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Fuck is among the strongest and most controversial vulgarisms in the English language, invariably considered offensive and unacceptable in polite situations. It is, however, rather common in daily use, as well as in popular, or vulgar, late 20th and early 21st century culture. To fuck is to copulate (as in "let's fuck"), but it is also used as a general-purpose expletive, as in "fuck off!" ("go away!" or "none of your business!") or "what a dumb fuck" ("what a stupid person"), or to emphasise, as in "this is fucking great" ("this is very good" or "this is very bad", depending on tone of voice) – it can even be used within words via tmesis, as in "un-fucking-believable" or "unbe-fucking-lievable" ("incredibly unbelievable"), or even as nearly every word in a sentence "Fuck [the] fucking fuckers!" ("Forget about [the] very displeasing people!") or "the fucking fucker's fucking fucked!" ("this thing doesn't work!").

In popular culture, the word fuck has grown in usage, and rules allowing it and other vulgar expletives have softened — largely due to demand trends. It is still often censored on broadcast radio and television; in 2002, when the controversial French film Baise-moi (2000) was released in the USA, its title was changed to Rape Me, rather than the literal Fuck Me, though this may have been for effect. A similar thing happened to the Swedish film Fucking Åmål (retitled Show Me Love). A similar kind of censoring is offered on many online forums, where users are given options to filter out vulgarities.


A common way to censor 'fuck'

In situations where using or mentioning the word directly may be considered inappropriate, people often bowdlerize it, either referring to it with terms such as the f-word or the f-bomb (and in particular, the phrase "dropping the F-bomb"), or replacing it with feck, fudge, freak, fork, fizzuck, frick, frickin, f*ck, f**k, f-u! (or simply eff), fahq, fawk, fcuk, the "hacker" terms phuck, puck, funk, or f***, or frig. (Although one dictionary meaning of frig is fuck the rarity of its use renders it less offensive.) In software contexts, fsck, fuk, fark and f2k are also used. In the formerly British Caribbean nations it is sometimes spelled fock. Fark is a bowdlerization which originated in the British Commonwealth countries, derived from exaggerated pronunciation in, for example, the Australian accent.

The fashion house French Connection United Kingdom controversially uses its initials, usually in lower case: fcuk.

The previously-mentioned fsck usage is derived from the Unix command fsck(8) for "file-system check". It has been noted that this command is particularly appropriate, as it is the option of last resort.

In the Irish sitcom Father Ted the word fuck was replaced with feck, a common slang word in Ireland that was acceptable to audiences in other countries that had not come across it before.

Secondary meanings

The phrase "fuck off!" or "fuck you!" can also be gestured, by giving someone the finger

As with other swearwords and taboo words, or intensifiers, fuck is often not used in its original, literal meaning. Rather, it is an intensifier expressing nothing but the speaker's strong emotional involvement (often negatively, but not necessarily: e.g. "fucking good" is a rude way of saying "very good"). In the book Practical English Usage, the two meanings of the word are clearly illustrated by juxtaposing the sentences:

What are you doing fucking in my bed?
What are you fucking doing in my bed?

The first sentence means "Why are you copulating in my bed?", while the second merely emphasizes the sentence "What are you doing in my bed?". The second usage is more common than the first. In the former usage, emphasis will more often than not be put on fucking, to convey that it is the literal act of copulating. An acceptable and more common alternative to the latter is:

What the fuck are you doing in my bed?

"Fuck you!" expresses anger, and thus seems to be more related to "I am so angry at you, I am going to rape you to punish you" (although it carries no connotation of this sort) than to "I would like to lovingly have sexual intercourse with you". It also may be related to "fuck off", which seems to be a reference to masturbation, where it might originally have been a vulgar way of saying "quit bugging me and go back to masturbating or whatever stupid stuff you usually do". It may also express indifference with respect to the well-being of another person or of other people in general, for example reacting to a request, or the imposing of rules.

