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Iran Japan Hungary Czech Poland Chile Romania Iceland. fucking postmodern hypertext, like. And let's stick a funny cyan sharp noise saudade on top of that, as well.

I prefer ambiguity to dualism (although this is not a dichotomy that makes sense - in case we assume it is one). I should know more about Descartes besides the fact that I've ended up opposing his particular flavor of dualism. Knowing he invented analytical geometry doesn't really count. I really wish I had enough patience to study enough mathematics to actually understand stuff such as fuzzy logic and topology, but I don't. Computer science, too, and programming. Mathematical notation and typography is fun, not least because I usually just skip anything more complicated than ax²+bx+c=0... ie. like anyone childish enough, I'm curious about things I don't really understand (because they're magic, like). Set theory is fun. I wish I could read some "real" stuff about mathematics and not some dumbed-down popularized fodder. I've lost all hope for modern physics, already, although I'm too bored with ontology to be really interested in it.

From browsing WardsWiki, I think I should know more about pattern languages. I also, less specifically, should know more about most of the things this page links to.

migraine bipolar depression epilepsy autism ADHD DSPS schizophrenia psychopathy blog anarchism Buridan's ass situationism

(below is a transcription of various things I've written down on pieces of paper floating around on my desk & which I decided to dump - mostly things I've thought should probably hear, read or get an idea about - possibly also some new things, after the paper era - nothing to be taken seriously)

Colin Spencer - The Heretic's Feast - A history of vegetarianism
Dogen (?) - Shobogenzo
Peter Swirski - A Stanisław Lem Reader (Rethinking Theory)
D.T. Suzuki - Essays on Zen Buddhism
W.G. Sebald - Austerlitz
Saul Bellow - Ravelstein
Comte de Lautréamont - Les Chants de Maldoror
Olli Nuutinen - Hetkisen pituus
Edward Abbey - The Monkey Wrench Gang
D.D. Bourland - To Be Or Not
Leonard Koren - Wabi-Sabi: for artists, designers, poets & philosophers
Strunk & White - The Elements of Style
Christopher Alexander - The Timeless Way of Building

Black Fly - Damaged
Bobby McFerrin - The Voice
Overdose - Progression of Decadence
Dirty Three - Horse Stories

Henry Cow
Bijelo Dugme
Nurse With Wound
Soul Flower Mononoke Summit
Astro Twin
Haruki Murakami
Toru Takemitsu
Lone Wolf And Cub
noh, kabuki
Antonin Artaud
Book of Five Rings