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Reiki is performed through a technique similar to the laying on of hands.

Reiki (霊気, IPA: [ˌreɪki]) is said by is adherents to be a form of spiritual healing and spiritual practice[1][2] proposed for the treatment of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual diseases. Mikao Usui developed Reiki in early 20th century Japan, where he claimed to receive the ability of 'healing without energy depletion' after three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama.[3] Practitioners use a technique similar to the laying on of hands, in which they claim to be channels for energy ("Ki") guided by a universal spirit or spiritual nature ("Rei") — flowing through their palms to heal a person wherever they may need healing. A study in Alternative Therapies (Jan/Feb 2005 issue) said that in 2002 there were over one million U.S. adults who had experienced Reiki treatments. Reiki is considered controversial by some people. [2] There is little evidence that Reiki works by any means other than suggestion and/or the placebo effect, although some sympathetic theorists claim to have described a scientific basis for calling Reiki an energy medicine. [4][5][6]

Derivation of name

The name Reiki derives from the Japanese pronunciation of two Chinese characters that are said to describe the energy itself: '霊 rei' (meaning 'soul', 'spirit' or 'ghost') and 気 ki (Chinese qi, meaning breath or 'life force energy' in this context). Common translations of the term 霊気 reiki are "aura", "soul energy" and "spiritually guided energy." In English the Japanese noun Reiki is also used as a verb or adjective. Japanese speakers also use the term as a generic "ghostly power" while the Usui Method of Reiki Healing is specifically usui reiki shiki ryoho.

Theories and practices

Some schools teach that Reiki energy enters the practitioner through the 7th (crown or Shasrara) chakra, goes through the 4th chakra and then flows through her or his hands (secondary chakras) into the body of the recipient. It is also taught that Reiki energy enters through the 1st (root or Muladhara) chakra at the base of the spine, fills the aura, becomes centered in the 4th (heart or Anahata) chakra, and flows out through the practitioner's hands. Most schools teach that the Reiki energy is an "intelligent" energy, which "knows what to do," or "where it is needed the most." Thus, Reiki adherents say, if the recipient needs it and is ready to heal, the Reiki energy will go where it needs to for healing. If the intended recipient does not accept the energy on some level, the energy will not be absorbed. Some schools teach that Reiki "spirit guides" keep watch over Reiki energy and assist the practitioner. It is said by them that any intention to do harm will block the flow of Reiki energy.[citation needed]

In a Reiki session, the practitioner asks the recipient to lie down and relax. The practitioner then is said to act as a channel for Reiki energy, theoretically allowing "Reiki energy" to be channelled through the practitioner to wherever the patient is thought to require it. Usually the practitioner moves their hands close to or on various parts of the recipient's body. Some patients report feeling various sensations: heat, tingling, cold, pressure, etc. Practitioners of Reiki attribute these sensations to Reiki energy filling energetic deficiencies in the body and aura of the recipient, repairing and opening their energy channels (meridians or nadis), pulling out "negativity," and dissolving the blockages of "stale" energy.[citation needed]

Some claim that practitioners can also channel Reiki energy through other parts of their bodies (for example, their eyes or their breathing) if they wish. According to practitioners, intention is the primary method for directing the flow of the energy. Reiki healers say that their energy can be used for healing either in physical proximity or from a distance. Furthermore, many Reiki healers claim that the ability to share Reiki comes only after a "Reiki Master" performs an initiation or attunement, though this is not always the case.[citation needed]

There have been reports of positive effects of Reiki treatment in papers published in some medical journals promoting alternative medicine. Proposed benefits include relaxation and increased immunity, reduced heart rate, improved blood pressure, reduced pain, anxiety and depression.[7]. As these results can be attributed to the placebo effect, further studies need to be done to determine the effectiveness of Reiki [8].