Surprise or bemusement can be expressed by, "Fuck me!" or "Well, I'll be fucked!" without suggesting an open invitation. Similarly, "Well, fuck me stupid!" expresses even greater surprise. The phrase "What the fuck!" is also used to express surprise, in the same way as "What the hell!". In internet slang this is abbreviated to WTF.

Another use of the word fuck is as a replacement for the word God in profane statements as in "for fuck's sake!" For example "fuck knows," or "who the fuck knows," means something like "I don't know, and neither is anyone ever likely to know". Meanwhile, fuck can be used as a negation, as in "I know fuck all", for "I know nothing".



The word can be used as a verb transitively:

He fucked her.

Or intransitively:

They fucked all night.

Or as an impersonal command:

I'm not going down there, fuck that, dude!


As a noun:

She is a real fuck. (non-specific insult)
He is a good fuck. (specific reference to sexual skill)


The interjection fuck is frequently used to express shock, discontent and anger in general.

Fuck! A punctured tire!

Present participle

The present participle fucking (or fuckin' ) is commonly used to intensify a verb or noun. As described earlier, it is used more negatively than positively.

My fucking boss made me work all weekend.
She is fuckin' hot.

In addition, the present participle is sometimes inserted in the middle of a word as an intensifier, a process known as expletive infixation. The rules for insertion of the "fucking"-infix are regular: "fucking" may only be inserted in a multisyllabic word between metrical feet (also known as a tmesis.) For example:

That was abso-fuckin-lutely cool!

Past participle

The past participle fucked connotes that something is completely useless, destroyed, or messed up. For example:

The hard drive crashed, so now the database is fucked.
Your engine's fucked because you forgot to change the oil!
Now that the electricity is out, your computer is fucked.

(This connotation can also be found as a transitive verb: He totally fucked his engine when he forgot to change the oil.)

Phrasal verbs

"To fuck up" means to ruin, and the related "to be fucked up" generally connotes drunkenness in the United States. Although "to be fucked up" less commonly refers to physical or emotional injuries in the US, this can be its primary meaning in other English speaking countries.

  • I did ten shots in ten minutes, and now I'm totally fucked up!
  • The bouncer really fucked up that drunk guy who kept causing trouble.
  • My sister's been really fucked up since her fiancé dumped her. (could also refer to drunkenness, depending on the context or the sister)
  • SNAFU: situation normal, all fucked up.

"To fuck over" connotes betrayal or a generally unfavorable act.

  • Yeah, he slept with my girlfriend. I can't believe he fucked me over like that!
  • I got fucked over at work today – they promoted my assistant instead of me.

Prepended to another word, the sound "f" is sometimes used to evoke the entire expletive, with an intensifying sense.

That's fugly (fucking ugly).

History of usage and censorship

Early usage

The earliest reference appears to be the name "John Le Fucker", which John Ayto's Dictionary of Word Origins dates to 1278. What John did to earn this name is unknown.

Its first known use as a verb meaning to fornicate is in a poem titled "Flen flyys" some time before 1500. Written half in English and half in Latin, the poem includes the word fuccant, a hybrid of English root with Latin conjugation, disguised in the text by a simple code. It was originally written as gxddbov, and is decrypted by substituting each letter with the letter which precedes it in the alphabet (keep in mind the alphabet that was used at the time).

William Dunbar's 1503 poem "Brash of Wowing" includes the lines: "Yit be his feiris he wald haif fukkit:/ Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane."

While Shakespeare never used the term explicitly, he may have hinted at it in comic scenes in several plays. The Merry Wives of Windsor (IV.i) contains focative case (see vocative case). In Henry V (IV.iv), Pistol threatens to firk (strike) a soldier, a euphemism for fuck.

There are some urban legends postulating an acronymic origin for the word. In the most popular version, it is said that the word "fuck" came from Irish law. If a couple were "Found Under Carnal Knowledge" they would be penalized, with FUCK as the crime. Other variants include the ideas that the word came from "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" or "Fornication Under Consent of the King." However, all these explanations are considered to be backronyms and hence recent inventions.

