108th United States Congress

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108th U.S. Congress being sworn in, Jan. 7, 2003.

The 108th United States Congress met from January 7, 2003, to January 3, 2005.


Office Representative Party
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert Republican
Majority Leader Tom DeLay Republican
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Democrat
Majority Whip Roy Blunt Republican
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer Democrat


Members of the 108th United States Congress as of September 2004:


There were 51 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and 1 Independent in the 108th Congress.

Senator Party State Took Office
Daniel K. Akaka Democratic Hawaii 1990
Lamar A. Alexander Republican Tennessee 2003
A. Wayne Allard Republican Colorado 1997
George F. Allen Republican Virginia 2001
Max S. Baucus Democratic Montana 1979
B. Evans "Evan" Bayh III Democratic Indiana 1999
Robert F. Bennett Republican Utah 1993
Joseph R. Biden Jr. Democratic Delaware 1973
Jesse F. "Jeff" Bingaman Jr. Democratic New Mexico 1983
Christopher S. "Kit" Bond Republican Missouri 1987
Barbara L. Boxer Democratic California 1993
John B. Breaux Democratic Louisiana 1987
Samuel D. Brownback Republican Kansas 1996
James P. Bunning Republican Kentucky 1999
Conrad R. Burns Republican Montana 1989
Robert C. Byrd Democratic West Virginia 1959
Ben Nighthorse Campbell Republican Colorado 1993
Maria Cantwell Democratic Washington 2001
Thomas R. Carper Democratic Delaware 2001
Lincoln D. Chafee Republican Rhode Island 1999
C. Saxby Chambliss Republican Georgia 2003
Hillary Rodham Clinton Democratic New York 2001
W. Thad Cochran Republican Mississippi 1979
Norman Coleman Republican Minnesota 2003
Susan M. Collins Republican Maine 1997
Kent Conrad Democratic North Dakota 1987
John Cornyn Republican Texas 2003
Jon S. Corzine Democratic New Jersey 2001
Larry E. Craig Republican Idaho 1991
Michael D. Crapo Republican Idaho 1999
Thomas A. Daschle Democratic South Dakota 1987
Mark Dayton Democratic Minnesota 2001
Michael DeWine Republican Ohio 1995
Christopher J. Dodd Democratic Connecticut 1981
Elizabeth H. Dole Republican North Carolina 2003
Peter V. Domenici Republican New Mexico 1973
Byron L. Dorgan Democratic North Dakota 1993
Richard J. Durbin Democratic Illinois 1997
John R. Edwards Democratic North Carolina 1999
John E. Ensign Republican Nevada 2001
Michael B. Enzi Republican Wyoming 1997
Russell D. Feingold Democratic Wisconsin 1993
Dianne G. B. Feinstein Democratic California 1992
Peter G. Fitzgerald Republican Illinois 1999
William H. Frist Republican Tennessee 1995
D. Robert Graham Democratic Florida 1987
Charles E. Grassley Republican Iowa 1981
Lindsey O. Graham Republican South Carolina 2003
Judd A. Gregg Republican New Hampshire 1993
Charles T. Hagel Republican Nebraska 1997
Thomas R. Harkin Democratic Iowa 1985
Orrin G. Hatch Republican Utah 1977
Ernest F. "Fritz" Hollings Democratic South Carolina 1966
Kay Bailey Hutchison Republican Texas 1993
James Inhofe Republican Oklahoma 1994
Daniel K. Inouye Democratic Hawaii 1963
James M. Jeffords Independent Vermont 1989
Timothy P. Johnson Democratic South Dakota 1997
Edward M. Kennedy Democratic Massachusetts 1963
John F. Kerry Democratic Massachusetts 1985
Herbert H. Kohl Democratic Wisconsin 1989
Jon L. Kyl Republican Arizona 1995
Mary L. Landrieu Democratic Louisiana 1997
Frank R. Lautenberg Democratic New Jersey 2003 (first time 1983-2001)
Patrick J. Leahy Democratic Vermont 1975
Carl M. Levin Democratic Michigan 1979
Joseph I. Lieberman Democratic Connecticut 1989
Blanche L. Lincoln Democratic Arkansas 1999
C. Trent Lott Jr. Republican Mississippi 1989
Richard G. Lugar Republican Indiana 1977
John S. McCain III Republican Arizona 1987
A. Mitchell McConnell Jr. Republican Kentucky 1985
Barbara A. Mikulski Democratic Maryland 1987
Zell B. Miller Democratic Georgia 2001
Lisa Murkowski Republican Alaska 2002
Patricia Murray Democratic Washington 1993
E. Benjamin Nelson Democratic Nebraska 2001
C. William Nelson Democratic Florida 2001
Donald L. Nickles Republican Oklahoma 1979
Mark Pryor Democratic Arkansas 2003
John F. "Jack" Reed Democratic Rhode Island 1997
Harry M. Reid Democratic Nevada 1987
C. Patrick Roberts Republican Kansas 1997
John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV Democratic West Virginia 1985
Richard J. Santorum Republican Pennsylvania 1995
Paul S. Sarbanes Democratic Maryland 1977
Charles E. Schumer Democratic New York 1999
Jefferson B. Sessions III Republican Alabama 1997
Richard C. Shelby Republican Alabama 1987
Gordon H. Smith Republican Oregon 1997
Olympia J. Snowe Republican Maine 1995
Arlen Specter Republican Pennsylvania 1981
Debbie A. Stabenow Democratic Michigan 2001
Theodore F. Stevens Republican Alaska 1968
John E. Sununu Republican New Hampshire 2003
James A. Talent Republican Missouri 2002
Craig Thomas Republic Wyoming 1995
George V. Voinovich Republican Ohio 1999
John W. Warner Republican Virginia 1979
Ronald L. Wyden Democratic Oregon 1997