A Japanese Tendai Buddhist named Mikao Usui claimed to have discovered Reiki after long meditation, fasting, and prayer. Usui wrote that by mystical revelation he had gained the knowledge and spiritual power to apply and attune others to what he called Reiki. Mikao Usui said that he had the ability to enable people to enhance their access to the energy through certain initiations. Usui taught that his attunements to Reiki enhanced and refined a person's pre-existing ability to connect with Reiki. Through such initiations, students are said to become clearer channels for Reiki, and thereby improve the quality of treatments that student (or practitioner) provides.

Some schools of Reiki are said to believe that Mikao Usui was pursuing knowledge of healing before he developed his Reiki method and that he also studied traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Qigong, and Yoga. Usui, however, claimed that the awakening of Reiki and the development of his techniques was something entirely different. Nonetheless, Reiki appears to be based loosely around ideas of qi.

Usui was also an admirer of the literary works of Emperor Meiji, and, in the process of developing his Reiki system, summarised some of the Meiji Emperor's works into a set of ethical principles, one translation of which is:

"Inviting blessings of the secret method
Many illnesses of the spiritual (heavenly) medicine
Today only anger not worry not
With appreciation do work
To people be kind
In morning at night hands held in prayer
think in your mind chant with mouth
Mind body change it for better
Usui Reiki method
Usui Mikao"

A less literal translation is:

"The secret method of inviting blessings
The spiritual medicine of many illnesses
Just for today, do not anger.
Just for today, do not worry.
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all.
In the morning and at night hold your hands in prayer,
meditate on and say these words.
The Usui Reiki method to change your mind and body for the better.
Mikao Usui"

Mikao Usui trained several disciples. One of his disciples, the naval doctor Chujiro Hayashi, stressed physical healing and taught a more codified and simpler set of Reiki techniques. Among Hayashi's contributions was a set of fixed hand positions to be used in the course of a treatment; Usui himself preferred a method called scanning, through which he detected imbalances, and said that the hand positions were for beginners.

Hayashi initiated and trained Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to the USA. Mrs. Takata claimed that she had been appointed Grandmaster of Reiki through the lineage of Mr. Chujiro Hayashi, and that there were no surviving teachers of Reiki to be found in Japan after World War II. Researchers have falsified her claim of Grandmastership and her allegation that no Reiki teachers remained in Japan, after they discovered lineages through practitioners other than Hayashi. They also stated that the title of "Grandmaster" does not exist, and is not recognized in Japan.

Hawayo Takata claimed that, after developing the Reiki methodology, as well as receiving the spiritual ability to practice it, Usui went to the slums of Tokyo to attempt the healing of beggars. However, after several years of very little success, he claimed that it was their mindset that kept them ill, even after he had "treated" them again and again. Usui then decided that there should be an "energy exchange" in return for a Reiki treatment. This "energy exchange" may take the form of cash payment, or a trade of some sort. The idea is that the patient is expected to regard the treatment as having a value up front and is prepared to invest himself/herself in the healing process.

There are essentially two broad groups, or schools: the traditional school and the independent school. The traditionalists claim to teach and practice Reiki strictly as it was taught from Usui's time until Takata's time, although modern research suggests that training under Usui differed greatly from the way Takata taught. Another, separate branch of traditionalists advocate adherence to the (now rediscovered) Japanese school's methods. The independent schools vary greatly in their practices and methods, ranging from those descended through Iris Ishikuro, which fundamentally adhere to traditional Reiki practice but eschew Takata's practice of charging $10,000 for attunement to Reiki "Master level," to so-called "newer" schools, which either add elements to traditional Reiki or claim to have been independently developed.