Rise of modern usage

Fuck did not appear in any dictionary of the English language from 1795 to 1965. Its first appearance in the Oxford English Dictionary (along with the word cunt) was in 1972.

In 1900, the Prince Albert Edward, Prince of Wales said, "Fuck it, I've taken a bullet" when he was shot by an anarchist while standing on a Brussels railway station.

The liberal usage of the word (and other vulgarisms) by certain artists (such as James Joyce, Henry Miller, and Lenny Bruce) has led to the banning of their works and criminal charges of obscenity.

After Norman Mailer's publishers convinced him to bowdlerize fuck as fug in his work The Naked and the Dead (1948), Tallulah Bankhead supposedly greeted him with the quip, "So you're the young man who can't spell fuck." (In fact, according to Mailer, the quip was devised by Bankhead's PR man and he and Bankhead never met until 1966 and did not discuss the word then.) The rock group The Fugs named themselves after the Mailer euphemism.


In 1965, the critic Kenneth Tynan was the first person to say fuck on BBC television, during a late-night live talk show hosted by Eamonn Andrews, causing a furor and a short TV career for Tynan. For British broadcasting, the next stage was reached in 1976 when the word was pointedly used in a prime-time early evening show, during a live interview with the Sex Pistols.

The films Ulysses and I'll Never Forget What's'isname (both 1967) are contenders for being the first film to use the word. Since the U.S. adoption of the MPAA film rating system, use of the word has been accepted in R-rated movies, and under the older rules, use of the word would automatically cause the film to be given an R rating. Later rule changes permit a single, non-sexual, strictly exclamatory use of the word in PG-13 movies.

Since the 1970s, the use of the word fuck in R-rated movies has become so commonplace in mainstream American movies that it is rarely noticed by most audiences. Nonetheless, a few movies have made exceptional use of the word, to the point where such films as Scarface (1983), Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas are known for its extensive use. In the popular comedy Four Weddings and a Funeral, it is the chief word, repeatedly uttered, during the opening five minutes. In several PG-rated movies, however, the word is used, mainly because at the time there was no PG-13 rating and the MPAA did not want to give the films R ratings; for instance, All the President's Men (1976), where it is used seven times, The Kids Are Alright (1979), where it is used twice, and The Right Stuff (1983), where it is used five times. Spaceballs (1987) is an anomaly in that it was rated PG after the 1984 introduction of the PG-13 rating, yet it includes the line, "Fuck! Even in the future nothing works!" In the PG-13 rated movie Soapdish (1991), Sally Field, played an aging soap opera actress. Appalled that her costume included a turban, she complained to her show's producer "What I feel like is Gloria-fucking-Swanson!"

Films edited for broadcast use matching euphemisms so that lip synching will not be thrown off. One televised version of Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown, for instance, had the actors dub in the words frick, Nubian, and melon farmer for fuck, nigger, and motherfucker, respectively. In a similarly dubbed version of Die Hard, Bruce Willis' catchphrase "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker" is replaced by "Yippee-ki-yay, Mister Falcon."

In a similar vein, many stand-up comedians who perform for adult audiences make liberal use of the word fuck. While George Carlin's use of the word is an important part of his stage persona, other comedians (such as Andrew Dice Clay) have been accused of substituting vulgarity and offensiveness for genuine creativity through overuse of the word. Billy Connolly was a pioneer of the use of the word in his shows for general audiences.

Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau caused a minor scandal when opposition MPs stated he had told them to "fuck off" in the House of Commons in February 1971. Pressed by journalists, Trudeau later unconvincingly stated he may have said (or mouthed) "'fuddle duddle' or something like that"[1], a phrase which then took on a humorous connotation of that event for Canadians.

