User:Koyaanis Qatsi

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user:Koyaanis Qatsi

warning: you are entering a POV area. I do try to keep my POV out of articles I work on, and decline to edit some articles out of suspicion I wouldn't succeed at being NPOV. This is my user page though, and here I say what I like.  :-)

Wiki vitae:
honeysuckle, push printing, angle of view x4, perspective distortion x4, pansy violet, algal bloom, pistachio, almond, Spanish moss, rust, Wandering Jew, shrimp plant, marigold, coleus, depth of field x5, color temperature, cattail, canna lily, kiwifruit, cumulus, spiderwort, dragonfly, and Moebius strip. Also the emphatically mediocre photos at Uxmal and Palenque, taken with a point-and-click camera in Summer 1997 and not the slightest idea of how to take a photo beyond "point, and click," as well as the bad aerial pix at Los Angeles, California--which were taken with a camera whose focus ring was slipping, at a non-perpendicular angle through a dual-paned dirty window of a descending plane, and then went through the rather strong X-rays at LAX not once but twice before being developed. All in all, not a good day for the Nikon. I've released all the pix above (good, bad, & mediocre) into the public domain because I think copyright is commonly abused to stifle creativity and/or free expression, both of which I value more than money. Google images likes some of those pictures too, especially the kiwifruit, the canna lily, the Spanish moss, and the spiderworts.

articles I've contributed to considerably:
Henriette Roosenburg, Mark Jonathan Harris, film noir, Dziga Vertov, color temperature, foley artist, Dave Brubeck, Ingmar Bergman, Joel and Ethan Coen, digital video, The Thin Blue Line, and Spider-Man.

All of my contributions are of course completely open for revision, refactoring, removal, replacement, etc., and if you can improve them then please do so. Chat with me here or use the "email this user" link at left (that works only if you're logged in also and have provided your own email address). :-)

I lament Eldred v. Ashcroft:
An English folk poem, circa 1764:

They hang the man and flog the woman
That steal the goose from off the common,
But let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose.


listening to

  • Peter Gabriel -- Up -- if this is up, I'd hate to see him on valium. Hated it the first few listens, have grown to like it quite a lot.
  • Kruder & Dorfmeister, and pining for a beer and a hammock.
  • Moby -- Animal Rights -- enraged. I like it.
  • Radiohead -- Amnesiac. "I'm a reasonable man, get off my case." Said a famous president, in between handsful of antipsychotics.


movies I should watch again for some fun writing

('cause I'm angry in general these days, though in unrelated news DRUNKEN FRAT BOY DRIVES COUNTRY INTO DITCH, Starts War to Cover Up)