Regular polygon

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A regular pentagon

A regular polygon is a simple polygon (a polygon which does not intersect itself anywhere) which is equiangular (all angles are equal) and equilateral (all sides have the same length).

All regular polygons with the same number of sides are similar.



A regular n-gon has an internal angle(s) of (or alternately, of ) degrees.

Alternately, the internal angle(s) of a regular n-gon is (n−2)π/n radians ( or (n−2)/(2n) turns).

All vertices of a regular polygon lie on a common circle, i.e., they are concyclic points, i.e., every regular polygon has a circumscribed circle.

A regular n-sided polygon can be constructed with compass and straightedge if and only if the odd prime factors of n are distinct Fermat primes. See constructible polygon.

For n > 2 the number of diagonals is , i.e., 0, 2, 5, 9, ... They divide the polygon into 1, 4, 11, 24, ... pieces.


Apothem of a hexagon

The area of a regular n-sided polygon is

where t is the length of a side, or half the perimeter multiplied by the length of the apothem (the line drawn from the centre of the polygon perpendicular to a side).

For t=1 this gives

with the following values:

2   0 0.000
3    0.433
4   1 1.000
5    1.720
6    2.598
7    3.634
8    4.828
9    6.182
10    7.694
11    9.366
12    11.196
13    13.186
14    15.335
15    17.642
16    20.109
17    22.735
18    25.521
19    28.465
20    31.569
100    795.513
1000    79577.210
10000    7957746.893

The amounts that the areas are less than those of circles with the same perimeter, are (rounded) equal to 0.26, for n<8 a little more (the amounts decrease with increasing n to the limit π/12).


The symmetry group of an n-sided regular polygon is dihedral group Dn (of order 2n): D2, D3, D4,... It consists of the rotations in Cn (there is rotational symmetry of order n), together with reflection symmetry in n axes that pass through the center. If n is even then half of these axes pass through two opposite vertices, and the other half through the midpoint of opposite sides. If n is odd then all axes pass through a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side.

Nonconvex regular polygons

An extended category of regular polygons includes the star polygons, for example a pentagram, which has the same vertices as a pentagon, but connects alternating vertices.



A uniform polyhedron is a polyhedron with regular polygons as faces such that for every two vertices there is an isometry mapping one into the other.

See also