House of Representatives

Alabama congressional districts
Alabama congressional districts
Arizona congressional districts
Arizona congressional districts
Arkansas congressional districts
Arkansas congressional districts
California congressional districts
California congressional districts
Colorado congressional districts
Colorado congressional districts
Connecticut congressional districts
Connecticut congressional districts
Florida congressional districts
Florida congressional districts
Georgia congressional districts
Georgia congressional districts
Hawaii congressional districts
Hawaii congressional districts
Idaho congressional districts
Idaho congressional districts
Illinois congressional districts
Illinois congressional districts
Indiana congressional districts
Indiana congressional districts
Iowa congressional districts
Iowa congressional districts
Kansas congressional districts
Kansas congressional districts
Kentucky congressional districts
Kentucky congressional districts
Louisiana congressional districts
Louisiana congressional districts
Maine congressional districts
Maine congressional districts
Maryland congressional districts
Maryland congressional districts
Massachusetts congressional districts
Massachusetts congressional districts
Michigan congressional districts
Michigan congressional districts
Minnesota congressional districts
Minnesota congressional districts
Mississippi congressional districts
Mississippi congressional districts
Missouri congressional districts
Missouri congressional districts
Nebraska congressional districts
Nebraska congressional districts
Nevada congressional districts
Nevada congressional districts
New Hampshire congressional districts
New Hampshire congressional districts
New Jersey congressional districts
New Jersey congressional districts
New Mexico congressional districts
New Mexico congressional districts
New York congressional districts
New York congressional districts
North Carolina congressional districts
North Carolina congressional districts
Ohio congressional districts
Ohio congressional districts
Oklahoma congressional districts
Oklahoma congressional districts
Oregon congressional districts
Oregon congressional districts
Pennsylvania congressional districts
Pennsylvania congressional districts
Rhode Island congressional districts
Rhode Island congressional districts
South Carolina congressional districts
South Carolina congressional districts
Tennessee congressional districts
Tennessee congressional districts
Texas congressional districts
Texas congressional districts
Utah congressional districts
Utah congressional districts
Virginia congressional districts
Virginia congressional districts
Washington congressional districts
Washington congressional districts
West Virginia congressional districts
West Virginia congressional districts
Wisconsin congressional districts
Wisconsin congressional districts

American Samoa

District of Columbia


Puerto Rico

Virgin Islands

Changes in Membership of the 108th Congress

House of Representatives


State and


Reason for


Date of

Election of Successor

Patsy Mink
Hawaii, 2nd
Death. Representative Mink died on September 28, 2002 and was elected posthumously on November 5, 2002.
Ed Case January 4, 2003
Larry Combest Texas, 19th
Resignation. Representative Combest resigned for personal reasons on May 31, 2003.
Randy Neugebauer June 3, 20031
Ernie Fletcher Kentucky, 6th
Resignation. Representative Fletcher resigned to become Governor of Kentucky on December 9, 2003.
Ben Chandler February 17, 2003
Bill Janklow South Dakota, At Large
Resignation. Representative Janklow resigned as a result of a December 2003 felony conviction on January 20, 2004. Stephanie Herseth
June 1, 2004
Frank Ballance North Carolina, 1st
Resignation. Representative Ballance resigned as a result of health problems on June 9, 2004. G. K. Butterfield
July 20, 2004
Doug Bereuter Nebraska, 1st
Resignation. Representative Bereuter resigned to head the Asia Foundation on August 31, 2004. --
Porter Goss Florida, 14th
Resignation. Representative Goss resigned to head the CIA on September 23, 2004. --

1The date listed for Texas CD-19 is the date of the runoff election which Representative Neugebauer won over Republican candidate Mike Conaway. Both men had advanced to the runoff in an election held on May 3, 2003.


Reason for


Date of

Appointment of Successor

No vacancies have occurred in the Senate during the 108th Congress.


107th Congress

United States Congress Next:

109th Congress