Characteristics of common wasps and bees

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Many people confuse bees with their cousins, the wasps.

Honeybee Yellowjacket Paper Wasp Hornet Bumblebee
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color varies but generally yellow to brown stipes black and bright yellow stipes dusty yellow to dark brown or black black and ivory white markings dark
coat furry (short hair) smooth furry (long hair)
size < 1/2 inch 1/2 inch 3/4 to 1 inch up to 3/4 inch 1 inch or more
legs not generally visible while flying two long legs are visible hanging down during flight long   rear legs marked by wide pollen baskets
stinger barbed smooth
Severity of sting bee venom is a common allergen, in which case a single bee sting can be life threatening generally more painful than bee sting, but less lasting and not an allergen   severe roughly comparable to honeybee
after stinging bee dies can sting repeatedly
behavior gentle, unless hive or queen is threatened aggressive gentle
Preferred food nectar from flowers human food and food waste especially overripe fruit and sugary drinks other insects nectar from flowers
Lives in large colonies of flat wax-based honeycomb hanging vertically small umbrella-shaped papery combs hanging horizontally in protected spaces such as attics, eaves or soil cavities large paper nest shaped like an upside-down pear usually hanging from branches or eaves small cavities in the soil

When walking, you can often see light-colored pollen on the rear legs.

There are several races of domesticated honeybees with varying characteristics of honey production, disease resistance and gentleness. Since the honeybee will die after stinging, there is no evolutionary advantage for a bee to sting to defend itself. Honeybees will generally only sting when the hive is directly threatened. Honeybees found in the field or on a flower will rarely sting.
Note: Africanized honeybees can be more aggressive than the more common European honeybees, but still only defend the hive.

See also: wasps