Utah Lake

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Utah Lake
Coordinates40°11′N 111°47′W / 40.183°N 111.783°W / 40.183; -111.783
Primary inflowsProvo
Spanish Fork
American Fork
Primary outflowsJordan
Catchment area3,444 mi² (8,920 km²)
Basin countriesUSA
Max. length23.8 mi (38.3 km)
Max. width12.7 mi (20.4 km)
Surface area96,900 acres (392 km²)
Average depth9.4 ft (2.74 m)
Max. depth14 ft (4.27 m)
Water volume902,400 acre-feet (3654.72 km³)
Shore length176 miles (122.3 km)
Surface elevation4,489 ft (1,368 m)
SettlementsProvo-Orem metropolitan area
1 Shore length is not a well-defined measure.

Utah Lake, at 96,900 surface acres (151 mi² or 392 km²), is the largest natural freshwater lake in the U.S. state of Utah and one of the largest natural freshwater lakes in the Western United States.[1][2] It is the second largest remnant of prehistoric Lake Bonneville and drains via the Jordan River into Great Salt Lake, the first.

Endemic to the lake are the endangered June sucker and the Utah Lake sculpin, now extinct. Although 13 species of fish are native to the lake, only the June sucker and Utah sucker remain, together constituting less than one percent of the biomass.[3] By far the dominant species in the lake is the common carp, introduced in 1881 as an alternative to the overharvested native fish.Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).[4] Common carp are now estimated at 90.9% of the biomass,[3] contributing to a decline in native fish populations by severely altering the ecosystem.


Satellite photo of Utah Lake

Utah Lake dominates Utah Valley in north-central Utah, with major cities such as Provo and Orem hemmed between the lake's eastern shore and the Wasatch Mountains. Directly west of the lake are the Lake Mountains and jutting into the south portion of the lake is West Mountain, which divides Goshen Bay and Lincoln Beach.

There are several hot springs around the lake that are popular with local residents, such as those located near Lincoln Beach and Saratoga Springs.

Bird Island

The lake contains one small island, Bird Island, located about 2.25 miles north of the Lincoln Beach boat ramp, near its south end. The island has a few trees and is somewhat visible from Lincoln Beach. During high water years the island may be completely submerged, the trees being the only indication it is there. It is a fairly popular destination among fishermen seeking walleye, white bass, and channel catfish.


Photograph of mountains behind Utah Lake.

Major tributaries include the Provo, Spanish Fork and American Fork rivers, as well as Hobble Creek, Mill Race Creek, and Currant Creek. Additionally there are many hot springs and smaller creeks which flow into the lake. Utah Lake is drained by the Jordan River, which begins at the lake's north end, where a pumping station has been created to regulate its flow. It then flows north through Utah and Salt Lake Counties into the southeast portion of Great Salt Lake. Connected to Utah Lake's main body are two large, shallow bays: Goshen Bay and Provo Bay.

Despite its large surface area, Utah Lake is shallow; it has a maximum depth of 14 feet (4.27 m), and an average depth of about 9.4 feet (2.74 m).


Utah Lake's wetlands are an important stopover and nesting area for migratory birds. More than 220 species of birds use these wetland areas. Utah Lake Wetland Preserve is located at the south end of the lake, in and around Goshen Bay.

The rapidly growing population of Utah Valley threatens the future of Utah Lake. Various proposals to dike the lake's bays occasionally surface. Recent development along the lake's western shore has fueled a proposal to construct a causeway across the lake. To date, economic costs, environmental concerns, litigation and public opposition have stymied these proposals.

Endangered and extinct species

Utah lake is the home and former home to the June sucker, a critically endangered fish, and the Utah Lake sculpin, an extinct fish.

June sucker

The June sucker (Chasmistes liorus) lives naturally only in Utah Lake and the Provo River. The species was federally listed as endangered April 30, 1986. The June sucker is unique among the sucker family of fish in that it is not a bottom-feeder, but has evolved a mouth which allows it to collect zooplankton from the water. June suckers are dark gray or brownish dorsally, with a white or slightly greenish belly. They can reach a weight of 5 lb. and have a long life span of over 40 years.Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).

June sucker were once abundant in Utah Lake,Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). but several factors have brought the species to the brink of extinction. Some contributions to its decline include predation on its young by introduced species such as the white bass and walleye, overfishing, pollution and resulting turbidity in Utah Lake, drought, alteration of water flow, and the introduction of carp, which eat native vegetation which provides shelter for June sucker.

Biologists have been rearing the June sucker in Red Butte Reservoir and releasing them into Utah Lake to help build the population.[5] During the summer of 2005, over 8,000 June sucker were released into Utah Lake.[6]

The June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program[4] (JSRIP) coordinates and implements recovery actions for the June sucker.