Reiki has been gaining some popularity worldwide within hospitals. The UK NHS (National Health Service) as part of its CAM (Complementary and alternative medicine) program uses Reiki and other CAM therapies as part of day care patient programs. [citation needed]

Non-traditional Reiki

Independent schools of Reiki developed partly in response to the belief that Reiki training should be more widely available and practiced in a flexible and complementary way with other practices, and as a political reaction to the mainstream of Hawayo Takata's style. Furthermore, some practitioners believe that Reiki is humanity's birthright. New paths were developed out of the Reiki core that fused it with New Age thinking regarding Wicca, shamanism, channeling and so forth. Also, new symbols and practices are often added. Many of these symbols emerged through practitioners who said they felt guided to expand the system in various ways. A great deal of generic New Age content is now often taught either as an adjunct to Reiki or even as an integral part of the system, and numerous schools of thought now exist, some being freely offered and some proprietary. This new form of Reiki was initially developed in opposition to the stricter Reiki practices that Hawayo Takata claimed were the authentic method. Some of the independent schools of Reiki differ from mainstream Reiki by the inclusion of what they call "skhm" or "Seichim energy" and symbols into their teaching, which is said by its adherents to make the experience and practice of channelling Reiki different.

Reiki Tummo

Reiki Tummo is a recent form of Reiki based on what is claimed to be a syncretism of Japanese Reiki with the Tibetan techniques of Tummo. It has been taught by Irmansyah Effendi since 1998. The purpose of this method is said by its adherents to be the awakening of the Kundalini in a safe and controlled manner and to use the heart and what they call the "Inner Heart" as a personal guide in attaining Yoga.


Mikao Usui's Reiki method spread widely. Correspondence courses over the Internet even offer distance training. To achieve a complete education in the "Usui method of Reiki Healing," three courses are necessary: the 1st degree course, the 2nd degree course, and the master course. The specific content of each of these courses varies widely from one teacher to another, depending on personal philosophies. A typical set of courses is something like the following:

First Degree Reiki courses are claimed to teach the basic theories of how to work with Reiki energy. The channel through which Reiki energy passes to the practitioner is said to be widened through an initiation by the teacher, permitting the Reiki energy be strong enough to effect healing. Students learn hand placement positions on the recipient's body that are thought to be most conducive to the healing process.

In the Second Degree Reiki course, a symbol for mental healing is taught, purportedly enabling students to treat even deeply ingrained problems like fears, depression, addictions, and the like. Students are instructed on how to direct Reiki energy to a certain point in time, to a specific person or place, or a specific issue. The issue can be something like an individual's particular health problem, or it can be a more abstract or general issue such as world peace. Practitioners say that this is possible using three symbols taught at the second initiation. The claim is that this skill allows the Reiki channel to be opened even wider.

As part of the master course, usually the Third Degree, students become a Reiki "master" through the third initiation; they learn how to initiate students and have the option of teaching Reiki courses themselves. The student learns a further "master" level symbol in this course as well as the method of attuning others. In some cases the third level is broken into smaller stages of attunements from the teacher; the attunements for the first, second, and third level may also be administered in stages. A teacher has completed practical training when told that he or she has the ability to attune others to all degrees and has been given the final fourth Reiki Master symbol that is used in attunements.

It is up to students how many levels they want to complete. The courses are sequential, and can be expensive, especially the third (master) level. Often a teacher will require time in between one course and another (during which the student is expected to apply new learning before taking the next degree). Before offering Reiki treatments to the public, a student is often advised to take a second-degree course. It usually costs $150 to be "attuned" to reiki level I and $500 for level II. To become an official, recognized reiki master, one pays about $10,000 (within The Reiki Alliance, masters of other systems have varying prices) for the "attunement" and training process and also learns to teach and give attunements to others.

The considerable variation in the speed and method of teaching has caused some dispute. While courses are now advertised that say they can teach Reiki in just a few short days, traditionalists point out that for much of history, Reiki was kept a closely-guarded secret and was only taught to people who were considered safe and "worthy". The traditional view is that Reiki is so powerful that it can be abused by those who have not spent time developing a feel and intuition for the craft. To this extent, some believe that the "truest" Reiki is still guarded and taught slowly by only a few "genuine" Reiki masters. Students on the traditional path may be made to wait a year or more before being allowed to learn stage two, and thereafter many more years before being taught the Master level. Traditionalists maintain that any method that teaches Reiki "quickly" cannot be teaching the real thing, because there is no substitute for experience and patient mastery of the art. [9] [10]

Reiki community

While there is no single standards organization and practitioners practice as they will, some choose to form Reiki communities. Some of these communities have grown out of informal groupings of practitioners who have organized Reiki circles for working together, while others have formed around a particular school or teacher.

