User:Knowledge Incarnate

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Servant of the Word AKA Knowl

This user is a WikiOgre.

This user is playing WIKI RP on their user page and invites you to add an event to the RP log!WIKI-RP
KNOWL is playing WIKI RP on his user page and invites you to donate your favorite weapon in his RP LOG!WIKI-RP


Level 24 Wikipedian REF

$: 3c 0s 0g

Experience Points: 1,247,923,552 (Based on number of edited characters)



  • EQUIPPED - Gejia Animal Hyde Vest def+2


  • Laptop (Allows access to the intertubes)
  • An even Bigger Cookie (Restores 20 HP)

Spells Known:

  • LOLZ 1 - Induce Insidiuous giggling fits upon your foes!
  • Babel Fish 1 - Allows one to speak any language for 30 minutes with some grammatical difficulty, but relative fluency.


Because editing Wikipedia is like a never-ending quest for knowledge and an adventure in itself...

(Feel free add an interesting articles in the form of an encounter or a donation of armor and items, etc.)

"And so, Knowl sets out to rid the world of ignorance and bring order and proper Portuguese translations to the world." -We're walking, and walking and walking... (NE)

"After walking some distance, Knowl comes upon a book of stamps. A small scroll falls out entitled, 'Curse of Lolz for Beginners'. Knowl has learned LOLZ 1"

"After walking for some time, Knowl enters the local 'China Town' and walks into a store where armor is sold. However, he can only afford new armor if he sells his Tabard of Knowledge. Unfortunately Knowl does not know the Chinese word for tabard so he ventures to the nearest bookstore to find a dictionary."

"After wandering into a small book store, Knowl meets a scribe who agrees to sell him a magic scroll of Babel Fish 1. Having no cash, Knowl agrees to trade the scroll in exchange for helping the scribe research Ashot IV Qadj. Using the Babel Fish spell, Knowl becomes completely fluent in Chinese for 30 minutes at a time and discovers that the closest translation of Tabard is 战袍 ( zhanpao ) which means literally 'Battle Uniform'. Knowl returns to the armor store and exchanges the Tabard of Knowledge and 10 copper for a Gejia Animal Hyde Vest."

"As Knowl exits the store, he meets an eccentric college student. They chat for a bit and then she offers Knowl a Cookie and then throws in an additional Bigger Cookie for making her smile. Knowl thanks her and adds these to inventory."

"Knowl decides he's had enough of town and needs to start some real adventuring! He wanders into the Wiki-Woods and comes across something carved into a tree. It reads, 'XYZZY'. 'What could it mean?' Knowl wonders. He decides to write this down for future reference and heads north-east."

"As Knowl ventures further into the Wiki-Woods he attempts to carve GHO into a tree, when suddenly a wise Sage appears. 'Knowl', he says, 'Thou art lost! You should use the move tab to move that acronym into a proper disambiguation page! When you create external links in other articles, please clothe naked URLs like this. And be sure to remind people that the user-page must also look professional and it is NOT a personal blog,' The kind Sage leads Knowl out of the Wiki-Woods, helps him fix a spacing problem on the way. The Sage warns Knowl to be cautious before departing. However, Knowl is resolute in his quest. 'I think its time I set up camp' he says to himself, 'Before I venture any further, I need to have a plan,' "

"Knowl emerges from his tent and finds that he is now in a land filled with Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Some of the obelisks and sarcophagi have been vandalized, with tracks leading away that clearly belong to a Ford SUV. Knowl looks around for a tool shed and upon finding a sponge and paint thinner, he begins to thoroughly restore the ancient hieroglyphics to their original luster,"

"Just then, a mischievous Ip emerges shouting something about how it took him 2500 years to think up clever ways to change history or some non-sense. Knowl casts LOLZ 1 to vanquish the elderly Ip before continuing on with his quest for knowledge,"

"Knowl soon comes to a port where he boards the RMS Orion bound for High Adventure! On the ship, he is approached by a stubby little man, who introduces himself to be Knowl Jr. He offers Knowl a tub of ice cream, which smelled delicious."

"Know accepts the offer and takes Know Jr. under his wing. Knowl Jr. JOINED YOUR PARTY. Knowl and his first mate set sail for the Spratly Islands and encounters the ghost of Richard Spratly!"

"Richard Spratly then explains about Wikipedia user types, like Trolls, Gnomes and so on. Knowl Jr. Stops and ponders, then DECIDES TO BECOME A WIKIGNOME. Knowl Jr. looks at Knowl and wonders what he would be."

"Knowl chuckles and summons the power of Gray-Skull transforming into a Ogre-sized Owlish humanoid thing, effectively sinking the ship."

"Knowl Jr. looks at knowl with awe, and tried imitating Knowl, but failed horribly. Knowl Jr tiredly asked Richard Spratly to help him. Richard grinned, and in a split second, Knowl Jr. becomes a Gnome!"

"Richard Spratly pats the two adventurers and wishes them luck, teaching both of them unique special skills. To Knowl Jr., he taught the skill Super-Duper-Spratly, while he taught Knowl the spell Fear no Water"

This user has been on Wikipedia for 16 years and 19 days.
This user is a Roman Catholic.
This user knows that the mainstream media is just a brainwashing tool.

This user supports UNICEF [1].
This user has been There and Back Again.
This user remembers the Fifth of November.

This user has experienced a vision or theophany.
This user has witnessed poltergeist activity.
This user thinks that The Sims 2 is a complete waste of time!

This user is interested in international relations.

User:Zheliel/rp userbox