Physical fitness

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Physical fitness is an attribute required for service in virtually all militaries.

The notion of physical fitness is used in two close meanings.

General fitness

In its most general meaning, physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. A person with a physical impairment may be physically fit and healthy, though their performance on tasks requiring full bodily function in the area of impairment will be affected.

Physical fitness is a result of regular physical activity, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery within the parameters allowed by the genome.

Physical fitness is often divided into following types:

Many sources also cite mental and emotional health as an important part of overall fitness. This is often presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three sub-sections which represent physical, emotional, and mental fitness. Hence, one may be physically fit but may still suffer from a mental illness or have emotional problems. The "ideal triangle" is balanced in all areas.

Task-oriented fitness

A person may be said to be physically fit to perform a particular task with a reasonable efficiency, for example, fit for military service.


In recent years, Military-style fitness training programs have become increasingly popular among civilians. Courses are available all over the U.S. and Europe.

They are usually taught by ex-military personnel. Very often the instructors held highly regarded positions within various military organizations. Often times the instructors were formerly Drill instructors, Special Forces Operatives or held otherwise distinguished positions.

These courses always have some common elements. They often focus on military style calisthenics and group runs. The courses are often held very early in the morning and will meet in almost any weather. Students can expect push-ups, sit-ups, pullups, and jumping jacks, as well as more obscure drills such as flutter kicks, sun worshippers and flares. Almost invariably a workout will include short runs while longer runs are more scheduled. Special forces are renowned for their level of fitness and intensity of their workouts.

One such example is Crossfit, which is popular with military and law enforcement personnel.

Notable fitness instructors

See also