During the tumultuous 1968 Democratic National Convention, Connecticut Senator Abraham Ribicoff, during a speech in which he nominated the anti-Vietnam War candidate George McGovern, departed from his written text to say, "If George McGovern were president, we wouldn't have these Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago." Many conventioneers, having been appalled by the response of the Chicago police to the simultaneously occurring anti-war demonstrations, promptly broke into ecstatic applause. As television cameras focused on an indignant Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, lip-readers throughout America claimed to have observed him shouting, "Fuck you, you Jew motherfucker." Defenders of the mayor would later claim that he was calling Senator Ribicoff a faker.

Freedom of expression

In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the mere public display of fuck is protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments and cannot be made a criminal offense. In 1968, Paul Robert Cohen had been convicted of "disturbing the peace" for wearing a jacket with "FUCK THE DRAFT" on it. The conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeals and overturned by the Supreme Court. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).

Pornographer Larry Flynt, representing himself before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1983 in a libel case, shouted, "Fuck this court!" during the proceedings and called the justices "nothing but eight assholes and a token cunt". Chief Justice Warren E. Burger had him arrested for contempt of court but the charge was later dismissed.

In Colorado Springs, tavern owner Leonard Carlo had over 29 signs containing the word "fuck", including the slogans "Leonard's II Fucking Much", "No Fucking Children, Animals, Tabs or Checks!", and "No fucking tap or draw beer". Signs on the restroom doors read "Fucking Men" and "Fucking Women". Also, the top of Leonard's bald head was tattooed with the words "Fuck U. Leave Me the FUCK Alone." A state liquor agent removed all 29 signs from Leonard's Bar on August 31, 1999 because he believed the signs violated a state regulation that prohibits profanity in bars.

Various people (primarily musical guests) have said the word on the weekly American late-night comedy show Saturday Night Live, generally with little consequence. On the February 26, 1981 show Charles Rocket, playing J.R. Ewing, said clearly, "Oh man, it's the first time I've been shot in my life. I'd like to know who the fuck did it." He and the rest of the cast (except Joe Piscopo and Eddie Murphy) were fired soon thereafter. The show was in a slump at the time, so Rocket's indiscretion may only have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

Following the death of Monty Python legend Graham Chapman in 1989, a speech at his memorial was read by fellow Monty Python actor John Cleese, which claims to be the first time someone has said the word fuck in a British memorial service.

The Channel 4 television comedy series Father Ted introduced to 90s Britain an Irish swear-word which was almost fuck and not quite a euphemism, prolifically used by the drunken and lecherous priest Father Jack Hackett: feck. This was originally a term meaning to steal and is probably derived from the word fetch. This term is becoming a common substitute for fuck in the United Kingdom as a consequence of the popularity of this series, and has been further bowlderized into feth.

In the early commercial days of the Internet, the domain name registrar Network Solutions blocked certain obscene words from being used. There was no such restriction in the UK and a group of fans of VIZ comic registered the domain fuck.co.uk. Their website claimed to be promoting the Fulchester Underwater Canoeing Klubb (Fulchester being the fictional setting of many of the stories in VIZ). The name now hosts a pornography site.

In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission fines stations for the broadcast of indecent language, but in 2003 ruled that the airing of "This is really, really fucking brilliant!" by U2 member Bono after receiving a Golden Globe Award was neither obscene nor indecent. In early 2004 the FCC decided to review that use saying "The F-word is one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual activity in the English language"; a fine may result.

The first American play with the word fuck in the title is Sex, Fucking and Making Love. It is being produced in New York fall 2004 by Genesis Productions Worldwide, LLC as an off-off-Broadway production [2]. However Mark Ravenhill's play Shopping and Fucking opened in London, UK in 1996, and also played in the US.