Many Reiki communities have emerged due, in part, to the expanding popularity of the internet. Global initiatives have been introduced to Reiki communities thereby ("healing the planet" or "global peace fostering" for example) and online Reiki training services are available.


It is considered by scientists that very little is known about Reiki. In fact, the majority of the scientific community considers Reiki classifiable as pseudoscience.[11] However, some proponents of Reiki consider there is an ever-increasing body of scientific research that clearly validates the benefits of Reiki, claiming the following measurable primary benefits:

  • Reduced Heart Rate.
  • Reduced Diastolic Blood Pressure.

Heart rate and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly in people who received 30 minutes of reiki, as compared to a placebo intervention or 30 minutes of rest. “Autonomic Nervous System Changes During Reiki Treatment: A Preliminary Study” was conducted by staff of the Institute of Neurological Sciences, South Glasgow University Hospital NHS Trust, in Glasgow, United Kingdom. “No changes were found in the control group after the baseline period, indicating that the autonomic activity stabilized during the initial rest period,” state the study’s authors. “It is therefore unlikely that the significant changes in both placebo and reiki groups are due to simply lying down and resting.” [12]



An article published by the National Council Against Health Fraud claims there is no evidence that Reiki's effects are due to anything other than suggestion.[13] Many scientists, health care workers and others dispute the effectiveness of Reiki, because studies have shown that it does not facilitate healing beyond that expected from the placebo effect. Many in the scientific community ascribe anecdotal evidence of the effectiveness of Reiki therapy to the placebo effect and a combination of post hoc reasoning and the regressive fallacy [3].


Doctors, academics, and consumer advocates have expressed concern when patients with serious diseases such as cancer choose Reiki as a means of treatment over trained doctors.[citation needed] Opponents of Reiki claim that Reiki is exploiting the fear and hope of people with serious illnesses for money while offering only a placebo effect, noting that in some cases people reject conventional medicine and solely practice Reiki or other "alternative" therapies [4]. However, some safety-conscious Reiki teachers and practitioners advocate using Reiki as a complement to conventional medicine, as opposed to as a replacement. Some safety concerns are shared with other alternative medicines.

Roman Catholic priests have also denounced Reiki as "opening the door to evil and occult forces which have later side effects". [5]

Internal controversies

With the many varied ways that have been used to teach Reiki, there have emerged points of controversy between different groups, teachers and practitioners. Controversies exist on topics such as the nature of the Reiki energy itself, fees charged for courses and treatments, training methods, secrecy of symbols and attunement methods.[citation needed]

Various claims are made about 'legitimacy' or 'authenticity' between various schools of Reiki. Political disagreement exists between some schools; so for example a practitioner of one teacher may be unwelcome to practice Reiki with another teacher's Reiki group. A Reiki school might discourage the participation of outside students and teachers, particularly when a school considers their practices to be the only correct approach. This occurs amongst both traditional and non-traditional schools. As a lesser form of discrimination, a practitioner considered unorthodox might be required to retrain before being accepted.[citation needed]

The "Reiki Grandmaster"

Many conservative schools are based around claims of Hawayo Takata's many student teachers competing as the true "Grandmaster" of Reiki or teaching exactly as Takata herself taught. In recent years, however, many teachers connected in some way with Hawayo Takata do not strenuously claim to be appointed as the "Grandmaster of Reiki" as they once did in the past. Phyllis Furumoto (the granddaughter of Takata), for example of the "Reiki Alliance" seemed to cease claiming this title around the same time that it was found that historically no such title ever existed once the Japanese schools were discovered by Western Reiki schools. Barbara Weber Ray of the "Radiance association" still makes the claim. Often these "Grandmasters" attempt to patent the term "Reiki" in their particular country or countries of interest. Such actions are very unpopular in the wider Reiki community and no patents have ever been granted in any country except Germany. However, Phyllis Furumoto obtained this patent and holds it in trust for the greater Reiki Community. In the UK and many other countries the term 'Reiki' is deemed to be in the public domain and not patentable.

