  46. ^ Locality Search, State of New Jersey. Accessed December 19, 2014.
  47. ^ Average weather for Toms River, New Jersey”. Weather.com. April 1, 2012閲覧。
  48. ^ "Compendium of censuses 1726-1905: together with the tabulated returns of 1905" , New Jersey Department of State, 1906. Accessed September 16, 2013.
  49. ^ Wilson, Harold Fisher. The Jersey Shore; a social and economic history of the counties of Atlantic, Cape May, Monmouth, and Ocean. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing. 1953. Vol. 2. Appendix B: Population Statistics. Ocean County Population Statistics. p. 1132. "Dover Township reported 1,882 in 1810; 1,916 in 1820; 2,898 in 1830 and a drop to 2,752 in 1840. In 1846 Union was created from Dover and Stafford, reporting a population of 1,759 in 1850, and Dover's population dropped in that year to 2,385.
  50. ^ Barnett, Bob. Population Data for Ocean County Municipalities, 1850 - 2000, WestJersey.org, January 6, 2011. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  51. ^ Raum, John O. The History of New Jersey: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 1, p. 280, J. E. Potter and company, 1877. Accessed January 2, 2013. "Dover contained in 1850, 2,385 inhabitants; in 1860, 2,378; and in 1870, 3,044."
  52. ^ Debow, James Dunwoody Brownson. The Seventh Census of the United States: 1850, p. 140. R. Armstrong, 1853. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  53. ^ Staff. A compendium of the ninth census, 1870, p. 260. United States Census Bureau, 1872. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  54. ^ Porter, Robert Percival. Preliminary Results as Contained in the Eleventh Census Bulletins: Volume III - 51 to 75, p. 99. United States Census Bureau, 1890. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  55. ^ Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910: Population by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions, 1910, 1900, 1890, United States Census Bureau, p. 338. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  56. ^ Fifteenth Census of the United States : 1930 - Population Volume I, United States Census Bureau, p. 718. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  57. ^ New Jersey Resident Population by Municipality: 1930 - 1990, Workforce New Jersey Public Information Network, backed up by the Internet Archive as of May 2, 2009. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  58. ^ a b Census 2000 Profiles of Demographic / Social / Economic / Housing Characteristics for Dover township, Ocean County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  59. ^ a b DP-1: Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 - Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data for Dover township, Ocean County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  60. ^ DP-1 – Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data for Toms River township, Ocean County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed February 15, 2012.
  61. ^ Table DP-1. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2010 for Toms River township Archived July 14, 2014, at the Wayback Machine., New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Accessed February 15, 2012.
  62. ^ DP03: Selected Economic Characteristics from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates for Toms River township, Ocean County, New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed February 15, 2012.
  63. ^ Elected Officials, Toms River Township. Accessed January 25, 2015.
  64. ^ Plan Components Report, New Jersey Redistricting Commission, December 23, 2011. Accessed January 6, 2013.
  65. ^ Municipalities Grouped by 2011-2020 Legislative Districts, New Jersey Department of State, p. 6. Accessed January 6, 2013.
  66. ^ 2012 New Jersey Citizen's Guide to Government Archived 2013年5月28日, at the Wayback Machine., p. 65, New Jersey League of Women Voters. Accessed January 6, 2013.
  67. ^ Districts by Number for 2011-2020, New Jersey Legislature. Accessed January 6, 2013.
  68. ^ a b Voter Registration Summary - Ocean, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, March 23, 2011. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  69. ^ GCT-P7: Selected Age Groups: 2010 - State -- County Subdivision; 2010 Census Summary File 1 for New Jersey, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  70. ^ Presidential General Election Results - November 6, 2012 - Ocean County”. New Jersey Department of Elections (March 15, 2013). December 24, 2014閲覧。
  71. ^ Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast - November 6, 2012 - General Election Results - Ocean County”. New Jersey Department of Elections (March 15, 2013). December 24, 2014閲覧。
  72. ^ 2008 Presidential General Election Results: Ocean County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 23, 2008. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  73. ^ 2004 Presidential Election: Ocean County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 13, 2004. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  74. ^ Governor - Ocean County”. New Jersey Department of Elections (January 29, 2014). December 24, 2014閲覧。
  75. ^ Number of Registered Voters and Ballots Cast - November 5, 2013 - General Election Results - Ocean County”. New Jersey Department of Elections (January 29, 2014). December 24, 2014閲覧。
  76. ^ 2009 Governor: Ocean County, New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections, December 31, 2009. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  77. ^ Toms River Regional School District 2013 Report Card Narrative, New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed August 10, 2014. "Toms River Regional School District is the largest suburban school district in the state with a population of approximately 17,000 students, twelve elementary schools, three intermediate schools and three high schools. Respective of our size, the district takes enormous pride in the neighborhood school concept providing high-quality educational programs and services to our four sending towns, Beachwood, Toms River, Pine Beach, and South Toms River."