In April 2004 the controversial R&B song "Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)" by Eamon became the first song with an obscenity in its title to reach the top 20 in the US. The word fuck was censored both on the packaging and on the radio edit. The single also reached #1 in the charts of several countries including UK and Australia. A reply to that song, titled "F.U.R.B. (Fuck U Right Back)", by Frankee was also very successful, and also reached #1 in the UK in May 2004, and then in Australia in June 2004. American band Nine Inch Nails' 2000 single, "Starsuckers, Inc." features a lyrical re-work of the album version, "Starfuckers, Inc." intended to give the song a chance of broadcast both on U.S. television and radio.

On June 22, 2004, while participating in the U.S. Senate class photo, Vice President Dick Cheney and Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy from Vermont had a personal exchange that garnered headlines in the United States. After comments by Leahy, Cheney allegedly told him to "...go fuck yourself", which was later characterized as "a frank exchange of views." In response, Leahy said that Cheney "was just having a bad day." Others have pointed to this incident and the events that led up to it as evidence of a culture of extreme partisanship that has developed in Washington. Senate rules prohibit profanity while the Senate is in session, but Cheney did not violate the rules because the Senate was not in session at the time.

Most broadcasters replace fuck (and other so-called four-letter words) on broadcast television and radio with a beep "at times of day when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience", or have the word/words silenced out, or a reverse of the sound of the word/words in question is used.


The etymology of fuck has given rise to a great deal of speculation, which should be regarded skeptically. The authoritative Oxford English Dictionary is quite cautious in providing an etymology for this word. In the quotation below, the dictionary's usual abbreviations are spelled out for clarity:

Early modern English fuck, fuk, answering to a Middle English type *fuken (weak verb) [which is] not found; ulterior etymology unknown. Synonymous German ficken cannot be shown to be related.

The first known occurrence, in code because of its unacceptability, is in a poem composed in a mixture of Latin and English sometime before 1500. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, takes its title, “Flen flyys”, from the first words of its opening line, “Flen, flyys, and freris”; that is, “Fleas, flies, and friars”. The line that contains fuck reads “Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” The Latin words “Non sunt in coeli, quia,” mean “They (the friars) are not in heaven, since.” The code “gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk” is easily broken by simply substituting the preceding letter in the alphabet, keeping in mind differences in the alphabet and in spelling between then and now: i was then used for both i and j; v was used for both u and v; and vv was used for w. This yields “fvccant (a fake Latin form) vvivys of heli.” The whole thus reads in translation: “They are not in heaven since they fuck wives of Ely (a town near Cambridge).”

As the OED notes, some have attempted to draw a connection to the German word ficken (to fuck, in dialects: to rub, to scratch, and historically to strike). Other possible connections are to Latin futuere (hence the French foutre, the Italian fottere, the vulgar peninsular Spanish follar and hoder/joder, and the Portuguese foder). However, there is considerable doubt and no clear lineage for these derivations. These roots, even if cognate, are not the original Indo-European word for to fuck; that root is likely *yebh-, which is attested in Sanskrit and the Slavic languages, among others. However, Wayland Young (who agrees that these words are related) argues that they derive from the Indo-European *bhu- or *bhug-, believed to be the root of "to be", "to grow", and "to build". [Young, 1964]

Spanish follar has a different root; according to Spanish etymologists, the Spanish verb "follar" (attested in the 19th century) derives from "fuelle" (bellows) from Latin "folle(m)" < Indo-European "bhel-"; ancient Spanish verb folgar (attested in the 15th century) derived from Latin "follicare", ultimately from follem/follis too.

This template should be used on an article's talk page. Some have supposed that fuck has cognates in other Germanic languages, such as Middle Dutch fokken (to thrust, to copulate), dialectical Norwegian fukka (to copulate), and dialectical Swedish focka (to strike, copulate) and fock (penis). A very similar set of Latin words that have not yet been related to these are those for hearth or fire, "focus/focum" (with a short o), fiery, "focilis", Latin and Italian for hearthly/hearthling, "foc[c]ia/focac[c]ia", and fire, "focca", and the Italian for bonfire, "focere". But these words came from New Latin, centuries after Middle Dutch.

