ޒަކަރީ ޓޭއިލޯރ

ވިކިޕީޑިއާ، މިނިވަން އެކުމާފާނުން
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This article is about the 12th President of the United States. For other uses, see ޒަކަރީ ޓޭއިލޯރ (disambiguation).
Zachary Taylor
Daguerreotype of Zachary Taylor
12th President of the United States
March 4, 1849[lower-alpha 1] – July 9, 1850
ނައިބު ރައީސްMillard Fillmore
ކުރިން ހުންނެވީJames K. Polk
ފަހުން ވަޑައިގަތީ
އުފަންވީ(1784-11-24)ނޮވެމްބަރ 24, 1784
Barboursville, Virginia, U.S.
އަވަހާރަވީޖުލައި 9 1850 (65 އަހަރުގައި)
Washington, D.C., U.S.
ފަސްދާނުލެވިފައިވަނީZachary Taylor National Cemetery,
Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
ސިޔާސީ ޕާޓީWhig
އަނބި ނުވަތަ ފިރި
<div style="display:inline-block;Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".">​
(m. 1810; ފަންވަތް:Dc1850)
ދަރިން4, including Sarah Knox, Mary Elizabeth, and Richard Scott
ProfessionMajor general
ސޮއިCursive signature in ink
އަސްކަރީ ޙިދުމަތް
ބައިޢަތު United States of America
ގޮފި/ޚިދުމަތް United States Army
ޙިދުމަތްކުރި އަހަރުތައް1808–1849
ރޭންކު Major general
ކޮމާންޑުތައްArmy of Occupation
ހަނގުރާމަތައްWar of 1812
ފަންވަތް:*Siege of Fort Harrison
Black Hawk War
Second Seminole War
ފަންވަތް:*Battle of Lake Okeechobee
Mexican–American War
ފަންވަތް:*Battle of Palo Alto
ފަންވަތް:*Battle of Resaca de la Palma
ފަންވަތް:*Battle of Monterrey
ފަންވަތް:*Battle of Buena Vista

މިއީ އެމެރިކާގެ 12 ވަނަ ރައީސެވެ.

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