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The Techniques according to Dr. Reender Kranenborg

Dutch original from Kranenborg, Reender Dr. (1982) Oosterse Geloofsbewegingen in het Westen/Eastern faith movements in the West (Dutch language) ISBN 9021049651

"De methodes van de vier technieken zijn officieel geheim. Maar geheimen blijven moeilijk bewaard en ook deze vier technieken zijn bekend. Ze zijn bij de Divine Light Mission vrij simpel.
translation "The methods of these four techniques are officially secret. But secrets cannot be kept easily and these four techniques are known. They are in the Divine Light Mission quite simple.
  • De 'meditatie van het licht' houdt in dat men de ogen sluit en met de duimen op de oogballen drukt zodat deze naar elkaar toe gaan en als het ware ‘het derde oog’ geopend wordt. Na verloop van tijd ziet men dan het licht. De oorspronkelijk bedoeling van deze oefening, zoals die in het tantrisme beoefend word, is inderdaad het openen van ‘het derde oog’ tussen de wenkbrauwen op het voorhoofd, maar dan wel na een lange en zware training.
translation The Light meditation means that one closes one's eyes and presses with the thumbs on the eye balls with as a consequence that they move towards each other and that it seems that the third eye is openened. After some time one sees the light. The original intention of this excercise, like it has been practices in Tantrism, is indeed opening of the 'third eye' between the eyebrows on the forehead, but only after a long and heavy training.
  • De ‘meditatie van het geluid’ houdt in dat men de oren met de duimen dichtdrukt, met de handen op de slapen. Na verloop van tij hoort men het geruis van het bloed en tenslotte hemelse muziek. Oorspronkelijk is deze oefening een sabda-brahman-meditatie, waarin men uitgaat van de eeuwige trillingen die de basis van het universum vormen en het goddelijke uitmaken. De filosofie van de ook in Nederland aanwezige Radha Soami Satsang is hierop gebaseerd.
translation: The 'sound meditation' means thone closes the ears by pressing on them with the thumbs, with the hands on the temples. After some time one hears the noise of blood and finally heavenly music. Originally this excercise ia a sabda-brahman-meditation in which one assumes the eternal vibrations that form the basis of the universe and form the divine. The philosophy of the Radha Soami Satsang that also has a presence on the Netherlands is based on this.
  • De ‘meditatie van de nectar’ houdt in dat men met de tong achter de huig probeert te komen. Wie hierin slaagt proeft de nectar. Deze oefening komt oorspronkelijk uit de yoga, waar ze een onderdeel vormt van de uitgebreide ademhalingsoefeningen.
translation: The 'nectar meditation' means that one tries to get one's tongue behind the If you succedd then one can taste the nectar. This excercise comes originally from yoga in which is it is a part of elaborate breathing excercices.
  • De ‘meditatie van het woord’ bestaat hieruit dat men de adem naar binnen volgt en bij het uitademenen mantra’s gebruikt: hamsa en soham, resp. als betekenis hebbend ‘zwaan’ (de goddelijkheid) en ‘dat ben ik ‘ (namelijk:dat goddelijke). Deze oefening is verwant met de ‘japa-‘ of mantra-yoga, zoals we die ook tegenkomen bij de Transcedente Meditatie en bij de Hare Krishna’s.
translation: The 'sound meditation' consists of following the breath going inside and of using mantras during exhalation i.e. hamsa and soham which means respectively 'swan' (the divinity) and 'I am that' (that is the divine). This excercise is relate dto the 'japa-' or mantra-yoga that we also encounter at the Transcendental meditation and the Hare Krishnas.
Op zichzelf zijn de vier meditaties niet uniek. Het speciale van de Divine Light Mission is dat ze losgemaakt zijn uit het verband waar ze in passen en verregaand vereenvoudigd zijn."
translation: Seen on its own these four meditations are not unique. The Divine Light Mission is special because they have been taken out of their context in which fitted and they have been greatly simplified.


The Techniques according to Dr. Reender Kranenborg translated

Dutch original from Kranenborg, Reender Dr. (1982) Oosterse Geloofsbewegingen in het Westen/Eastern faith movements in the West (Dutch language) ISBN 9021049651

"The methods of these four techniques are officially secret. But secrets cannot be kept easily and these four techniques are known. They are in the Divine Light Mission quite simple.
  • The Light meditation means that one closes one's eyes and presses with the thumbs on the eye balls with as a consequence that they move towards each other and that it seems that the third eye is openened. After some time one sees the light. The original intention of this excercise, like it is practiced in Tantrism, is indeed opening of the 'third eye' between the eyebrows on the forehead, but only after a long and heavy training.
  • The Light meditation means that one closes one's eyes and presses with the thumbs on the eye balls with as a consequence that they move towards each other and that it seems that the third eye is openened. After some time one sees the light. The original intention of this excercise, like it has been practices in Tantrism, is indeed opening of the 'third eye' between the eyebrows on the forehead, but only after a long and heavy training.
  • The 'sound meditation' means thone closes the ears by pressing on them with the thumbs, with the hands on the temples. After some time one hears the noise of blood and finally heavenly music. Originally this excercise ia a sabda-brahman-meditation in which one assumes the eternal vibrations that form the basis of the universe and form the divine. The philosophy of the Radha Soami Satsang that also has a presence on the Netherlands is based on this.
  • The 'nectar meditation' means that one tries to get one's tongue behind the uvula. If one succeeds then one can taste the nectar. This excercise comes originally from yoga in which is it is a part of elaborate breathing excercices.
  • The 'sound meditation' consists of following the breath going inside and of using mantras during exhalation i.e. hamsa and soham which means respectively 'swan' (the divinity) and 'I am that' (that is the divine). This excercise is relate to the 'japa-' or mantra-yoga that we also encounter at the Transcendental meditation and the Hare Krishnas.
Seen on its own these four meditations are not unique. The Divine Light Mission is special because they have been taken out of their context in which they fitted and they have been greatly simplified."