There is perhaps even an original Celtic derivation; futuere being related to battuere (to strike, to copulate); which may be related to Irish bot and Manx bwoid (penis). The argument is that battuere and futuere (like the Irish and Manx words) comes from the Celtic *bactuere (to pierce), from the root buc- (a point). An even earlier root may be the Egyptian petcha (to copulate), which has a highly suggestive hieroglyph. Or perhaps Latin "futuere" came from the root "fu", Common Indo-European "bhu", meaning "be, become" and originally referred to procreation.

Still more speculation is the following:

Its likely Common Germanic form was "fuk-". By the operation of Grimm's Law, its Common Indo-European ancestor would likeliest have been "pug", which turns up in Latin and Greek words meaning "fight" and "fist".

The Common Indo-European word for "intercourse" was likeliest "3eybh-" alternating with "3yebh-", where "3" is the H3 laryngeal: compare Greek "oiphô" (verb), and Greek "zephyros" (noun, ref. a Greek belief that the west wind caused pregnancy) and Sanskrit "yabh-ati" (verb).

Fake etymologies for fuck

There are many imaginative fake etymologies, including the backronyms "Fornication Under Consent of the King", which was supposedly placed on signs above houses in medieval England during times of population control, and "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", supposedly written on the stocks above people who committed adultery or "Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" in various things linked to rape cases. These acronyms were never heard before the 1960s, according to the authoritative lexicographical work, The F-Word. See also fake etymology.

The verb fuck in different languages

  • Afrikaans: fok ("fok my", "fok jou")
  • Albanian: qi ("qifsha" when used in sentences)
  • Arabic: neak
  • Armenian: kunel
  • Bosnian: jebati (to fuck)
  • Bulgarian: еба (eba)
  • Catalan: follar, cardar, fotre
  • Chinese (Cantonese): diu (屌, but often denoted as the character 小 inside the character 門(). Pronounced like "dew" in English)
  • Chinese (Mandarin/Putonghua):
    1. diao (屌) Also refers to penis, esp. in Northern China; means "damn" or "darn" in Taiwan.
    2. cao (肏/操) (pronounced "Tsao")
    3. gan (幹) (used more by native speakers of Taiwanese, it occurs in the expression "Gan ni niang!" which means, "Fuck your mother!")
  • Cebuano: iyot
  • Croatian: jebati; fukati (probably borrowed from English); karati (literally, to scold)
  • Czech: píchat (literally "to thrust", used as a slang word for "to copulate"); aukat, aoustat, mrdat (all three vulgar, to have sex [with], to fuck); kurva! (vulgar, literally "bitch", used as an expletive)
  • Danish: knep
  • Dutch: neuken
  • Esperanto: fiki
  • Estonian: nikkuma, nussima, keppima
  • Filipino: kantot
  • Finnish: vittu (Curseword, "Voi vitun vittu!!"="Fucking fuck!!", literal meaning of "vittu" is "cunt") nussia (verb)
  • French: baiser (to have sex with); foutre (dismissive: "Va te faire foutre!" meaning "Go screw yourself!"; "Fous le camp!" meaning "Fuck off!" or "Shove aside!")
  • French (Canada): nicker; fourrer (literally, to stuff); the adjective fucké, a borrowing, means broken or out of luck, and is not especially profane. See sacre.
  • German: ficken (to have sex with, pronounced like fucken, just with a short e instead of the u)3
  • Greek: gamao, gamo, gamisi; Γαμάω, Γαμώ, Γαμίσι ("g" prounounced softly, as a voiced velar fricative)
  • Hebrew: "lezayen", from noun "zayin", which is a slang word for the penis
  • Hindi: chod ("Ch" as in check & "d" is pronounced softly)
  • Hungarian: baszni
  • Icelandic: ríða (pronounced "ree-tha" with a soft th-sound)
  • Indonesian: ngentot
  • Italian: fottere
  • Japanese: ["fuzakeru"¹]
  • Korean: "ssi-bal" (씨발)
  • Lithuanian: pisti
  • Malay: puki (likely an adoption of fuck) or pukimak (likely an adoption of motherfucker) or celaka (bastard)
  • Malayalam: uook
  • Nepali: chik (verb, pronounced chick)
  • Norwegian: knulle, pule
  • Persian/Farsi: ga-yee-dan
  • Polish: jebać (pronounced yebatch), Pierdolić (pronounced pee-erdolitch), kurwa (pronounced koorva, used as an interjection)
  • Portuguese: foder (or comer subjectively used, because it means "to eat", in Northern Portugal pinar is also used)
  • Romanian: a fute
  • Russian: yebat [ебать] (transitive), yebatsa [ебаться] (intransitive).
  • Samoan: mea This is not used as a swear word but is not used in polite company. Other anatomical and physiological words are used as swear words but not "mea" or any other related word.
  • Serbian: јебати (jebati), карати (karati)
  • Slovak: jebať, drbať
  • Spanish: All of the following are understood to be the same thing, and can be used interchangebly in any given country. Although each population seems to have a preffered way to say fuck in Spanish.
    • Argentina: coger (this same verb in Spain means "to take")
    • Chile: culear
    • Colombia: pichar or tirar
    • Ecuador: echar en polvo
    • Mexico: chingar or less but commonly used joder also vergar (translatable as "to dick")
    • Peru: cachar
    • Spain: joder (usually as an all-purpose expletive, can be accompanied by other expletives) or follar
  • Swedish: knulla
  • Thai: [There is no insulting version.²]
  • Turkish: sikmek (Pronounced "seek-make"), düzmek, siktir (="fuck off")
  • Urdu: چودنا (verb), Chodi (noun)
  • Viet: du (Pronounced "doo") or deo
    • Example: "Du me may!" or "Deo me may!" (insulting words similar to "motherfucker")
  • Yiddish: shtup (שתוופ) (literally "to stuff")

