Jankel Adler

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Jankel Adler (born Jankiel Jakub Adler;[1] 26 July 1895 – 25 April 1949) wis a Polish painter and printmaker.

Adler in 1924, photograph by August Sander

Jankiel Jakob Adler wis born as the seventh o ten bairns in Tuszyn, a suburb o' Łódź. In 1912 he began training as an engraver wi his uncle in Belgrade. He moved in 1914 tae Germany whaur he leed fur a time wi his sister in Barmen, (now pairt o' Wuppertal). Thare he studied at the College o Arts an Crafts wi Professor Gustav Wiethücher.

Wi the outbreak o World War II n 1939, he volunteered fur the Polish airmie that hud bin relocatit tae France; in 1941 he wis dischairged fur health reasons an leed thereaifter in Kirkcoubrie in Scotland whaur his wirk at this time include his Venus o' Kirkcudbright. [1] In 1943 he moved tae Lunnon. [2] He later moved tae Whitley Cottage in Aldbourne, Wiltshire whar he died oan 25 April 1949 at the age o 53 years an wi the knowledge that nane o his nine brothers an sisters hud survived the Holocaust.

The Venus o' Kirkcudbright, 1943


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  1. https://www.kirkcudbrightgalleries.org.uk/artists-footsteps/artist/jankel-adler/
  2. https://www.artrabbit.com/events/jankel-adler-a-degenerate-artist-in-britain-194049