Charismatic Episcopal Church

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The International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church (also known as the ICCEC or CEC) is an international Christian communion established as an Autocephalous Patriarchate in 1992. The ICCEC is not a splinter group of any other denomination or communion, but is a convergence of the Sacramental, Evangelical, and Charismatic traditions of the Church Catholic.

The founders of the CEC were influenced by a diverse group of twentieth-century ecumenical-orthodox Christian thinkers and churchmen, particularly C.S. Lewis (Anglican), Alexander Schmemann (Russian Orthodox diaspora), Gregory Dix (Anglican), Lesslie Newbigin (Church of South India), Robert E. Webber (Anglican), Hans Urs von Balthasar (Roman Catholic), Robert Jenson (Lutheran), and Thomas Oden (United Methodist).

Apart from the patristic fathers of the undivided Christian East and West, the CEC also drew from the doctrine and life of the early medieval priest-monks and bishops of Ireland, Scotland, England, and Gaul (represented by Caesarius of Arles, Columba of Iona, Aidan of Lindisfarne, Chad of Mercia, and Patrick), who embodied a fatherly, sacramental, and Spirit-expectant leadership for their congregations.

The Communion has its apostolic succession via Bishop Timothy Michael Barker of the International Free Catholic Communion and the Rebiban line via breakaway Roman Catholic Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa, who founded the Catholic Apostolic National Church of Brazil.

The Charismatic Episcopal Church believes orthodoxy and orthopraxy to be the essence of the apostolic faith of the New Testament Church and holds the ancient Apostles' and Nicene Creeds as their official doctrinal statements. The CEC is not, nor has it ever been, affiliated with the Protestant Episcopal Church (PECUSA) or any other denomination. The word episcopal is used to describe its hierarchy of bishops (see table).

The CEC's founding congregations were largely independent churches with roots in the Charismatic, Pentecostal, Wesleyan and so-called Third Wave Evangelical movements. Pentecostal scholar Vinson Synan reports the CEC is the first church emerging from the Pentecostal-Charismatic revivals of the last century to use the term "Charismatic" in its official name.

Origins and Vision

The CEC official emblem.

The Charismatic Episcopal Church began when independent churches throughout the United States, influenced by the so-called Convergence Movement, began to blend charismatic worship with liturgies from the Book of Common Prayer inspired by the spiritual pilgrimages of modern Evangelical writers like Thomas Howard, Robert Webber, Peter Gillquist and the ancient Christian writers and their communities. These men, along with theologians, Scripture scholars, and pastors in a number of traditions, were calling Christians back to their roots in the primitive church.

On June 26, 1992, Randolph Adler was consecrated the first bishop and primate of the CEC with Timothy Michael Barker of the International Free Catholic Communion (who was consecrated by Archbishop-Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit) functioning as the principal consecrator. After the consecration of Adler, the CEC grew concerned about its apostolic line via Barker as the CEC's leadership discovered Barker's embrace of theological liberalism, gnosticism, occultic practices (Theosophy), and non-traditional sexual ethics, all of which are contrary to CEC beliefs. In 1997, the CEC sought and acquired reconsecration and reordination of all of its clergy by the Catholic Apostolic National Church of Brazil. See Charismatic Episcopal Church timeline.

In 1992, on the day of Adler's consecration, the CEC adopted the following vision statement: "The Charismatic Episcopal Church exists to make visible the Kingdom of God to the nations of the world; to bring the rich sacramental and liturgical life of the early church to searching evangelicals and charismatics; to carry the power of Pentecost to our brothers and sisters in the historic churches; and finally, to provide a home for all Christians who seek a liturgical-sacramental, evangelical, charismatic church and a foundation for their lives and gifts of ministry."[1]


In its early days, in an attempt to reconstruct the ecclesiastical government of the undivided Christian church, the CEC operated under a form of collegial government which recognized the assembled body of the CEC bishops as its governing body.

In later times, as the church's official canons were written, a group of about ten bishops (called the Patriarch's Council), along with the Patriarch, became the executive branch of the denomination. [2]


The ICCEC believes in the dogmatic statements of the Seven Ecumenical Councils of the undivided church, the necessity of apostolic succession, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the authority of scripture, and the validity of the charismatic revival as a genuine movement of God.[3]

In September of 2006, the Patriarch's Council began an initiative to establish an official Catechism of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church by adopting the catechism of the 1979 American Book of Common Prayer as a foundation. The Council's stated goal is that the new catechism will reflect the fullness of the ancient Catholic and Orthodox faith, and the Reformation, as it is expressed in the world today. Bishop Kenneth Myers, the ordinary of the South Central Diocese, was appointed to establish an international group of theologians to work on this effort.

San Clemente Declaration

In 1999 the CEC issued The San Clemente Declaration, a statement of principles governing the CEC's communion with other Christian bodies. The articles of the Declaration are as follows:

In earnest anticipation for a future revelation of the fullness of unity of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church, the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church adheres to these articles of unity exemplified by the undivided Catholic Church during the first eleven centuries:
1. The sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the written Word of God, the chief witness to apostolic teaching, the source of the Church's nourishment and strength.
2. The Apostles Creed as the Baptismal symbol; and the Nicene Creed as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith.
3. The Seven Sacraments established by Christ, including: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession/Reconciliation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, Healing/Unction.
4. The Historic Episcopate in Apostolic Succession, the gift of Christ's authority to the Church and the trustee of the Church's fidelity to apostolic teaching.