  78. ^ Ocean County Economic Development Fast Facts, Ocean County, New Jersey. Accessed July 12, 2012. "Toms River Regional School District in the largest suburban district in New Jersey, fourth largest overall with 18,000 students."
  79. ^ District information for Toms River Regional School District, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed June 11, 2014.
  80. ^ School Data for the Toms River Regional Schools, National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  81. ^ Beachwood Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  82. ^ Cedar Grove Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  83. ^ Joseph A. Citta School Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  84. ^ East Dover Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  85. ^ Hooper Avenue Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  86. ^ North Dover Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  87. ^ Pine Beach Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  88. ^ Silver Bay Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  89. ^ South Toms River Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  90. ^ Walnut Street Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  91. ^ Washington Street Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  92. ^ West Dover Elementary School, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  93. ^ Toms River Intermediate East, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  94. ^ Toms River Intermediate North(formerly know as Intermediate West), Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  95. ^ Toms River Intermediate South, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  96. ^ Toms River Intermediate East, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  97. ^ Toms River Intermediate North, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  98. ^ Toms River Intermediate South, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  99. ^ Schools, Toms River Regional Schools. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  100. ^ New Jersey School Directory for the Toms River Regional Schools, New Jersey Department of Education. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  101. ^ Home page, Monsignor Donovan High School. Accessed August 13, 2013.
  102. ^ School Directory, Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton. Accessed July 20, 2011.
  103. ^ Ocean County College, Ocean County College. Accessed July 11, 2012.
  104. ^ Nee, Daniel (May 26, 2014). “Ocean County College Receives $5.7M Donation Donation announced during recent commencement ceremony”. The Patch. http://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/ocean-county-college-receives-57m-donation March 6, 2015閲覧。 
  105. ^ http://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/ocean-county-college-receives-57m-donation
  106. ^ Ocean County Mileage by Municipality and Jurisdiction, New Jersey Department of Transportation, May 2010. Accessed July 24, 2014.
  107. ^ Google Maps
  108. ^ Crane, Mark via Associated Press. "What's right in 'right of way'; Roadway devours homes, farms", The Nevada Daily Mail, March 13, 1981. Accessed September 18, 2013. "The authority finally declared the Alfred E. Driscoll Expressway project dormant last year after almost a decade of planning, legal battles and land acquisitions that totalled $17 million.... Land values have increased significantly in the past seven years and some parcels have doubled or tripled in value since the authority purchased 100 tracts of land from some 30 or 40 owners along a 38-mile strip from Toms River to North Brunswick."
  109. ^ Ocean County Bus/Rail Connections, New Jersey Transit, backed up by the Internet Archive as of May 22, 2009. Accessed July 20, 2011.
  110. ^ Ocean Ride Route Information, Ocean County, New Jersey Transportation Services. Accessed July 20, 2011.
  111. ^ Monmouth-Ocean-Middlesex Line, Ocean County, New Jersey Department of Planning. Accessed July 20, 2011.
  112. ^ R. J. Miller Ocean County Airport, Ocean County, New Jersey. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  113. ^ Staff. "Thousands flock to state chili and salsa cookoff in Toms River", Asbury Park Press, May 19, 2007. Accessed July 11, 2012.
  114. ^ Virtual Tour of the Toms River Branch, Ocean County Library. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  115. ^ Kile, III, William H. "INDOOR TRACK: ‘Bubble’ finally ready for action", Medford Central Record, January 11, 2013. Accessed August 14, 2014. "The familiar sound of the starter’s pistol rang out from the John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex on Jan. 2 and it was a welcome sound for track coaches and fans in the area.The South Jersey indoor track and field season finally got underway last week after the Hooper Avenue facility, also known fondly as 'The Bubble,' was repaired after sustaining damage when Hurricane Sandy arrived at the end of October."
  116. ^ Bennett, Don. "County gets behind hospital's bid for heart certification", Asbury Park Press, March 3, 2008. Accessed July 11, 2012. "Three years ago, Kelly said, Community's bid was approved by all the boards that reviewed it, but was rejected by the then-commissioner of health - despite Community's being the largest non-teaching hospital in the state, with 587 beds, and its affiliation with two cardiac surgery centers: Beth Israel and St. Barnabas."