Utah Lake scuplin

The Utah Lake sculpin (Cottus echinatus) was a species of freshwater sculpin which was endemic to Utah Lake. The species is believed to have disappeared during the 1930s, when a severe drought led to a rapid fall in water levels in the lake. A cold winter led to the lake freezing, resulting in the overcrowding of the remaining fish. This, along with decreased water quality from agricultural practices has been identified as the likely cause of extinction.

The Utah Lake sculpin was a benthic species (bottom dwelling), invertebrates constituting its major source of food. It was one of two lake-dwelling sculpins native to Utah (see Bear Lake sculpin).

Introduced species

At least 24 species of fish[3] have been introduced into Utah Lake's waters, including common carp, walleye, channel catfish, smallmouth and largemouth bass, crappie, bluegill, and green sunfish.


Introduced to the lake in 1881Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). as a source of food after native species had been depleted by overfishing,[4] the common carp has become the dominant species in the lake and has perhaps had the most detrimental effect on the lake's ecosystem. Carp are extremely numerous in Utah Lake, estimated to make up 91% of the lake's biomass,[3] with an adult population numbering around 7.5 million.[7]

Due to their habit of grubbing through bottom sediments for food, carp stir up sediments and increase the turbidity of the water. In addition, they destroy submerged vegetation that holds sediments in place and provides shelter for native fish populations. Without vegetation, winds can more easily stir up sediment from the bottom of the lake (already a problem due to the lake's shallowness), resulting in greater turbidity and less sunlight reaching the remaining vegetation. Without cover for their young, native fish such as the June sucker become easy prey for white bass, walleye, carp, and predators.

Because carp have had such an effect on the June sucker, a large part of the work done by the JSRIP is studying means of removing or reducing the carp population.[4] The program is still studying viable methods of removing carp, such as selling them as animal feed or possibly poisoning the lake. It is hoped that removal of carp and other invasive species will restore the lake to something resembling its natural state, providing a better environment for the June sucker and other native species such as the once-abundant Bonneville cutthroat trout.

Health concerns

On May 16, 2006 a fish consumption advisory[8] was issued after carp in Utah Lake were found to contain more than twice the level of Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The discovery was made somewhat by accident. The fish were being tested as part of the JSRIP's efforts to reduce and control the carp population and determine if they are safe for human or animal use.

Because elevated levels of PCBs were found in carp, it is feared that other fish species in the lake (e.g walleye, white bass, and channel catfish) may also be contaminated. This summer other types of fish will be collected and analyzed. According to the advisory, "an environmental investigation will be initiated as an effort to track down and clean up the source of PCBs, if possible."

Recreational uses

Due to its close proximity to the Provo-Orem metropolitan area, Utah Lake is a fairly popular destination for many water sports, including boating, sailing, waterskiing and fishing. The main marina for Utah Lake is located in Utah Lake State Park on the eastern shore, near the location where the Provo River empties into the lake. Other marinas are located at Saratoga Springs, American Fork, Lindon, and Lincoln Beach.

The ownership of lands along the shoreline of Utah Lake have been in dispute between the State of Utah and farmers for many years. The bed of Utah Lake, along with other natural lakes, was granted to the state upon admission to the Union in 1896. However, due to the lack of an exact definition, and significantly fluctuating lake levels, intermittently dry areas and wetlands, including all of Provo Bay, have been claimed and farmed by surrounding land owners. Several cases have come to court since 1947, with decisions going both ways and some being settled out of court. Most recently, the U.S. District Court found in favor of the State[9], ordering the Attorney General to delineate the 1896 shoreline using a variety of sources to solve remaining disputes.


  1. ^ Although several sources[1][2][3] state Utah Lake is the largest U.S. freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River, this is incorrect. Several lakes in Alaska, Flathead Lake in northwest Montana, Lake Tahoe along the California-Nevada border, and several man-made reservoirs, for instance, are significantly larger.
  2. ^ Report on Utah Lake by the Utah Division of Water Quality (PDF)
  3. ^ a b c d Achieveing Recovery: Nonnative & Sportfish Management. June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program.
  4. ^ a b c Carp In Utah Lake Impacting Ecosystem. June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program
  5. ^ Fish Transfers. Red Butte Dam Rehabilitation Project.
  6. ^ Endangered fish find new home in Utah Lake. Caleb Warnock, Daily Herald
  7. ^ Utah Lake is overrun with carp. Sara Israelsen, Deseret Morning News.
  8. ^ Fish advisory issued for carp in Utah Lake. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
  9. ^ State of Utah v. U.S. Dept of Interior. U.S. District Court for Utah, Central Division.