Worship in the CEC is both liturgical and charismatic. Clergy dress in traditional clerical attire, and wear special vestments (alb, stole, etc.) for Sunday worship. The principal worship service of the week is the Holy Eucharist. Most parishes follow the liturgy of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (published by the Episcopal Church). Some parishes use other worship rites, such as the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, or other Anglican, Roman, or Eastern rites.

Worship in the CEC is to follow “the shape of the historic liturgy” while maintaining “that blessed liberty with which Christ has set us free.” Worship music is often contemporary and lively. Many worship services have times of “ministry in the Holy Spirit,” during which such things as prophetic messages, prayers for healing, “singing in the spirit,” and other charismatic worship forms may take place. The work of Roman Catholic scholars Killian McDonnell and George Montague on initiation rites and Spirit baptism in the ancient church was influential.


According to "The Canon Law of the Charismatic Episcopal Church,“ church finances at all levels are based on the principle of the tithe. Local parishes are funded by the tithes and offerings of parishioners. The rector (parish priest) has first right to the tithe, and is responsible for all parish expenditures, in consultation with the local rector’s council. Parishes are encouraged, but not required, to bring all church property under the ownership of the CEC. Parishes are required to remit 10% of undesignated revenues to the diocese.

Similar processes are followed at the diocesan, provincial (archdiocese), and national level. The bishop has full responsibility for the finances of his diocese, in consultation with his council. Of funds received by the diocese from the parishes, 10% is remitted to the province. At the provincial level, the archbishop bears full responsibility for all funds (in consultation with his council), and 10% of provincial funds are remitted to the national primate. Each national primate in turn gives 10% of national church revenues to the international Patriarchate. Finally, the Patriarchate gives 10% of its revenues to the International Development Agency, the missions arm of the CEC.

Current Status: Growth and Crisis

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A map of the present dioceses and withdrawals in the U.S. (click to enlarge)

In May of 2006, Bishop Frederick Fick and Bishop Donald Miles along with the Diocese of the Great Lakes left the ICCEC. However, Bishop Fick decided shortly thereafter to remain in the Communion for ninety days of discernment. In October of 2006, Fick and five of his clergy announced that they decided to resign from the CEC permanently. Eight of the original fourteen missions and churches left the CEC with Bishop Miles in May 2006 and have formed a new group called The Great Lakes Fellowship. One parish and two missions with nine clergy out of the original diocese remain in the CEC. Bishop Craig Bates now oversees the remaining missions and churches.

In June of 2006, Bishop Philip C. Zampino of the Mid-Atlantic Diocese, also left the CEC, along with his cathedral and religious community and two of his diocesan parishes.

In June of 2006, Bishop Kenneth Myers, formerly of the South Central Diocese, issued a letter that called for the resignation or sabbatical of the Patriarch. Three months later, in September 2006, Myers subsequently signed a statement from the Patriarch's Council (of which he was a member) which rejected charges against the Patriarch and rejected all calls for his resignation. This created a crisis in the South Central Diocese amongst its clergy. Myers' quick reversal prompted candid discussions by some of his clergy concerning his conduct during the crisis. Some of these discussions briefly appeared publicly on a diocesan clergy forum and on a popular internet forum. Some of the discussions called for Myers to be held accountable to the diocesan clergy for his actions. On October 7, 2006 Bishop Myers and the entire South Central Diocese, with the exception of their two military chaplains, resigned from the CEC.

In July of 2006, Bishop Rick Painter of Arizona left the denomination along with his diocese of two churches. In his resignation statement, he cited a list of grievances against the Patriarch and called for his resignation.

In September of 2006, it was announced that Archbishop Randolph Sly would resign effective November 2006, and has said he will enter the Roman Catholic Church as a layman.

Many believe that the crisis has been exacerbated by the spread of information via blogs and forums, some of which are moderated by former and non-members of the CEC. The discussions have been characterized by some as controversial and the veracity of their content disputed, but the blogs and forums have become popular because of a perceived lack of official information from the Communion.

The Patriarch's Council met in Malverne, NY September 11-14. They re-affirmed the CEC's use of the catechism of the US 1979 BCP, which was provisionally adopted in the mid-1990's. The council reaffirmed that the church is fully catholic, fully orthodox, and fully evangelical. They re-affirmed the CEC's vision of bringing the ancient faith to searching evangelicals and pentecostals, and of bringing the power of Pentecost to those in historic churches. They also re-affirmed the position of the Patriarch, and rejected calls for his resignation.

On October 12, 2006, Bishop Lipka and the Diocese of Delmava resigned from the CEC.

A meeting of the Communion's U.S. House of Bishops is scheduled October 16-19, 2006.


  1. ^ CEC Vision Statement
  2. ^ The currently accepted official canons of the ICCEC
  3. ^ "Who We Are": an encylopedic article by Bishop Sly (recently withdrawn)