¹Ambiguously translated back to English as "to fool around". Many have argued that a verbal translation of "fuck" into Japanese is impossible, but Japanese vulgarity largely comes from speaking in a forceful and explicit manner. Offensive language is communicated through directness, self-importance, emphatics, and curtly abbreviated expressions. When "fuzakeru" is lazily truncated by dropping the "fu" and the formal verb ending "ru" while adding "na" to mean "not" and "yo" for exclamation, we have Zakennayo! which if uttered aggressively, sounds like "Don't fuck with me, asshole!" to the Japanese ear, even though its root literally translates as "don't mess around". It should also be noted that almost all American curse words, including "fuck", are recognizable to the Japanese because of their use in films.

²Thai has a medical word for sexual intercourse (which translated back means "genitalia touching") and at least two slang versions for it. But even the slang versions wouldn't work as insults. To the amusement of Thais, the name of the German automaker Audi sounds like one of the two slang versions. To confuse matters, Thais have a vegetable whose name sounds like fuck (it irritates some tourists when they hear the name because they think they are being insulted). But the correct pronunciation for this vegetable is "fug" with the "g" like in "guest".

3 On an interesting side note, the word ficken was seemingly not used as an expletive in German until recently. (It was, however, a taboo word, but this due to its literal meaning, and its belonging to vulgar speech.) That today fick dich! is used as a common (though very strong) expletive meaning fuck off! is clearly a borrowing from English. The general all-purpose taboo expletive and correct translation of fuck! remains Scheiße, literally shit, or, increasingly common, fuck used in untranslated verbatim.

Further reference

  • Jesse Sheidlower, The F Word (1999) ISBN 0375706348. Presents hundreds of uses of fuck and related words.
  • Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, OUP, 1995, ISBN 019431197X
  • Philip J. Cunningham, Zakennayo!: The Real Japanese You Were Never Taught in School, Plume (1995) ISBN 0452275067
  • Wayland Young, Eros Denied: Sex in Western Society. Grove Press/Zebra Books, New York 1964.

See also