Karajaan Ngahiji

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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Karajaan Ngahiji Britania Raya jeung Irlandia Kalér
Bandéra Britania Raya Lambang Britania Raya
"Dieu et mon droit"[1]  (French)
"God and my right"
"God Save the King"[2]
Location of Britania Raya
Location of Britania Raya
Lokasi the  Karajaan Ngahiji  (dark green)

– di buana Eropa  (light green & dark grey)
– di Uni Eropa  (light green)

Ibu kota
(jeung kota panggedéna)
51°30′N 0°7′W
Basa resmi Basa Inggris[3] (de facto)
Basa régional Irish Gaelic, Ulster Scots, Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish[4]
Démonim British, Briton
Pamaréntah Constitutional monarchy (Parliamentary democracy)
 -  Raja Charles III
 -  Perdana Menteri Sir Keir Starmer
 -  Acts of Union 1 Méi, 1707 
 -  Act of Union 1 Januari, 1801 
 -  Anglo-Irish Treaty 12 April, 1922 
Asup ka
 Uni Éropa
1 Januari, 1973
 -  Total 244,820 km² (ka-79)
94,526 mil² 
 -  Cai (%) 1.34
 -  Perkiraan  mid-2006 60,587,300[1] (ka-22)
 -  Sénsus 2001 58,789,194 [5] 
 -  Kapadetan 246 /km² (ka-48)
637 /mil²
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2006
 -  Total $2.375 triliun (ka-5)
 -  Per kapita $35,051 (ka-11)
GDP (nominal) Perkiraan 2007
 -  Total $2.660.7 triliun[6] (ka-5)
 -  Per kapita $38,624 (ka-13)
Gini? (1999) 36.8 (sedeng
HDI (2006) 0.940 (luhur) (ka-18)
Mata uang Pound sterling (£) (GBP)
Zona wanci GMT (UTC+0)
 -  Usum panas (DST) BST (UTC+1)
TLD Internét .uk[7]
Kode telepon +44
^ In the United Kingdom and Dependencies, some other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous (regional) languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, the UK's official name is as follows:
Citakan:Lang-kw; Citakan:Lang-ga; Citakan:Lang-sco; Citakan:Lang-gd; Citakan:Lang-cy.
^ This is the royal motto. In Scotland, the royal motto is the Latin phrase Nemo Me Impune Lacessit ("No-one provokes me with impunity"). There is also a variant form of the coat-of-arms for use in Scotland; see Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom.
^ See #Symbols below. It also serves as the Royal anthem.
^ English is established by de facto usage. In Wales, the Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg is tasked with ensuring that, "in the conduct of public business and the administration of justice, the English and Welsh languages should be treated on a basis of equality".[2][3] The Bòrd na Gàidhlig is tasked with "securing the status of the Gaelic language as an official language of Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language".[4]
^ Under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages the Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish, Irish, Ulster Scots and Scots languages are officially recognised as Regional or Minority languages by the UK Government.[5] See also Languages in the United Kingdom.
^ CIA Factbook. Official estimate provided by the UK Office for National Statistics.[6]
^ ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 is GB, but .gb is practically unused. The .eu domain is also shared with other European Union member states.

Britania atawa Karajaan Ngahiji (United Kingdom) nyaéta karajaan di Éropa nu mangrupa gabungan Britania Raya jeung Irlandia Kalér.


[édit | édit sumber]
  1. "UK population grows to 60.6 million". Office for National Statistics. 
  2. "Welsh Language". Welsh Assembly. Diakses tanggal 2007-03-09.  Archived 2008-01-12 di UK Government Web Archive
  3. "Welsh Language Act 1993". Office of Public Sector Information. Diakses tanggal 2007-03-09. 
  4. "Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005". Office of Public Sector Information. Diakses tanggal 2007-03-09. 
  5. Scottish Executive "European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages" Archived 2008-10-12 di Wayback Machine Updated 13/06/06 retrieved 23/08/07
  6. "Population Estimates". Office for National Statistics. Diakses tanggal 2007-03-09.