See also

Partial bibliography

  • The Reiki Sourcebook, Bronwen and Frans Stiene, O Books, Hants, 2003, ISBN 1-903816-55-6
  • The 'Reiki' Factor in The Radiance Technique(R), Dr. Barbara Ray, Radiance Associates (falsely claims to be the first book written on the "intact system", 1983; current Expanded Edition (c) 1992) ISBN 0-933267-06-1. A dogmatic rejection of everyone else but her own method.
  • Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui, Usui and Petter, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-914955-57-8
  • The Japanese Art of Reiki, Bronwen and Frans Stiene, O Books, Hants, 2005, ISBN 1-905047-02-9
  • REIKI TUMMO An Effective Technique For Health and Happiness, Irmansyah Effendi, Yayasan Padmajaya Press, first edition 2004, ISBN 979-98529-0-0
  • Hayashi Reiki Manual: Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques from the Founder of the Western Reiki System, Petter, Yamaguchi and Hayashi, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-914955-75-6
  • A-Z of Reiki, Bronwen and Frans Stiene, O Books, Hants, 2006, ISBN 1-905047-89-4
  • Reiki Healer: A Complete Guide to the Path and Practice of Reiki, Ellyard, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-940985-64-0
  • Human Hemoglobin Levels and Reiki (Journal of Holistic Nursing, 7(1)pp.47-54 1989)
  • Biological correlates of Reiki touch healing, Wardell, D.W., Engebretson, J., J. Advanced Nursing, 33(4): 439-445 (2001)
  • Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing Revolution, Daniel J. Benor, M.D., Vision Publications (MI) (December 2000) ISBN 1-886785-11-2
  • Reiki For Dummies, Nina L Paul PhD, Wiley Publishing Inc, ISBN 0-7645-9907-0 (November 2005) ISBN 0-7645-9907-0
  • Reiki Systems of the World, Oliver Klatt with Petter, Luebeck, Rand, Alexander, Furumoto, Mitchell and others, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-914955-79-9
  • Big Book of Reiki Symbols, Mark Hosak and Walter Luebeck, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-914955-64-0
  • Complete Reiki Handbook, Luebeck, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, ISBN 0-941524-87-6
  • Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide by Pamela Miles, Tarcher/Penguin (April 2006) ISBN 1-58542-474-9
  • Spirit of Reiki, Luebeck, Petter & Rand, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-914955-67-5
  • Reiki: Review of a Biofield Therapy-- Miles, P., True, G., Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (March/April 2003), 9(2) pp 62-72
  • Timothy J Langan Reiki Master Salt Lake City, UT


  1. ^ International House of Reiki: What is (and isn't) Reiki?
  2. ^ The International Center for Reiki Training: What is reiki
  3. ^ What is the History of Reiki?
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ "Alternative" Healthcare: A Comprehensive Guide Prometheus Books (May 1994)ISBN 0-87975-891-0
  6. ^ James Oschman, PhD, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis.
  7. ^ Miles P, True G. "Reiki: Review of a Biofield Therapy--History, Theory, Practice and Research," Altern Ther Health Med March/April 2003. (9)2 pp 62-72; Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide Miles, P. Tarcher/Penguin 2006
  8. ^'s%20Corner%204(7&8).asp Ray's Corner: Does Reiki Deliver The Healing Touch?
  9. ^ The levels of Reiki
  10. ^ Frequently Asked Questions about Reiki
  11. ^ National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
  12. ^ Source: Institute of Neurological Sciences, South Glasgow University Hospital NHS Trust, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Authors: Nicola Mackay; Stig Hansen, Ph.D.; and Oona McFarlane. Originally published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 1077-1081.
  13. ^ William T. Jarvis, Reiki