  117. ^ Staff. "An estimated 25,000 people attended the return of Toms River Fest", Asbury Park Press, August 4, 2008. Accessed July 11, 2012.
  118. ^ About Ocean County Mall, Simon Malls. Accessed July 11, 2012. "Ocean County Mall is the only enclosed regional shopping center in Ocean County, New Jersey."
  119. ^ Pellegrino, Michael. Jersey Brew: The Story of Beer in New Jersey., (Wantage, NJ: Pellegrino & Feldstein, 2009). ISBN 9780976523314.
  120. ^ New Jersey Craft Beer. "New Jersey Breweries & Brewpubs – contact info, tours, tastings and more", April 10, 2013. Accessed August 14, 2014.
  121. ^ Taylor, Clarke. "'AMITYVILLE HORROR' IN SOME NEW JERSEY HAUNTS", Los Angeles Times, November 26, 1978. Accessed January 2, 2013.
  122. ^ Reiss, Fraidy. "Students restore cannon", Asbury Park Press, "Right there in town hall, for all the world to see, the town whose slogan boasts 'Great places, familiar faces' recently began displaying a black, functional, 500-pound swivel cannon."
  123. ^ Staff. "Shooting of Blind Faith Begins", The Wichita Eagle, November 5, 1989. Accessed February 15, 2012. "Shooting has started in Los Angeles on the NBC miniseries, "Blind Faith." It is based on the Joe McGinniss book about the murder of Toms River, N.J., housewife Maria Marshall."
  124. ^ The Museum, Waterhouse Museum. Accessed February 15, 2012.
  125. ^ Holden, Stephen. "Chris Connor, Jazz Singer Whose Voice Embodied a Wistful Cool, Dies at 81", The New York Times, September 1, 2009. Accessed April 6, 2011. "Chris Connor, the great jazz singer whose lush, foggy voice and compressed emotional intensity distilled a 1950s jazz reverie of faraway longing in a sad cafe, died on Saturday in Toms River, N.J. She was 81 and lived in Toms River."
  126. ^ Feitl, Steve. "BACK TO HIS ROOTS: Frank Edgar part of fight card in UFC's return to New Jersey", Home News Tribune, November 15, 2007. Accessed December 28, 2007. "After an accomplished wrestling career — one that saw him place twice at states while at Toms River High School East and qualify for nationals all four years as an All-American at Clarion University in Pennsylvania — Edgar chose to train for the combat sport that merges numerous disciplines from wrestling to jiu-jitsu to kickboxing."
  127. ^ UFC Fighter Profile of Frank Edgar, UFC, accessed March 15, 2007.
  128. ^ Christopher, Chris. "Frazier to Cincinnati; 34th overall", Ocean County Observer, June 8, 2007. "She had to do something to honor her cousin, Todd Frazier, the former Toms River High School South standout selected 34th in the supplemental first round of the 2007 First-Year Player Draft yesterday by the Cincinnati Reds.... Todd Frazier of Toms River, right, was picked by the Cincinnati Reds yesterday."
  129. ^ Brian Geraghty, The New York Times from Allmovie. Accessed April 6, 2011. "After viewing that performance, Geraghty -- unclear after high school about where he wanted to go or what he wanted to do -- made a beeline from his home of Toms River, NJ, to New York City's Neighborhood Playhouse, where he plunged headfirst into classical theater -- and subsequently received a bid to audition for HBO's organized crime drama The Sopranos."
  130. ^ Olney, Buster. "BASEBALL; Mets Bolster Rotation in Deal for Leiter", The New York Times, February 7, 1998. Accessed February 15, 2012. "Al Leiter grew up in Toms River, N.J., rooting for the Mets on television, a die-hard with indelible memories of the 1969 World Series. Now Mets fans will be rooting for him."
  131. ^ Dremousis, Litsa. Demetri Martin, The Believer (magazine), February 2006. Accessed June 23, 2007. "The son of a Greek Orthodox priest (note: Orthodox priests can marry prior to ordination) and a nutritionist, Martin grew up with his brother and sister in Toms River, New Jersey."
  132. ^ Vice Admiral Charles E. Rosendahl Collection Archived 2012年9月5日, at the Wayback Machine., University of Texas at Dallas, Accessed June 23, 2007. "1960: Retired to Toms River to write and to organize Lighter-Than-Air Museum Association at Lakehurst."

